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battlezone 2, how to limit fps?

Started by darkwarrior, July 05, 2009, 01:47:49 PM

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Alright so, you might not understand this, because I guarantee no has ever down this.

     So basically I have 2 keyboards, 2 mice, 2 monitors, 2 sound cards, a duel monitor graphics card and 1 computer box.

     I use this program vmware, to allow 2 people to use 1 computer. Vmware installs a virtual hard drive on my real computer box. I then install windows xp on this virtual hard drive.

     Well my only problem is when I game, my main computer hogs my fps (frames per second). I get about 500 fps on most games (ex. counterstrike source). My graphics card is well over good enough to support to battlezone games. Probably 5 games. Well anways again my main pc hogs all the fps. In order to play games I just limit the fps for the game I am playing on the main computer. Then the rest of the fps is dedicated automatically to the virtual pc. This has worked for every game we game together. ( I do this method because my pc is beast and all my other computers suck.)

     What I need is someway to limit the fps on battlezone 2. There must be a command to limit my fps to like 50.

Thank you for reading,



I am too lazy atm to check myself but take a look though gameprefs.ini

If you see a line you want to change, COPY THAT LINE to localprefs.ini and edit it there.

Click on the image...


well when I went though the console I found the command game. Through there it showed cmd framerate. But when I tried to use game.Cmd framerate 50, nothing happened.

and sorry where is this gameprefs.ini located, I have nvr seen that file before.


It should be in addon/config or a folder like that.

I do not know if it has what you need in it, but seeing as it is literally a massive list of settings, I figure it *might*.

gameprefs.ini - read only, USED to be asset checked
localprefs.ini - used in both, writable, never was asset checked
localprefs_bzone.ini - use in only bzone.exe, writable, never was asset checked
localprefs_bz2edit.ini - used in only bz2edit.exe, writable, never was asset checked

Click on the image...


I typed the files in search, but they only show up in my pb3 version of bz2. But I wont this fps limit to be for battlezone 2 v = 1.2.


Oh, I'm sorry. I was under the assumption that with the beast computer you were using 1.3ta5 with DX9 and all. I don't know what you can do for 1.2

No idea at all...

Click on the image...


depending on your drivers you should be able to force vsync on and see what that does for ya.


how do I do this vsync thing


when I went though the console I found the command game. Through there it showed cmd framerate. But when I tried to use game.Cmd framerate 50, but it said it was wrong or sumthing.

General BlackDragon

use 1.3ta5 too, instead of pb3. pb3 is ancient

*****General BlackDragon*****


it depends on your video card. usually you can get to advanced video settings from the control panel.


If you have Nvidia. Several ways, but I'm going to use the way that should most likely work.

Open Display Settings (Control panel -> Display)
Select settings tab, and click the Advanced button.

You should see an Nvidia Tab, click it.
select Manage 3D settings, and look for V(ertical)sync. Force on for FPS to sync with refresh rate.

Edit: or you could use Riva tuner. http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=Riva+tuner


fight till death our forums -> http://www.forums.bzfiend.com/index.php?

Red Devil

If using TA5, in Gameprefs.ini: (copy entry to LocalPrefs.ini to edit)

// Max framerate targeted. Valid values are -1 (no cap), or 30..1000;
// any value specified outside of the 30-1000 range is treated as -1.
// It may help with some stuttering issues while turning if your
// framerate is capped to values in this range. [Note: actual
// framerate may be slightly higher than this limit due to rounding
// issues.] In limited testing on my laptop, I've found that merely
// having this value set to something under the max capable framerate
// produces smoother visuals onscreen, as the clamp allows the
// graphics card's drivers some cycles to process the recently
// submitted frame(s). It seems that if the graphics card is starved
// for time, it'll occasionally grab the CPU for long pauses (approx
// 1/10 of a second). You could possibly also turn on vsync to achieve
// much the same effect, but that usually clamps framerate down a LOT
// more. Experiment around.
MaxFramerate = -1 // 120
What box???


Seriously, if you're only playing strat and not exploiting the exploits in 1.2, use TA5. It really is the best patch out there. If your computer is a beast as you describe it, it should easily handle TA5, which now uses DX9 too.