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Multiplayer Ranking System

Started by TheJamsh, April 08, 2009, 05:37:20 AM

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Yeah your brain starts slowing down. You get extremely irritable and act almost "drunk". Eventually you will just pass out.


I actually slept a good 4 hours, that felt good.  :)

Now just got home from a lab today, now for more homework.  This is one of my only days off of work so I may actually get a full 6 hours of sleep tonight.

But yea, this ranking system should not be too hard at all, just take a little bit of time, and I could hook into normal dll's too so it could be supported everywhere.  As stated though, ask in just under 2 months...

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well have to have a right conversation with you about it :P

a full 6 hours? damn you work too hard mate...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Yeah, agreed.

Nielk1 and Steeveeo were throwing around some ideas either here or on BZComplex, I think, but I can't seem to find them. Steeveeo suggested having acheivements for each mod too, which I think would be a very good idea... but it will mean releasing a full acheivements pack for said mod.

Maybe one of you guys could link us to the page you were discussing it on?