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Just Anooyed

Started by Shadowsun, August 02, 2009, 04:22:19 PM

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just now this Hellmen guy persuades me 2 quit one of my hosts, so he can host a "better" one

after jsut 5 min of playing one of his "friends" wants 2 get in and i tell him that's just not possible becuase its already fill (4/4 players)

i get kicked straight away so his friend can go in,

this just get's me "slightly" frustrated,  :x   i just quit my game intending for a rego, and now apparently he takes over and throws me out

sure wish there was some way 2 notify people playing games that its jsut improper 2 be so rude  :cry:

jsut created a new one now  but nobody cared 2 join for the past 30 min....   rly spoiled my gaming plans 4 this evening.....

any1 had this b4 and how do u handle jerks like that  :cry:


By getting their IP address and adding them to the banlist.
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


i take it "the" banlist would be "my" banlist >.>??

i was never that good with internet stuff,  no idea how 2 checkup their i.p's and even if i did  i dont think i'd ban em.... just be more carewfull next time they ask me stuff like that... if i can remember

well  found another game thought to be lucky .. instead ended up getting flamed @ for LOSING  (im so sorry you beat me)

i've owned this game since i was 9 or so (8 years)   but im pretty new 2 the online community here,   so far im not getting a good impression of the people playing this....      or maybe im just unlucky :|


oh man join my games dude. we have a lot of fun with mpi. don't get annoyed. some of the older people have been passing this game down to their kids and so some juvenile stuff happens sometimes. there are plenty of adult games though. don't give up.
There is no knowledge that is not power.


havent seen you on yet.. :)

sure we'll meet someday    :-D, looking forward 2 it until then >.>

well im off 2 bed


I would be annoyed too.


I always kick player thieves when I play.

SamIAm has Entered the room
SamIAm: Hey, I'm going to host an MPI, who wants to join?
SamIAm was kicked for reason "Get your own damn joiners"

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.

Red Spot

In a little bit of time you'll learn who's games not to join and who to keep out of your games ..
The mayority of people that you will also see on this forum are relaxed players .. maybe not all are that good but at least not the type of player you just named ...
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


I know exactly who you're talking about.

The question is, WHY is there not a newkeys for cussing people like that? You can get so carried away typing you forget about the game :lol: Not that i endorse such behaviour of course...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

Mr X

Quote from: Axeminister on August 02, 2009, 05:26:45 PM
oh man join my games dude. we have a lot of fun with mpi. don't get annoyed. some of the older people have been passing this game down to their kids and so some juvenile stuff happens sometimes. there are plenty of adult games though. don't give up.

I'll be honest here, I appreciate the newbs because it is keeping the community going,

what I don't appreciate is the chorus of colourful insults I get when I beat them, especially when I get a bomber much quicker than they'd anticipated. (this happens a lot, you'd think people would cotton on  :wink: )
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