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Creating a plot for the 1.3 Community Project: ENDED

Started by VSMIT, August 22, 2009, 01:55:02 PM

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What would you like in the CP?

3rd Cthonian faction
15 (78.9%)
Relativistic time travel
5 (26.3%)
Direct time travel
8 (42.1%)
Cerberi enemies
10 (52.6%)
Cthonian enemies
15 (78.9%)
Time Paradox loops
4 (21.1%)

Total Members Voted: 19


I have a story that I have just recently written and i think it contains all that you want. I will post it very soon but its on my other comp and I can't find my flash drive right now.
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 Here is a complete storyline all the way through the last missions. I'm just going to call them Phosphorii for now.

  • Hadeans are restricted to their home planets.

  • Hadeans mysteriously disappear.

  • Hadeans attack with a large fleet.

  • Scions retaliate with defense force.

  • Scions are beaten back and retreat to the nearby planet Varsh (or whatever other name)

  • The Hadeans follow but both fleets are shot down by missiles from the thought to be deserted planet.

  • The Hadeans and Scions crash land hundreds of miles apart.

  • the scions recuperate from the crash and build a base from what remained of their fleet.

  • The Hadeans are attacked by a mysterious enemy and are mostly destroyed but they managed to get a couple messages out about what attacked them.

  • The Scions discover not so ancient Cthonian ruins belonging to the Phosphorii.

  • The Scions are attacked and destroyed and the Scion ambassador is captured.

  • The Ambassador escapes and learns of a super weapon that this new enemy has built.

  • The Ambassador is rescued by a Scion recon ship.

  • The Hadeans learn about the Phosphorii super weapon and launch an attempt to claim it.

  • The ambassador tells the scions of the third Cthonian race and their super weapon.

  • The Scions reveal the Ark III with its A. drive.

  • the Scions travel back to ancient Cthonian times to stop the development of the super weapon.

  • The Scions find themselves in the midst of the Hadean/Olympian war.

  • Junction: Chose between fighting for the Hadeans or the Olympians

  •   Choice #1    If Hadeans are chosen then you fight with the Hadeans and win over the Olympians going on to fight the Phosphorii

  •   Choice #2    If Olympians are chosen you lose the war and go on to fight the Phosphorii alone.

  • The Phosphorii capital is located.

  • The Scions attempt to attack but a defense system goes up all around the Phosphorii bases.

  • The Scion ambassador infiltrates the enemy base, with the help of a Phosphorii diplomat (female) sympathetic to their cause, in an attempt to shut down the defense system.

  • The Defense system shuts down of its own accord and the Ambassador is forced to retreat.

  • A Phosphorii Ambassador offers for the Scions to join him, explaining that the "super weapon" is a binign technological gift for all races.

  • Junction: Choose between joining the Hadeans , the Phosphorii, or remaining alone.

  •   Choice #1    If the Hadeans are joined the scions go on to fight the Phosphorii with the help of the hadeans.

  •   Choice #2    If the Phosphorii are chosen the Scions go on to learn that the "super weapon" is a real weapon and not a gift and are forced to flee the Phosphorii and fight alone.

  •   Choice #3    If it is chosen to stay alone then you fight the Phosphorii and possibly the Hadeans.

  • Large Battle with the Phosphorii army.

  • The Scion Ambassador Confronts the Phosphorii emperor. Eventually it narrows down to a one on one battle with the Phosphorii emperor.

  • The Scions win the battle but the Emperor escapes and flees on a small star cruiser (this is to set up for a future mod), but not before setting the moon on a collision course for the Cthonian home world. The Ark III also happens to be in its path.

  • The Scion ambassador escapes with the help Phosphorii diplomat through the Ark's drive just before it is smashed into the planet by the moon.

P.S. Is there any quicker way to make a list?
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2 things:
1: That is a complete storyline.
2: That is the only way to make lists.

I liked the story better when the third Cthonian race was pacifistic.
I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.


We could make it so that the "super weapon" really was a technological gift and joining the Phosphorii was the right thing to do but that's kind of like the original bz2 storyline.
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Or we could make it that the "super weapon" isn't a weapon at all.

I'm just going to out and out say it: I liked Mr X's original story submission.  And I'd prefer if that was the story used.  But that's just my opinion, and you are free to debate it with me.
I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.


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How about this.

The Same beginning of the story I just posted but instead of finding a huge Phosphorii population they find a capsule containing a distress message from the long extinct Phosphorii. The message explains that the Phosphorii were wiped out  when the moon collided with the cthonian homeworld. The Moon was set on that course by the Cerberi of the future who managed to build an Alcubierre drive and went back to wipe out the Phosphornii whom if not wiped out by the Cerberi would go on to threaten the Cerberi in the even farther future.
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Mr X

Quote from: Clavin12 on September 17, 2009, 12:47:43 PM
Didn't we kind of rule out Cerberi?

and thats why I re-wrote it without them, read the whole topic  :roll:

Clavin, we've been going on for some time now about troubles in getting in agreement over the details of the story, and you do a re-write that puts us back to square one...it has nearly nothing to do with anything we've already discussed :headdesk:

Quote from: Clavin12 on September 17, 2009, 01:11:58 PM
How about this.

The Same beginning of the story I just posted but instead of finding a huge Phosphorii population they find a capsule containing a distress message from the long extinct Phosphorii. The message explains that the Phosphorii were wiped out  when the moon collided with the cthonian homeworld. The Moon was set on that course by the Cerberi of the future who managed to build an Alcubierre drive and went back to wipe out the Phosphornii whom if not wiped out by the Cerberi would go on to threaten the Cerberi in the even farther future.

And now you try to bring the cereberi back into it? I'm confused...
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starting January 2010!


I'm sorry I just was thinking about that myself. What if we start from the beginning with submitting stories but each story has to contain the main points that we have defined.
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Mr X

One thing I absolutely want kept is the third faction being good guys, I've written a backstory and people seem to like it.
Sign up for the BZ2 tournament:
starting January 2010!


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We can't have Hadean bad guys. Thats already been done. Want to make a new non Cthonian race?
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Quote from: Clavin12 on September 17, 2009, 02:21:04 PM
We can't have Hadean bad guys. Thats already been done. Want to make a new non Cthonian race?

Yes, I find new races quite fun to make. Their histories, how it intertwines with the story we already know in ways you could have never thought. How everything is connected.

Click on the image...


Tsurani, from a very low gravity planet and are thus very tall.
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