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couple of .dll questions

Started by TheJamsh, August 22, 2009, 01:54:53 PM

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I think this CAN be done, but is it possible to make a pilot play a different death animation to one in his ODF files, if he is sniped by a certain type of ordnance? of course if yes, it could only be done by .dll

My second question is... could .dll draw a windshield effect if a certain object hits youre ship. This is sort of related to my posts in another topic about creating limbs that fly around if you kill a pilot... Would be cool to draw a splatter on youre cockpit if the arm hits you :P

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


if you make the arm a tag projectile (look at the tag rocket or the sandbag rocket) it will stick to your ship, and you can make it emit a splatter of blood. Dunno about the death anims though... trying to make an exploding head? :-P


My thought is to replace a pilot on his death with a 'gib mine'.

Click on the image...


Only problem with the TAG projectical is it wont arc like a real one, good idea nonetheless though...

Replacing the pilot on death would be useful, because it requires a head flying off via animation and bouncing a little. It looks awful if you do it with a draw_geom, the rotation is just blerg... The main reason i ask is because i don't want pilots exploding when they get sniped... Although that would be fun :P

Could a .dll swap textures when its being shot by a certain ordnance too? Although i think in a mission/multiplayer game things like this could get laggy... maybe.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Anims do need to be in the odf and the xsi/msh. They are not just restricted to the one the game uses automatically, you could put other anims into a custom unit and they would only play when called by a script or dll.