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when I ruled the world...

Started by Avatar, March 23, 2009, 06:04:23 PM

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same lol. and i still dont do it.

legal age here is also 18, but the UK has a really horrible binge drinking culture that i cant stand.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Well you can always just make fun of your drunk friends :mrgreen:


I had a good laugh like that when a friend (well, I say friend, more acquaintance) or mine was off his face after half a bottle of Hoegaarden.


I am well past the legal age to drink, but I have never yet ever drank a drop of alcohol in my life.  Just never had an opportunity, none of my friends drink, none of my family, etc...  Just no opportunity.

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youre liver thanks you for it OM :P

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

Red Devil

A moment of silence, please...

Quote from: OvermindDL1 on March 27, 2009, 04:58:04 PM
I am well past the legal age to drink, but I have never yet ever drank a drop of alcohol in my life.  Just never had an opportunity, none of my friends drink, none of my family, etc...  Just no opportunity.

Generated by OvermindDL1's Signature Auto-Add Script via GreaseMonkey

What box???


It explains a lot, though...  probably not a single dead brain cell in OM's head.

Quote from: Red Devil on March 24, 2009, 12:37:55 PM
Yes, please don't listen to that man behind the curtain.  Put everything off as long as you possibly can.


LOVE THOSE!  Lol...  but then I work in a world of buzzwords and BS...

We have one at work that I particularly find true...  it shows a sinking ship and:

"It could be that the whole purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others..."   :)


The lyrics came from the web, if there's a repeated word I didn't notice it...


Quote from: cheesepuffly on March 24, 2009, 07:28:59 AM
i dont get how when your drunk the first thing you think about is going on the computer and posting something?

No, but I sometimes drink while surfing and that leads me here...   :)

Quote from: hybirdisdf on March 24, 2009, 12:13:10 PM
Why do the drunk people wants to self destruction their brains?Silly you drunk people.Drunk people love do stupid things. :-o

I said I was a little drunk...  I've only been completely drunk once in my life and it just put me to sleep.  No funny antics or anything that would get me on the news, I just happily went to sleep.

Drinking, like many mood altering experiences, affects everyone differently.  I personally think it just drops the exterior facade and shows what core emotions you have going at the time.  Apparently my core emotions need more sleep...  :)


Funny how my advice about putting aside your fears, anxiety, and living your life to the fullest ends up a discussion about drinking.  Go figure...  lol...



None of us would have dead brain cells in our heads, the space is too valuable and anything not in active use is repurposed or recycled in some way.

You actually start with an excess and lose 2/3 of them in the first ten or eleven years.


That's why youth is wasted on the young...    :roll:



Where else are they going to put it?


in their poop? maybe :P

gives a whole new meaning to the phrase 'hoot for brains'

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

King Gladiator

Quote from: Nielk1 on March 24, 2009, 04:00:55 PM
I am still to young (19) and wont when I can. I see no purpose in it.

bleh, i had rum once, illegally, im 17 i hate not being in control of myself and the taste just burns my mouth. i dont know why people like to drink that stuff its like getting a mouthful of gasoline. the smell is alright i can at least stand it but tasting it is more than i can handle. im not drinking again.
The only thing that is necessary for evil to succeed is that men of good will do nothing.
-Edmund Burke


Start out on light beer and gradually learn to like the stronger stuff.

Who the hell would start with rum?  :lol:
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com

King Gladiator

i blame the people i was with they brought it
The only thing that is necessary for evil to succeed is that men of good will do nothing.
-Edmund Burke


You know Avatar, I think that single piece of advice just might be a cliche now.

When you actually think about it, its a great piece of wisdom. After I grew up all these years, watching others grow with me, and watching myself grow, that wisdom is finally starting to register in my head. With me, and many other people around my age, I get caught up in school though. Many times its all we think about, its all we strive about, and thats our main focus for these years we have of youth. Once we finish all that school several years later, that phase of youth has already faded.

Also what do you define as "living life to the fullest?"

Most people around my age are obsessed with texting, games, technology, drugs, partying, etc. Do those fall into the category? Or do you have to do spectacular things that engrave themselves into your memory? It is soo much easier for most of us to go shop at the mall or to text each other than to go experience something. All these gizmos and gadgets and other people caught up in them just create a secluded realm that blocks the rest of the world. We're just getting lazy and scared.

I just personally think its incredibly difficult for us (the younger generation) to live to that fullest. We're boxed in by education, and further pulled from the outside by the magnetism of social trends.

Am I wrong? In these years in high school and middle school, that is what I saw. Its even hard to even think about "living to the fullest".