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Can I copy the animation section from an XSI model and use it for own models?

Started by BNG Da BZ Fool, June 25, 2009, 11:15:52 AM

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BNG Da BZ Fool

I use Truespace to edit/model with from existing XSI models converted to both COB and 3DS formats as TS can't directly import the XSI format. Then I save them as X files and convert them back to XSI with Threed. If I copy the animation sets to my resulting XSI file will BZII be able to read the animation data and make my model move like the original model did? I seem to remember it depends on the pivot points being in the proper places on the model to have it work. Can I use this method to make the geometry parts and copy the animation data to get BZII to animate the geometry I made? Tanks, BNG.

Reference: When I make a new model based on an existing BZII model I load the COB/3DS equivelent into TS to refer to the parts list so that I can make the same parts as the original model in another instance of TS; the first instance is used as a viewer, and the second to actually edit/create my own model version. It works well as I can see the tree structure and place stuff where it needs t be under sub assemblies, etc. TS, is awesomely simple in making non animated BZII models, but sucks royally for animation as TS lacks any XSI export format.   

When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


Since animations are specified in the unit odf, you can use animations from already existing xsis.  All that is required is that the parts you want animated are named EXACTLY the same as they are in the animation xsi.

Thus: If you were making a walker and wanted it to walk exactly like the ISDF walker, you'd have to make all of the leg parts use the same names as their counterparts on the ISDF walker.
I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.

BNG Da BZ Fool

That's encouraging news VSM. I'm going to attempt some animations using this method just to see what results. As per MTS copy and paste seems to do wonders for making simple animations possible. Haven't really messed with it much yet, but now that I have more experience modeling stuff I'd like to test the limits of what a modder can do to and can't do with oddball 3d modelers like Truespace. I may attempt this with the Scion Archer as I feel that such a unit has vast potential for both defensive and offensive roles with the right weapons layout. Walkers are nice but lack much versatility on the battlefield not to mention it's difficulty when operated by both the AI and human players alike.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


Pasting frame animations can work very well and can be allot easier than making your own.
The Ibpgen rotation animation for example can be used for any object requiring a full continuous rotation, without any need to change its numerical value entry's. Speed can be altered by just changing the keyframe numbers and orientation by moving whole columns of numerical values about.

You could paste in a the walker animation to another walker, it might look odd at first but by opening it in 3dex and notepad you can adjust values and then watch the result in 3dex just by reselecting that model after saving the .xsi file in notepad. Accuracy to the 6 decimal places of the original anims is not needed 2 works well enough. Once you figure out which columns of data  relate to which direction altering them is fairly straightforward.

General BlackDragon

You can use notepad to copy/edit existing animations to create your own animations.

*****General BlackDragon*****

BNG Da BZ Fool

So if I made a simple power generator in my 3d modeler; naming the parts correctly saving it as an X file and converting it to XSI with Threed and pasting the animation data set from ibgen.xsi to my XSI file I should be able to replicate the animation in the game, and this methods could be used on just about any new XSI animation data set provided the parts naming is correct and the animation data sets are positioned properly in the Threed equivelent XSI files?

This sounds really exciting considering I don't have the proper 3d modeling tools to create XSI animations from scratch. I've pretty much exhausted other methods of getting animations going with the modeling tools I currently have access to, but no luck at all. Hopefully, I can figure this one out and finally begin making a few animations.

What I really need to do now is actually make my first attempt and just select a simple single animation like the power generator.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.

General BlackDragon

U know what, Get with me on msn and i'll explain to you about making animations and how you can work on xsi's without using retarded threed.

Also might give you something to help your modeling.

*****General BlackDragon*****