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Change Colors in MP

Started by Shephren, March 30, 2009, 08:26:15 AM

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Hey folks,
don't know if Maps and Mods is the right direction,but could be.
My question is,is it possible to change the color of a player in an MP-game,for example strategy maps,first player is alway pink.
Is there something in the config or perhaps somwhere else,which is responsible for the color of a player?



Well...means exacly what?I can change it/cannot change it?
If i can,how do i change it?I know odf's,but not how to modify something related to DDL


You need to know C++ in order to code dll for multiplayer.  I'm pretty sure some people have done this before; they might be willing to share some specifics with you.

Red Spot

If you have access to C++ its simple. Just check the source-code which you can download and go thru it in detail, you'll find it.
If you have no knowledge of coding and no interest in learning it, dont bother ... :)
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


You can change it for YOURSELF in the console, but no one else will be able to see. Can't remember what it is, though. game.teamcolors maybe?

The starting scout isn't pink. You have P3 Optimization on. The scout will be red if you turn that off.


game.teamcolors 0 = off
game.teamcolors 1 = STRAT
game.teamcolors 2 = FFA/DM (many more colors, but still fixed to ugly ones)

The DLL can set the RBG of a team color, so, a custom DLL set to allow you to pick can be made. It can even be set so each person selects their color (and the commander's choice is what is used) or that everyone sets the colors how they want them on their local machine for all teams (colors are not asset checked).

I was toying with this in DLL one day. Made units that glowed between red and white.

Click on the image...


I know it has been said before, and I know that whoever says it gets nagged about how busy those guys are, but this really should be added to the next 1.3 release.

Zero Angel

It shouldnt technically be that difficult. The 1.2 ZST DLL uses special teamcolor presets (orange vs black, black vs white, jungle vs desert) which can be set by an ivar within the map's INF file. However, if you wanted to pursuade a 1.3 dev to put time and effort into this, its another matter entirely.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression

Red Spot

If you'd ask me the only thing that really could use a tweak is the actual RBG settings, I dont mean the colors themself are bad, its just that red for instance isnt really a cool red, making the teamcolors a bit darker and they already look a lot beter, IMO.

Also, perhaps the following setting can be made to also work for teamcolors in MPI/Team-Strat games, which I think would be nice.

// If this is true, the Free For All (i.e. non-teamplay) colors will
// be scrambled by each session's server so that there's a little more
// variety in their use. If false, the 1.0-1.2 teamcolor list is used.
ScrambleTeamplayColors = true
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


Could the ZST DLL be adapted in some way to work with 1.3?


Quote from: AHadley on March 31, 2009, 10:01:53 AM
Could the ZST DLL be adapted in some way to work with 1.3?

No point. ZST is all about making fliers hittable. It would be much better to make your own colors. A dll can be set to scan in cvars for team colors thought the hole game (though at start of a game is the only time the cvars go to the server, so changes would only be local). Any DLL I make will likely have team color features.

Click on the image...


All this makes me wish I could write C++...  :roll:

Red Spot

Quote from: AHadley on March 31, 2009, 01:03:58 PM
All this makes me wish I could write C++...  :roll:

The 'basics' arent that difficult. When the MP-dll's source files where released, a long long time ago, I played around with C++ as a complete n00b to programming (I didnt even knew what an "If-statement" was). In a matter of weeks I had changed the colors, difficulty and made the AI use more 'stuff'. (like following patrolpaths, setting up AA-defences, changing when the AIPs where called, etc)

You just need to spend some time with it, have access to google and possibly a forum where people who know programming visit.

Like I commented before ...
Quote from: Red Spot on March 30, 2009, 10:53:44 AM
If you have access to C++ its simple. Just check the source-code which you can download and go thru it in detail, you'll find it.
If you have no knowledge of coding and no interest in learning it, dont bother ... :)
The most importants aspect is the "interested in learning" bit ;)
*Something intelligent, yet funny*