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Story Idea Outline Revision D

Started by General_Hoohah, June 16, 2009, 08:34:38 PM

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Quote from: AHadley on June 17, 2009, 03:33:03 PM
Prometheans are believed to be the race who invented Biometal.

Also a god who got his liver pecked out by an eagle every day
(it grew back) for giving Zeus bad meat. He supposedly gave humans the gift of fire n stuff.

(No i didnt use google/wikipedia thats off of my head)

And hes the final boss in Starsiege.
I liek chz



Egyptians and mayans are supposed to have had something to do with aliens or the supernatural. Pyramids are in boths cultures. Although a bit of mayan look comes up in the ancient "scion" ruins on mire. There was supposedly an ancient battery found in baghdad right near egypt and probably controlled by egypt at one point. Which sounds better. Part of an ancient culture abducted by aliens or an ancient culture that is friends with the aliens? I think if a culture is cruel they should be intelligent because the most intelligent beings can be the most cruel. Torture instruments were not invented by stupid people. An Admirable but entirely hostile enemy can be a good enemy. What about an enemy that is gentlemanly, and polite, but is also very cruel, and very, VERY smart. Hows it sound?
C l a v i n 1 2


Its important that the ancient race be good.... thats kind of the basis of the story. Sorry :( I'll throw a fit if someone changes that. >.>
And remember, any problem caused by a tank can be solved by a tank.


Awesome storyline. On the note of trying out a new community project this looks like a great start. Plenty of material for new races and places, and yet fleshing out the details will make it easy for multiple authors/modders to add their own artistic touch. If new community project starts cropping up i would definitely be down for helping out.
and now for a comedically ironic dissimilarity ;-P


I asked for some city buildings and futuristic cars for the aRc Mod over on BZ2MD but didn't get much info.
Wanna help there till this pans out? :-P

Click on the image...


If this was used in a Community Project that actually went somewhere, I'd be SO F#@$ing happy!!
And remember, any problem caused by a tank can be solved by a tank.


Were still using my name. Period. Question Mark? Exclamation Point! Comma,
I liek chz



And remember, any problem caused by a tank can be solved by a tank.


He got carried away, ignore him after the period.


Quote from: AHadley on June 19, 2009, 11:33:21 AM
He got carried away, ignore him after the period.

Yeah, hes weird. Think he got dropped on his head as a baby, into a bowl of cheese. I personally hate him.
I liek chz



Watch it, I got dropped on my head as a child :P