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APC's to carry the Player

Started by shane ward, June 01, 2009, 04:45:02 PM

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shane ward

Is there a easy way to make an APC come to the ground and then the player can hop onto it and then the apc will travel by it's self to a point in the map and then the user can exit the APC.

All I am trying is to make the apc a kinda taxi. But I am not sure how to do this. Without messing with tugs and turrets..

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


I believe the only answer you will get is this:


(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.

shane ward

Thanks, But does anyone know how to do this in the dll, with the scriptor.

If someone can write down or explain how to do this it will help a lot.

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


By not doing what you say it will do.

You move the player off map when they get in, and move them back to the APCs position (or near it) when you need that done (like when it dies or you hop out).

Click on the image...


You can do that as long as the player view doesn't have to show them their path.  Much more fun to let them watch the journey, especially if you script in some close calls or let them run that little minigun on the APC...

You could still make the vehicle a pilotless APC, and move it via DLL along a path to the player.  Drop it down in front of him and wait for him to be the pilot, then move the 'APC' along the path to wherever you want it to go.

There are also many camera commands that would let you fake him getting in, then watch the trip, all the while standing somewhere off the map safe and sound.

Does he need to be able to jump out whenever he wants?  Is there a chance the APC will be destroyed along the way?  Running the minigun would make it a lot more fun...  watching the trip would be easier but not nearly as much fun unless you make it a nail-biting close call getting through...



You can do what BBB did with his shuttle for the prison escape mission and just have the 'turret' invisible with no guns.

Click on the image...

shane ward

The apc is basicly a transport and it is planned that the player can look out over the area and see the land. The same thing as in the QF mod, But I wanted a more easyer way by just using one object and not two..

I think the turret with no guns will be easy to work with for this.. I revered scriped one of the dll's in QF, with the shuttle and I was very impressed with the method that BBB used for the shuttle. I would not have thought of that Idear. I was sure it was a tuggable turret but then the shuttle was not a TUG!

Anyway.... Any new Idaers are welcome
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


Tugs are to slow!

I have BBB's shuttle take off like a bomber and attack a base and come back atm, but it doesn't want to land correctly. (C++ DLL work).

Click on the image...


Tugs can be as fast as you wish... 

There are several ways with the Scriptor depending on how the Player needs to move after he 'enters' the APC.

You can use a pilotless APC that has no motion parameters of it's own and actually have the Player become the Pilot.  Once piloted you can use:

Move, object, variable-a, variable-b, position
If the optional position is present, this operation scripts the object to be rotating at variable-a degrees per second, and moving variable-b cm per second to the position. If the optional position is NOT present, the object will be rotating at variable-a degrees per second for variable-b seconds. Other routines may alter variable-a or variable-b for speed-up and slow-down effects while the operation is active. Any routine that runs this operation will have its runspeed automatically set 1.
Example: move,building1,TurnSpeed,MoveSpeed,BuildingDestination
Example: move,building1,TurnSpeed,TurnTime

To make the APC move where you want it, with the Player inside but not able to influence the motion.  The one drawback to this is the Player can hop out whenever he wants to, but that can be a plot element if you like.


You can also watch the Player approach the APC and once he gets within a certain distance simply set another object as the Player, say a GunTower.  Then use Move to move the GunTower wherever you want.  Make sure it's not terrain owning, though, or it'll skip across the squares and cling to the terrain.

SetAsPlayer, object
Causes the object to become the player-controlled object.
Example: setasplayer,builder

The nice thing about this is the Player can't hop out, as he IS the GunTower.  When he arrives you just create a Pilot and set the Player to that pilot model.  You can use this to re-arm him too, as if he 'suited up' inside the APC during the journey.


Zero Angel

Is it possible to change the player's ODF/classlabel and then change it back? I think I played a map where the player was actually a ship so if his ship was blown up the player died, and also he couldnt hop out of it.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Quote from: Avatar on June 02, 2009, 05:49:57 PM
Tugs can be as fast as you wish...  

Not what I meant. I meant the calculations involved in the engine in managing a tug, especially at any speed, are much slower than simply controlling the position of your object carried directly by DLL. I rarely talk about speed of the unit, I normally talk about speed of code execution. Also, it would perform and look wonky as hell. Ever watch the engine try to path a tug with its cargo underneath? Not pretty, and sometimes VERY LAGGY!

Hoverassaults are better than GTs when moving objects around.

Click on the image...


its perfectly possible to change the players odf by changing what it is that the player controls (i believe it CAN be done in the scriptor quite easily)

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