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LATE Storyline submission (vacation anyone?): "Full Circle"

Started by ScrapPool, July 28, 2009, 11:31:44 PM

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Alright Avatar! You have spurred me to retype my post. We could probably merge these ideas into one. Since I am a sucker for biometal and think its inherent properties need to be focused on more (think of one time in FE that biometal was the chief ???WHAT??? factor for something, like furies in bz1- BIOMETAL COMES ALIVE O_o!111! )

So here it is: the abridged first amazing post.

1.) Ark III, as it flies through the universe at ExTrEmE speed, enters uncharted areas. Every so many millions of lightyears or so, they pull out of "warp (allow me to use this word for consistency sake)" to use their highly advanced sensors to plot a course safely for a much longer distance. Mapping out the places they've been and gathering some data, in short.

2.) In one such instance of this "drop out," the sensors go mad. [Original post: some strange disturbance] The Cthonian's were conducting space-portal experiments *;) to av* and it was sending off huge power disturbances. The scientists on board insist on investigating, due to the fact the mission is scientific in every sense, although it is really a publicity stunt. Scions are weird like that. Despite others and "your" objetions, the ship's path is routed toward the disturbance.

3.) Pulling out of warp, Ark III comes across a moon and planet (not through it initially, it is WAY too random and I refuse to believe it would collide randomly with an object so relatively tiny in space.) Detecting that there is life on the planet, the Scions prepare or do something unimportant. Suddenly:

4.) OH NOES D: !! They are sending aerospace fighters toward your position in huge numbers- they don't care who you are, but they want you gone (Potentially mistaken you for another faction that had been giving them trouble???) The onslaught begins. Scions, knowing the harsh ways of the universe, armed the Ark III to some extent and equipped it with one of their Scion DeflectorsTM. The fighters begin launching their antimatter rockets... not just a few, but tons. Say 6-8 from each ship with hundreds of ships firing. Lots of missles. They get closer to the Ark III, and---- Science lesson.

5.) Remember what happens to deflectors when confronted with biometal weapons? It pulls it in, negates what damage it can, and distributes what remains through the armor. Keep in mind, though, the missles are not biometal, and I remember reading in some form that regular weapons are useless against it. If you shot an auto rifle at a sabre hull for a few hours, it wouldn't dent. Remember the paintball weapon? Same effect. Shields, though, have a different effect.

6.) The missles contact the shield. As there is no biometalalic energy to absorb by the shield, it does its other function: deflects (small meteors, asteroids, space garbage. Those missles are like toothpicks with blunt ends to the ship the size of the Ark III). Every wave of missles that strikes it bounce off in some direction, some off into space harmlessly, some toward the planet to burn up in the atmosphere when they run out of fuel, but mostly toward- you guessed it- the moon, as Ark III has been drifting towards it for some time. They are both in close proximity. Many (say, 200-300?) antimatter rockets begin plummeting toward the moon... all armed and hot.

7.) Cutscene! (As if that all wasn't one?) Gigantonormous explosions erupt in concentrated areas on the moon's near side, and when I say near, I mean close to the Ark III. The moon, unstable to begin with, begins to break apart from the impacts. As it is breaking up, the missles continue to barrage it, catapulting enormous pieces of the moon in unpredictable locations... one such chunk right at the Ark III. The shields, normally repelling non-biometal impacts, become overwhelmed due to the incredible mass and inertia being forced against it and eventually fall. Although slowed slightly, the piece (crushes? Smashes? Collides? You pick) into the starship and breaks in two moon slices before finally floating off into space (and later into orbit of the planet) With hull breaches everywhere and the aerospace fighters now fleeing for their lives, the Ark III begins to crack and crumble in many places. The shields are down, so any residual missles still locked on continue to hit the mighty ship, along with moon chunks. The initial first piece that hit the ship was enough to crack it open, the rest take her down.

8.) Chunks of the moon plummet to the planet surface while it is now knocked out of orbit from the barrage it could not withstand. The Ark III is going down with it, although at a much faster rate. Resume here with Full Circle Story.

8.5.) The big big reason I like the Cthonian attack indirectly killing the moon (doesn't have to be missles, can be anything) is because it NAILS the history-repeating itself theme throughout BZ: The Cthonians destroyed their first home planet through their rash choices and decisions, as they would do to Icarus billions of years later.


Edit For Av: The portal at the end of the game is a position->position portal only, he has stated this and is adamantly firm it remain this way. When you get to the Cthonian system in the first place, you are already back in time billions of years. You just don't know that yet. That is the shock factor when you go through the portal. Either way, they probably won't have time to figure it out. It'll be left up to the viewer to decide, unless you give it a bone-chilling Grizzly 1 narration of how the drive pulled them back in time.


cool!  :-D

then what happens to the scion fighters? they are not built to land on planets, they are meant for space travel only, so what happens to them? are they stuck in space?
Hidden Defenders Mod


What Scion fighters?

Well, I'd say if they did have fighters out in space as a precaution, they would probably survive the descent into the atmosphere since they are biometal.

I wouldn't even expect the Scions to launch fighters because they know the missles won't damage them at all. They probably aren't even stocked well.


ooh, i see, i did a mistake  :-P

i guess i got so excited in the reading there i thought the "Fighters" were scion, no wonder i was so confused half way through...
Hidden Defenders Mod


It IS a CP. If you want to input the Scions go crazy in deep space and start mass suicide, hey! Sure. Just make sure to write out of any plot holes (believe me, no fun there). It gets difficult because when you change something, you have to make sure the ripples do not hurt the rest of the story. FE is full of that issue, which is why the story loses coherencey in places. Forgive me if I spelled that wrong.

iron maiden

got to say it has a very interesting plotline and i really enjoy the whole adam and eve part. needs work but itsa good first attempt.

Edit by Moderator:

by the way i have a quick question, if the microbes from both "Adam" and "eve" eventually evolve into human beings, would that imply the the microbes from eve would pass on microscopic amounts of biometal into every thing on earth?

Please edit your posts in the future.  There's a reason that it's there.
So we only get one chance can we take it
And we only get one life can't exchange it
Can we hold on to what we have don't replace it
The age of innocence is fading..... Like an old dream


Quote from: iron maiden on August 19, 2009, 01:21:10 PM

by the way i have a quick question, if the microbes from both "Adam" and "eve" eventually evolve into human beings, would that imply the the microbes from eve would pass on microscopic amounts of biometal into every thing on earth?

Well, no, they aren't scion-like microbes. They (would be) regular microbes. You know. Earth Amoebas. Streptococcus pneumoniae, etc.
Got it covered.
"Full Circle"


I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.


Quote from: VSMIT on August 21, 2009, 12:24:24 AM
So, you're saying that we evolved from Strep?

Finally, a witty fish!


I'm saying we evolved from the primary cause of bacterial pneumonia.

(re: S. pneumoniae)


Then again that's just me pre-fleshing out one of the "Oh wow!" interesting possibilities of realistic time travel.
Got it covered.
"Full Circle"



Hey- we can keep him. The guy who has all this at the top of his head is a valuable asset. If he was on the dev team storyboarding for BZ2, imagine what kind of game it would be ;)

Answer: Complicated.

Naysayers are going to shoot out "it's a game, it doesn't have to be realistic."

If it is, though, you can connect and understand it more. The will to win!

What I'm thinking is maybe drop subtle hints throughout play that you aren't when (as opposed to where) you think you are. Maybe a large structure hidden away in a mission with a terminal showing the progress of many solar systems, ours included? With proto earth not where it should be? That might be stretching the whole realistic "how would they know" but I think we can chalk that one up as an easter egg. Except for those nimrods who dive into the .pak and view all the assets before they even play  :cry:

Mr X

Some kind of data terminal saying:

Surveyance of the system indicates only one planet capabe of sustaining life, with the nearest two planets to the star being too hot and the others being too cold. etc.

PS, scrappool, I've written a merger for our two stories in the storyline poll thread, could you read it and give an opinion, I think thats what we're waiting for to move the project forward. Its mainly your story, but modifyed to contain the bits everyone liked of mine.
Sign up for the BZ2 tournament:
starting January 2010!


I'm not comfortable with the whole "cthonians got biometal from the scions who got it from the humans who got it from the cthonians" circle. For lack of a better word, I think it's cheesy.


Quote from: sabrebattletank on August 22, 2009, 04:19:56 PM
I'm not comfortable with the whole "cthonians got biometal from the scions who got it from the humans who got it from the cthonians" circle. For lack of a better word, I think it's cheesy.

Well that's perfectly reasonable.

And I agree that this story is rather brave and presumptuous- but Battlezone is only alive today because of the community, so I find myself more comfortable in this universe making up "canon" than in say, Halo, a very owned and manufactured story.

Although I would list that as an example of something which is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum from "cheesy"... unless you were listening to the theme from Babe when you read it or something.
(Ah family movies...)

Anyways, we are actually highly considering dropping that idea all together, in order to better honor the deepest and darkest ether of BZ1 canon, and to create a more driven resourcing experience.
(It would be that all the biometal in gameplay within the story would originate from fallen pieces of the ARK III. In addition, this take could imply that the events of this story inspired the Cthonians to invent biometal in the "distant future" (the past, from the perspective of BZ1), but not necessarily)

Finally, I would say that a small disagreement like that is certainly not sufficient reason to disqualify the other potentially interesting elements of a story framework.
But I am super stoked for what Mr. X has come up with as far as blends go...
Got it covered.
"Full Circle"


As I stated somewhere, any biometal ship that crashed on early earth would have been totally obliterated in the inferno over billions of years, so the meteor bringing bio metal to earth for the bz1 storyline to happen *is* technically the first real chunk that humans can use.