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BZ2 Strategy Guide

Started by King Gladiator, May 19, 2009, 01:12:07 PM

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King Gladiator

Does anyone know if this link is accurate? as far as range and that stuff for the new patches like 1.3 ta5?

The only thing that is necessary for evil to succeed is that men of good will do nothing.
-Edmund Burke


Well it doesn't show the effects of armor against those rounds.  (Laser, PL-Stab, and minigun are greatly weakened by armor if I recall correctly)(Laser is wonderful vs scouts, but weak against rocket tanks/assault/walkers).

It seems reasonable and is the only guide i've found as well.  Not sure about TA5.  I think they changed fire rates on some guns.

Zero Angel

BZNES has a better chart which takes the various armor types into account (ie: Damage to L, M and H armors)
Values are combat and assault mode ranges, with damage per second agaisnt the three armor classes none, light, and heavy.
GUNS          Combat   N    L    H     Assault  N    L    H
Minigun        110    220  160  100      150   300  240  160
Laser          120    250  150   50      100   350  200  75
Pummel          99    600  520  400       99   640  640  640
Chain gun      135    320  320  240      120   300  270  250
Ion            100    400  200   20      150   500  300  100
Gauss          139    300  220  140      179   200  190  160
Emp            100     10   10   10       45    -    -    -
CANNONS       Combat   N    L    H     Assault  N    L    H
AT Stab        100    260  240  200      150   300  275  250
Pulse Stab     100    220  210  190      200   140  133  127
SP Stab        120    367  333  300      150   343  321  300
Plasma         189    500  380  150      260   375  263  153
Blast          170    400  300  150      250   450  320  200
Mag            100     v    v    v       150    v    v    v
Plasma cannon  100    303  242   48       40   600  400  300
Sonic          160    550  370  150       --    -    -    - 
Quill          120    273  236  182       50   398  378  348
Arc            175    213  213  160      100   500  500  400
ROCKETS       Combat   N    L    H     Assault  N    L    H
FAF            120    150  115   80       -     -    -    -
Hornet          -      -    -    -       250   500  425  355
Tag            175    150  122   85       -     -    -    -
Comet           -      -    -    -       350   400  300  300 
Shadowers      200    200  160  107       -     -    -    -
Salvo           -      -    -    -       150   617  583  550     
Stinger        200    433  233   50       -     -    -    -
Swarm           -      -    -    -       100   475  363  263
Multilock      170    100   90   70       -     -    -    -
Wasp            -      -    -    -       600   120   80   40
MORTARS       Combat   N    L    H                           
Mortar         208    250  200  153       -     -    -    -
MDM           >300    300  275  250       -     -    -    -
Splinter(max)  180    875  375  125       -     -    -    -
Howitzer       350     74   62   51       -     -    -    -
Gas            200     45   45   45       -     -    -    -
Resin   (max)   40   2000 2000 2000       -     -    -    -
Popper         200    375  300  125       -     -    -    -
PILOT         Combat   N    L    H     Assault  N    L    H
Rocket, ISDF   150    375        75      -      -    -    -
Bazooka         -      -    -    -      200    320       201
Pulse          200     50   30    0      -      -    -    -     
Sniper          -      -    -    -      300    100   50   0
grenade       <150    500   -   250      -      -    -    -

Rocket, Scion  150    375        75      -      -    -    -
Bazooka         -      -    -    -      200    320       201
Pulse          200     50   30    0      -      -    -    -     
Sniper          -      -    -    -      300    100   50   0
grenade       <150    500   -   250      -      -    -    -

Special thanks to {uscm}DarkFox for weapons data analysis.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression

Killer AK

I am thinking about making one, but not sure if anyone would read it.


this is TV's bz2 scraplessons, its essential to anyone that wants to play bz2 and not loose every game.
most 1.2 players know it but maybe some people here have never seen it.

this is a good guide with a lot of very usefull info i came across:

Killer AK

nice and colorful i learned that from gsh's web site but all in writeing no pretty pictures


That one in BZNES is a toned-down version of the original. I just went looking for the original, but I couldn't find it. Think it might be in the rev.C data files for FE...
Either way, methinks you need to include ammo mileage and shield damage in there to get an accurate guide.

Zero Angel

Quote from: DarkFox on June 28, 2009, 06:45:51 AM
That one in BZNES is a toned-down version of the original. I just went looking for the original, but I couldn't find it. Think it might be in the rev.C data files for FE...
Either way, methinks you need to include ammo mileage and shield damage in there to get an accurate guide.
You do have a point, a very good one. Generally as far as I understand how shield damage is set up on stock weapons that weapon damage will be modified in the following ways:

Against Absorbtion shields: "solid" projectiles like chaingun rounds or quill will do the same kind of damage that they would do to an unshielded, unarmored craft like a scout -- "energy" weapons like blast will do the same type of damage that it would do against H class armor (the type of armor that assault vehicles and buildings use) which is usually reduced quite heavily.

Against Deflection shields: Energy weapons like blast and arc will have the same type of effect as they would on an unshielded, unarmored craft. Solid weapons would be nerfed considerably as if they were hitting heavy armor. However, since chaingun rounds in particular are quite powerful versus heavy armor, they are reduced even further against deflection shields.

Against Stasis shields: Stasis shields are similar to upgrading a scion craft's armor from N to L. Increased damage resistance to both types of projectiles versus an unshielded craft. However note that L class armor doesnt increase damage resistance very much. Stasis shields increase damage resistance relatively equally against both energy and solid, as opposed to L class which tends to favor damage resistance towards energy weapons a little more.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression

King Gladiator

so in other words the absorption shield seems the better choice since most later game units use energy weapons?
The only thing that is necessary for evil to succeed is that men of good will do nothing.
-Edmund Burke


It nearly works that way, but not quite. A bunch of weapons have slight differences between their damage to heavy armour, and their damage vs the best shield.

Also, yes, absorbtion shields tend to be the best, but again, not always. Deflection can count for a lot against chainguns, in particular.

Killer AK

As silly as it sounds i do all my testing on my network at home and test to see what i think it the best counters to moves other players do. I found that works pretty damn good, but yeah there are lot's of charts kicking around........
i was more thinking strategy guide like PDF file.