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Started by Inferno388, August 17, 2009, 05:30:26 AM

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Hey guys i didnt know where else i could introduce myself so i thought id do it here =]
My name is steve and im from aus haha, recently got back into bz2 after discovering the 1.3 patch lol.
I used to play it alot a few years back and started to get into playing it online but then i cut down on all my gaming due to school n stuff but im out of school now so got lots of free time. When i reinstalled bz2 i was looking for FE again and stumbled upon this cozy community so i thought id try say hi and maybe see u guys in some online games although im pretty crap. Usually i just play some relaxin lan games with some friends =P
I think thats enough of an intro lol  :-D


I think I have seen you in a few of my Battlezone 2 sessions. Just, Inferno, yes?

Also, Welcome!
fight till death our forums -> http://www.forums.bzfiend.com/index.php?


Join us in some mpi games for patch 1.3TA5. It's by far the best patch.
There is no knowledge that is not power.


Glad to see that there are some other Aussies around still...
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


If your Infro i've played with you before, your darn good.
I liek chz



haha nah i go by the name of Inferno or Inferno388 in games usually. Where are most of u guys from? i need to get my times in check =P


Mostly the US, a few from the UK (me, Mr. X, Jamsh to name a few), and a couple from aus.


MrTwoSheds is a UK habitant as well, oh and Lizard.

I once thought Slaor was from newcastle, until i found that australians wernt a very imaginative bunch when it came to naming cities :P

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.



The Americans do that too. If I google for any town near me, the top few will be in America.

I thought Slaor was from the UK too, so that really confused me when i found somebody in the sixthform in my school called Andy Roals... which i believe just happens to be Slaor's real name.


Quote from: AHadley on August 18, 2009, 01:13:03 AM
Mostly the US, a few from the UK (me, Mr. X, Jamsh to name a few), and a couple from aus.

And one from Asia...
Quote from: GreenHeart on October 06, 2009, 01:39:19 AM
Beware of internet explorer it is horribly evil.
Yes it is. Stay away. Somebody should warn Microfeck. And call 911.


cool cool. well i got TA5 so maybe ill start surfing around to see if i can find someone in a game =]

Red Spot

There is a bunch of (real  8-)) Europeans as well ...
So far I can only name Fulmen and myself, but there must be a few more :D
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


Suggesting that we're not real European...?

Red Spot

Actually, I have that from people from the UK.  8-)

Next to that, in the rest of europe:
-we drive on the rightside of the road
-we use the metric system
-we mostly use euro's

Just kiding ;)
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


I deteste the imperial system. Completely illogical. Why the country insists on imperial and farenheight I do not know.

We are changing things around though. As for the road and the euro... no, but maybe sometime.