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Red's Vanilla

Started by Red Spot, April 27, 2009, 12:43:50 PM

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Red Spot

I'm going to try and create a sort of 1.3ta5 based G66.
Why I am referring G66 is cause that's how I like to make it, mostly vanilla in objects and basic gameplay, heavy reliant on a combi between dll and aip.

The mod will have a vanilla recy variant for you to pick from as well as one with a few modifications as well as empty scouts, which makes the default recy for the mod. However at start I will only work with the ISDF, possibly later on adding the scions and maybe even more races.
The same for the AI which should than make the dll use 'only vanilla' or 'vanilla and modified' assets for the AI. (Depends a bit on my skills in C++. :) The idea is that it would switch AIP-sets and spawned vehicles based on the starting recy.)
This dll and aips will mainly be intended for use on larger/largest maps, but should work on properly set up smaller maps.

There are however a few assets, mostly from the Greenheart and Commando recy's, that I find interesting and would like your opinion if you think it would augment the game or change it too drastically.
The following objects are the ones I am considering (max allowed):

-upgradeable powerplant (-)
-rocket tower (-)
-"a" small assault tower (-) (thinking of no.4 (think adv. constructor and than 3,3,4 :D))
-secondairy servicebay (1 or 2) (for in the field, less functionality)
-secondairy recy (1) (for in the field, less functionality)
-secondairy factory (1) (for in the field, less functionality)

-service truck upgrade (-) (these will be in ....)
-heavy sabre (-) (I love 'em :) Also remember that on a much larger map fast vehicles will still retain a certain 'edge')
-sentinel (no or 3-ish) (The dual-assault-barrel assaulthover sabre. Not that great a ship, but on larger maps quite an asset.)
-assault avenger (no or 3-ish) (Awesome support ship if you want to travel light and fast, also note that the mod will make much more use of hovercraft than the current aips do.)

-weaponstweak (cannons modified to use the shotAlternate on true, mainly so walkers can be equipped with different weapons by the dll and 'spread damage')
-weapons added (currently am thinking about the rockets on the interceptor, so (assault) avengers can be used for base-assault in which they are currently rather worthless)

I've also been thinking about doing some tweaks to units however have decided not to, so there wouldn't be an imbalance between same units on opposite sides if you would choose to fight 'modified' vs 'vanilla'.

If you would have a suggestion for a better name than "Red's Vanilla" you're welcome to speak up.
And last but not least, if you happen to know of a smaller variant of the recy, factory and Sbay for the fieldvariants I would love to know :)
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


RD is already wok ring on G66 for TA5. So you know.

Click on the image...


I like it, and I now have the idea of making Assault and Defence variants for each race in Perfidious. Thanks, Red :-D


isn't an assault avenger basicly a hammer?
C l a v i n 1 2


An Assault Avenger is and Assault Avenger.

I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.

General BlackDragon

Assault Avenger is a hovering assaultank

*****General BlackDragon*****


C l a v i n 1 2


Click on the image...


Thank you for pointing out a flaw in my typing.  Of course, someone who frequently fails to use grammar in his posts is hardly one to correct someone on a typo.

Thank you for your time.

I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.

Red Spot

lol, 8 replies and no-one has actually said anything I can use ..... ;)
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


Really, I don't know what to say on account of the fact that I don't know what your talking about. It's rather nebulous to me, because I haven't had much to do with G66 or anything of the like, and when you say avenger I envision a missile scout, and when you say Assault avenger I envision a floating rocket tank or something of the sort, rather like a hammer.
C l a v i n 1 2


The assault Avenger is a unit in the Greenheart Variant.  It's an Avenger with a rotating turret, like an assault tank.

I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.