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What's the dif between deatmatch01d.dll and deatmatch01.dll?

Started by BNG Da BZ Fool, June 24, 2009, 05:26:27 PM

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BNG Da BZ Fool

Been trying to make some custom air dm's and realized there are seperate versions of the death match dll's. Is there a major difference or was the d version added with the 1.2 patch? Which version of 1.3 should I make my air dm's under? Was using 1.2, but the aircraft class doesn't seem to have any ai assigned to controlling the air units.

I monkeyed around with the original odf and tried changing the class label to wingman and changing the ainame and ainame2 entries, but then the resulting changes screwup my air units to become hover types. Does 1.3 and above improve in this vehicle class? Tanks, BNG.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.

General BlackDragon

i'd use the same dll the stock maps use.

use 1.3 TA5.

use aircraft class, and in the bz2 folder in 1.3 there's 5 little files called "changelog_PB#" and the one with a PB# is the newest stuff. Read them and key in for what your looking for, such as "aircraft" to see all the changes.

and, ofc if you change the classlabel, you change what the unit is.

*****General BlackDragon*****


The 'd' version means you compiled a debug version of the DLL. The 'd' version can only be read by a debug version of bzone.exe, which none of you have. Compile release or ReleaseEditor versions.

The readme file in the latest 1.3ta5 DLL source release has added a bunch of comments as to how and why things are this way. You should be reading it, even if you're going to be bull-headed and stick with 1.2.

-- GSH

BNG Da BZ Fool

It not that I'm stuck on 1.2 per say, but it's the only version I have any experience working with. I guess I'm just waiting for 1.3 to stay put for a while. It just seems like 1.3 changes faster then I can keep up with...sorry but I'm kind of a slow poke when it comes to modding for BZII. I figure if I can get it together with 1.2 then 1.3 shouldn't be to hard to start using. Strangely enough I still see quite a few online players still using 1.2 stuff, but then again I don't play online too often.

Is the TA5 change log posted somewhere, so that I can precheck it's contents prior to downloading TA5?
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.



you have to DL TA5 in order to get the changelogs.

There are 5 of them, which detail the changes between each version of BZ2. Dont get too used to 1.2, because a LOT changes in 1.3.

Better yet, Download Commandos Modlog, it has all of the modders useful changes in there up to PB4a. TA5 version is in progress i believe.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Note - I didn't talk about the changelog above. I talked about something else. My words are deliberate, pay attention.

-- GSH