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What in the world is this dang thing?

Started by Sabre Tank, April 23, 2009, 05:12:05 PM

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Quote from: mrtwosheds on April 24, 2009, 04:17:53 PM
No, I still have my original cd case, bought the very day bz2 hit the shelves in the UK, very clearly there are 5 things in the sky, that can only be apc's of a sort never seen in game.
There is something else too, half hidden behind behind a pilot to the right of the commanders helmet, No idea what it is.

They are called "rattlers" :)
Kinda weird as they look like they're flying.

I think the 2 vehicles on the right are a tank and a missle-scout, the tank I'm sure about the missle-scout not.

edit: also have a look at the barrel of the tank just to the left of the commander. I do like that double-barrel :)
Or the red-dots on the walker where its barrels are ...
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


Grr you all are lucky, I got it with another pandemic studios game called Dark Reign2 in a package. So im not seeing any of these, But yeah, There's some old scavs in the into.bik file.
Hey you, Yeah you, In that window, hop outta there.



Look at the picture inside the cd case, underneath where the cd would be.  Its an extended version of the front cover without the big pilot's head.  There you can see both the apcs and the ummm... "flying" rattler ...things.  The rattler things are clearly different from the apcs which are blue. 

And apparently they thought pilots would be useful on the front lines, too. :-P

The models they used for the apc and sabre tank actually look pretty sick.  It'd be awesome if someone recreated them.