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Some renders

Started by NoStr0m0, April 28, 2009, 11:35:35 AM

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Ok, so with a low-low final score of 3 votes, the winner is: the Mauler/Flying Mauler

It trully is a unique machine so I had a feeling it will win. I'm going to do the "normal" Mauler first because they have a common base structure, then I'll modify, add and delete to create the Flying variant.

It will take some time, since real life tends to get in the way of fantasy, but it will get done. Hopefully, better than the Thunderbolt even.
Wish me luck!

I'll post more when I have more.
" 'Till the world burned! "


was wondering, see instead of trying to hatch a full blown movie or even a short movie, why doesnt someone attempt to re work the intro in a higher resolution with high poly models and new effects? you have the audio and a script you just need to rework the modeling and render it, if that gets pulled off ok then think about something like a movie...just my two bobs worth


I read boobs... ^_^

Actually, I was thinking of doing a new intro to BZ2. And that's all I can say.
" 'Till the world burned! "


is that a thinking of doing or actually doing.... wouldnt want someone to start a new intro if its already in the pipe line!


It would be more a trailer than an intro, so no, I'd have to say it's not an intro. You can relax now.
" 'Till the world burned! "