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MPI Touching Distance - Proof of Concept

Started by Redemption, June 17, 2009, 03:46:42 PM

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Hi All.

Some of you may have noticed my name (Redemption and not Redempton) appearing on-line recently. Basically I'm one of the original BlackRooks that started playing BZ2 about 10 years ago. We did a couple of things including a new editor but we never ventured into Map Making but always had a few ideas floating around whilst playing Natty's G66 Maps.

One thing you will notice about me is I don't like doing what is expected of me in a game of BZ2. E.g. If you spawn in a big area where you're supposed to deploy your Recycler, I'll move it to somewhere else.

Over the last 10 years I never had the time to change my ideas into maps but as I'm pleased to see the community is still going strong it's now time. One thing that I've always thought about the MPI maps I've played is that the enemy base is always miles away, so I wanted to create a map where you basically are within 'Touching Distance' of the enemy but it actually takes you an age to get to. Therefore I've come up with a concept but don't want to progress with it until I've had some feedback from you guys.

This is litterally Version 1.0 of the map so please don't expect anything to look really pretty or be 100% bug free but I would just like to know if I am wasting my time with this map as you can see some major fundamental issues or if it's a good idea that needs progressing?

The files can be found at http://www.savefile.com/projects/808774858

Please let me know?



BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.



its nice I like it, the enemy rats are a little close but easily dealt with, maybe more pools though. I have to go so far to get a third one.

While it is a awesome concept, it's also very linear which is alright but does make it a little too easy to defend. However I dont know of a good way to make it so that there are more entrances for the ai to surprise you. maybe some bridges or tunnels?

Red Devil

I have been considering adding hidden areas that conceal upgraded weapons, ships, or alien tech, ala Duke Nukem, that you have to find/get first in order to proceed to the next MP map.  It would be like playing SP missions, but in MP.
What box???


Thanks for ALL your valuable feedback!! A quick question...does the Mpinstant.dll allow for patrol paths to be created from within the SHIFT+F9 editor. It's just as per my feedback I want to create some, unconventional routes, and want to force some enemy units to follow them?


nope. youll have to make youre own edited .dll

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

Zero Angel

Interesting concept. One of the best maps for 1v1 and 2v2 games is ST:Moonshroud, and one of the reasons for that is because of how close the bases are to each other. I like the BR editor by the way, it was the one I used for a few years until the TVEditor came out
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Ok dare I say it I'm going to try and create a custom .DLL in C++ but can anybody provide me with any advise/sample code for patrol paths/path that all units follow?

Any feedback would be appreciated?


Look at G66. Dont think the scource is available though. You'll have to use custom ODF files to make sure that AIP's dont pick up on patrolling units etc...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.