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The year 2012 info

Started by Wraith, June 11, 2009, 10:59:25 PM

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King Gladiator

Read up about it on these sites if you want to

The only thing that is necessary for evil to succeed is that men of good will do nothing.
-Edmund Burke


In the year 2012....

Bio-metal shall rain from the skies and thus creating an era of Batttlezone 2, except in reality.

Yea its crap. =P
Avatars make my profile look fat...


[Not read anything here because I'm lazy :)]

I hate apocalypse theories.... How many times was the world meant to end in the last century, like, 9?

Some of them are just so dumb.
"Hurrr the calendar ends durrr" - well maybe they couldn't be arsed?
Or maybe the guy making the Mayan calendar suddenly realized;
"hoot, I'm not gonna be here that far in the future, sod this I ain't makin' no calendar if I ain't gonna be there to use it, tha's just dumb."

You know it makes sense, they had one hell of a buffer before they had to start making more.

In summary: Apocalypse theories are for dumbasses.

EDIT after reading a tiny bit:

Christ? What is this you speak of?

Bush was a twat. Period. He was actually retarded. Seriously.

I despise the media, I really really do. They hype everything up to an extent that causes panic (lol, swine flu), make people believe things that aren't true. Not to mention when you see clips of people being gang-raped by a load of journalists. My god if that ever happened to me I'd end up in prison for multiple attempted murder sentences. They never know when to leave things alone (Maddy Mcann for instance) and I could continue but I've gotta go :D


QuoteI despise the media, I really really do. They hype everything up to an extent that causes panic
What do you expect, they are just salesmen after all, It does not matter if its true or not, as long as you buy it, they are only interested in the imaginary value of the paper in your pocket, going into their pocket. The inconvenient fact that their like are destroying the ecology of our world to produce some of their products is of course never reported, and anyone who does speak out about it, will be made to look like a loony.



Yes. But unlike everything else in this topic, it happens to be true.


 Apocalypse  is a fairy tale.In million of years in this planet never gonna happen.They just living in dreams and saw silly things you know what i talking about.


everyone thought the world was going to end in 2000 too...  :roll:
Hidden Defenders Mod



I wonder who invented Apocalypse? I think pre early humans sniff on pot plants.They got a really high on drugs. :lol: An example of cheech and chong!


Book of Revelations.

Wrote a huge post on the Unix Epoch earlier, lost it all...

Mr X

Oh gawd,

I was in the cinema to watch the latest Harry Potter film, and one of the adverts was for a new film thats coming out about the 2012 apocalypse...

If I was making that film, I'd want to release it about a week before the predicted date, just to panic the hell out of everyone :P
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Really? I would release it the week after.


The only things that could ever cause a real apocalypse are nuclear war (man made and fairly unlikely), or a massive accident like an asteroid striking the Earth that couldn't be shot down in time (and remember, a comet strike didn't even kill all life on Earth anyway).

Deadly diseases are no real worry because if they really are deadly enough, they will kill their hosts before they can spread the disease far enough to create a pandemic.

Quote from: hybirdisdf on August 12, 2009, 01:13:38 AM
I wonder who invented Apocalypse?

The wankers who wrote the Book of Retardations came up with an amazingly pathetic story to scare the heck out of people, just for the fun of it.
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com

Mr X

In the upcoming movie, the cause of the apocalypse is the yellowstone park supervolcano erupting. (Incidently, it is slightly overdue an eruption I believe, just to make y'all worried ;))
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starting January 2010!