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aip size limits?

Started by TheJamsh, May 03, 2009, 04:33:00 AM

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It looks like the AIP editor seems to have a limit, how can this be?

I cant add any more information to my plans. wont let me type any more characters. Why on earth is this? Can i use a different editor to make them work and make them larger?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


lol... Thank goodness for that.

ive done 180 matches and 72 plans so far... then couldnt do anymore! Thankfully i can still view it in the editor which is good.

When is someone going to update this damn thing?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

Red Spot

Why dont you use the providenames ? Or is that not possible in the match section of the AIPs (havent yet gotten to that point for my mod myself ...)

Personally I'm using a set of providenames that allows me to use different classes like:
-assaultunit (A-tank, Walker)
-supportunit (R-tank, M-scout)
-mediumunit (tanks)
-lightunit (scout, M-bike)


And for the snipeable AI units an extra providename:
-cpuunit (you have fun sniping units in my mod :D)
APC "ivapc" "ivapc" "apcunit" "airunit"

Assaulttank "ivatank" "ivatank" "assaultunit" "nonhoverunit"
Assaulttank "ivatank_rs1" "ivatank" "ivatank_rs1" "assaultunit" "nonhoverunit"

Bomber "ivbomb" "ivbomb" "bomberunit" "airunit"
Bomber "ivbomb_rs1" "ivbomb" "ivbomb_rs1" "bomberunit" "airunit"

Constructor "ivcons" "ivcons" "constructor" "utility"
Constructor "ivcons_rs1" "ivcons" "ivcons_rs1" "constructor" "utility"
Constructor "ivcons_rs1f" "ivcons" "ivcons_rs1f" "constructor" "utility"
Constructor "ivconscpu_rs1" "ivcons" "ivconscpu_rs1" "constructor" "utility"

Mortarbike "ivmbike" "ivmbike" "lightunit" "hoverunit"
Mortarbike "ivmbike_rs1" "ivmbike" "ivmbike_rs1" "lightunit" "hoverunit"
Mortarbike "ivmbikecpu_rs1" "ivmbike" "ivmbikecpu_rs1" "lightunit" "hoverunit" "cpuunit"

Missilescout "ivmisl" "ivmisl" "supportunit" "hoverunit"
Missilescout "ivmisl_rs1" "ivmisl" "ivmisl_rs1" "supportunit" "hoverunit"
Missilescout "ivmislcpu_rs1" "ivmisl" "ivmislcpu_rs1" "supportunit" "hoverunit" "cpuunit"

Rockettank "ivrckt" "ivrckt" "supportunit" "nonhoverunit" "antiair"
Rockettank "ivrckt_aa" "ivrckt" "ivrckt_aa" "supportunit" "nonhoverunit" "antiair"
Rockettank "ivrckt_rs1" "ivrckt" "ivrckt_rs1" "supportunit" "nonhoverunit" "antiair"

Recycler "ivrecy" "ivrecy" "ivrecycpu" "producer" "nonhoverunit"
Recycler "ivrecy_m" "ivrecy" "ivrecycpu" "ivrecy_m" "producer" "nonhoverunit"
Recycler "ivrecy_rs1" "ivrecy" "ivrecycpu" "ivrecy_rs1" "producer" "nonhoverunit"
Recycler "ivrecy_rs1f" "ivrecy" "ivrecycpu" "ivrecy_rs1f" "producer" "nonhoverunit" "fieldrecy"
Recycler "ivrecycpu" "ivrecy" "ivrecycpu" "producer" "nonhoverunit"
Recycler "ivrecycpu_rs1" "ivrecy" "ivrecycpu" "ivrecycpu_rs1" "producer" "nonhoverunit"

Scavenger "ivscav" "ivscav" "scavenger" "utility"
Scavenger "ivscavcpu" "ivscav" "ivscavcpu" "scavenger" "utility"

Scout "ivscout" "ivscout" "lightunit" "hoverunit"
Scout "ivscout_m" "ivscout" "ivscout_m" "lightunit" "hoverunit"
Scout "ivscout_rs1" "ivscout" "ivscout_rs1" "lightunit" "hoverunit"
Scout "ivscout_rs1m" "ivscout" "ivscout_rs1m" "lightunit" "hoverunit"
Scout "ivscoutcpu_rs1" "ivscout" "ivscoutcpu_rs1" "lightunit" "hoverunit" "cpuunit"

Servicetruck "ivserv" "ivserv" "serviceunit" "utility"
Servicetruck "ivserv_rs1" "ivserv" "ivserv_rs1" "serviceunit" "utility"
Servicetruck "ivserv_rs2" "ivserv" "ivserv_rs2" "serviceunit" "utility"
Servicetruck "ivservcpu" "ivserv" "ivservcpu" "serviceunit" "utility"

Tank "ivtank" "ivtank" "mediumunit" "hoverunit"
Tank "ivtank_rs1" "ivtank" "ivtank_rs1" "mediumunit" "hoverunit"
Tank "ivtankcpu_rs1" "ivtank" "ivtankcpu_rs1" "mediumunit" "hoverunit" "cpuunit"

Tug "ivtug" "ivtug" "tugunit" "utility"

Turret "ivturr" "ivturr" "turretunit" "hoverunit"
Turret "ivturr_rs1" "ivturr" "ivturr_rs1" "turretunit" "hoverunit"
Turret "ivturrcpu_rs1" "ivturr" "ivturrcpu_rs1" "turretunit" "hoverunit" "cpuunit"

Walker "ivwalk" "ivwalk" "assaultunit" "nonhoverunit"
Walker "ivwalk_rs1" "ivwalk" "ivwalk_rs1" "assaultunit" "nonhoverunit"
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


I am. Its possible to use that in match.aip's, but the computer wont know what to build if you use provide names when it comes to building attackers and what not.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

Red Spot

Wasnt aware the AI would build units based on the match section, afaik it will only send out units based on the matchsection.

For me still not much of a problem as I dont want the AI to build units based on the match section, I want it to build what the AIPs specify it should build ... (I dont want it to build like a scout when its base is fully up just cause some human lightunit gets near the AI base ...)

Thanks for the heads up though, I'll remember it for when I go and test AIPs. If the AI goes to sleep I already have a place to look :D
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


They dont build for the match setting, but they DO build for attacker plans and buildminimums and etc.

If i tell the AIP to build 'defender', there are about 30 different units in the build tree with 'defender' in the provide name (which it wont look at anyway in this instance). The AI wont know what to build. I should imagine it will build 'defender.odf', which might not be in the build tree. So in this case, i cant use them.

Also, matching seems more accurate for me if i use ODF names... Takes longer but meh.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

Red Spot

Ahh, you mean like that. What I mean is just set the match section with providenames, the rest ofcourse works with the odf names itself ..
But I guess you're right that using odf's for the matchsection does allow a bit more control, however do you really need it ?
I mean I probably wouldnt set the AI up to directly send an Atank at a humanscout, however if thats whats available ... attack!! :)
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


As far as I understand it the match section only guides the AI when it has to decide which available units and how many of them engage with each of the human team units.
Figuring this out for each aip can be a right pain, using provide names for it is a good idea.


Provide names for match probably IS a good idea, but ive done it now :P

That and the fact that provide names for msot stock units are limited.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.