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Creating a plot for the 1.3 Community Project: ENDED

Started by VSMIT, August 22, 2009, 01:55:02 PM

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What would you like in the CP?

3rd Cthonian faction
15 (78.9%)
Relativistic time travel
5 (26.3%)
Direct time travel
8 (42.1%)
Cerberi enemies
10 (52.6%)
Cthonian enemies
15 (78.9%)
Time Paradox loops
4 (21.1%)

Total Members Voted: 19

iron maiden

True, however if we were to close plot submissions now and THEN have the poll, the plot could have been selected by the month's end at the latest.
So we only get one chance can we take it
And we only get one life can't exchange it
Can we hold on to what we have don't replace it
The age of innocence is fading..... Like an old dream

Mr X

And then everyone would start making suggestions and complaints about the one that gets chosen,

you see the problem?
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iron maiden

somewhat, but no matter what we were to do, they would criticise us. It would be best the writer of the winning plotline and the other major writers in the project simply made a few tweaks to it once it was selected to satisfy the majority of the community. we can't satisfy everyone, so why bother to argue over the one that satisfies most of the community. If we tried to impress everyone, we'd be here years on end.
So we only get one chance can we take it
And we only get one life can't exchange it
Can we hold on to what we have don't replace it
The age of innocence is fading..... Like an old dream


Quote from: iron maiden on September 19, 2009, 07:16:46 AM
somewhat, but no matter what we were to do, they would criticise us. It would be best the writer of the winning plotline and the other major writers in the project simply made a few tweaks to it once it was selected to satisfy the majority of the community. we can't satisfy everyone, so why bother to argue over the one that satisfies most of the community. If we tried to impress everyone, we'd be here years on end.
Which is why I've done what I've done.  Stop complaining about it.
I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.


After going over this thread fairly quickly it seems obvious to me that several ideas keep coming up...

You all want time travel.
You all want that time travel to head waaaay back to the origins of biometal.
Most want to involve the Olympians and Hadeans but want to do so by introducing a third faction we weren't told about in BZ1.

It also seems like this may be too late, but it takes a LOT of time and patience to even get to the start of such an ambitious project...  so I thought I'd toss this out.

As someone who's spent waaaay too much time thinking about the Ancients...  what do you think about this? 

Why have anyone/anything travel back from NOW to THEN?  Why not have an advanced force, very powerful and mysterious but of limited numbers travel from the future to NOW?

They appear, hit both the EDF and the Scions, gather up some resources and then disappear again.  Their goal is unknown, but they have a definite agenda.  They leave behind a huge Portal like object but it's dead.

We figure out it's a time travel portal, and that the enemy continued on backward in time.  This is disturbing, so a mixed group of EDF/Scions go through to find out what these guys are up to.

They come out on Icarus, at just the time the full-out biometal wars are starting between the Olympians and Hadeans.  The enemy is nowhere in sight, but our troops have enough to handle with the war that's raging around them.

Trying to keep a low profile, to keep from causing damage to the timestream, is difficult, but we track down the mysterious enemy and find they're creating a huge biometal machine.  It's obviously a time portal but it's huge compared with the one they used to get there.

It looks like they intend to take the whole planet, or at least a big part of it, somewhere else in time.  The time stress will most likely kill all living, non-Fury-type creatures on the planet.  Sortof a 'Neutron Bomb' solution to the fighting.

We scout them and find that they're ultra-advanced cerberi intending to take the Furies forward in time to destroy, well, pretty much everyone.  They figure the originals will be able to do what they weren't able to.

These troops are the Elite Cerberi, and were a backup plan should the Cerberi be defeated.  They're basically 'getting back to basics', gathering the original Furies before the Olympians and Hadeans destroyed the planet to defeat them.

Now, if you want a third faction make it the group that steps up to help our boys wipe out the Cerberi...



A while ago I was working on hybrid ISDF/Scion ships. They had some crazy tech in them too. For example the stealth carrier Oasis (as in Stormpetral like, not a fighter carrier). These things had everything from armored plates with biological undersides that allowed some cool morphing effects (picture biological morphing combined with armored plates shifting). None of these models ever made it out of concept phase, but I would love to make the attempt again. I take it the ISDF/Scion mix is partly to confuse their enemies?

The original story had time travel, but I never did see them touching the Cthonian home world. I always saw them as a future race living in the past of a planet they had yet to colonize after the neo-Hadeans attacked them, thus gaining at least the positional equivalent of their portal technology. Then the insanity started and every wanted to be in the past with the ancients, YUCK. After reading Mr. X's story I was all in for time travel as an obstacle rather than a plot device.

Click on the image...


@Av; That is the single best storyline that I have read for the CP!!!
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


Avatar, what do you think of this: (It is what I recall from way back when we started)

There was an ancient break off of the Cthonian race. It formed during the war, but did not see action. It consisted of both Olympians and Hadeans that disagreed with the war. They found their own planet and started a golden age. With no enemies and no civil war they developed portals and massive leaps in quantum physics that even allowed time travel. Then the modern Hadeans found them, and razed the planet, steeling the portal technology and creating what we had in FE. But this faction was not destroyed, it protected itself by escaping into it's own past. There was a portal or something, a probe, IDK, that was launched and was the key starting part for the mod from there.

I always LOVED this first story. I even came up with some weird explanations for things that fit our understanding of physics for use in the story. (If the probe was fired at light speed, and when it reached the Olympians lets say, it acitvated a portal and gave it's message to them, that portal could give them the message at about the very moment in time the probe entered light speed. Then the probe would slow down and be collected, YEARS later. The ISDF blockading the Hadean world get the probe, but years and years ago the Olympians got the message and even the key to the time travel.) In that version, the Modern Olympians are still alive, secretly, because they could escape with portal, TIME portal tech well before the Modern Hadeans had portal tech.

Click on the image...


Quote from: bigbadbogie on September 19, 2009, 05:15:01 PM
@Av; That is the single best storyline that I have read for the CP!!!

Gawrsh, well, thanks, but it's just what I see from what's posted above.

Quote from: Nielk1 on September 19, 2009, 05:32:12 PM
Avatar, what do you think of this: (It is what I recall from way back when we started)


First off, I like anything that seamlessly weaves into the current story arc as shown in BZ1, TRO, and BZ2.  Whatever story is done shouldn't do anything that conflicts with the original story.  (so, I agree, that I don't like the 'that's what THEY told you' bit...)

Now, if the faction that left was the best scientists from both sides I guess that would be possible...  I usually have trouble when a small group outperforms a larger group in issues of brainpower unless they were the brainy ones to begin with.

I'm none too keen on the idea of this race going far away, making an advanced utopia, and then getting wiped out by the modern day remnants of their own original race, (who have supposedly degenerated a bit I thought...).

So I'd rather see them just create an underground city somewhere in the solar system, (Atlantis?) but as long as you're introducing Portal technology they can follow the Chinese and move to some distant planet... (Elysium, even?)  That would be a nice tie-in to TRO and possibly help explain some of the Chinese tech...

And I'd think the third race, if they had all those cool things, wouldn't have been wiped out by the modern day Hadeans...  It's hard to imagine AND isn't anywhere near dramatic enough... How about instead the modern day Hadeans show up and find a dead planet?  Everything where it was, food on the table, coffee still warm, but nobody around?  This leaves not only a mystery, but a whole planet full of treasures for the modern Hadeans.

Still, that would leave some questions:

Where did they go?  Why, back in time!  How did it happen?  Why, it was an accident!  Where did they end up?  Earth, maybe?  Lol...  they all end up naked, unarmed and without their beloved technology, standing dead center in the garden of eden on a prehistoric Earth.   :)  Very BSG ending...

You know, with that story you end with everything going full circle in a nice little spiral...

Cthonians create Furies with the DNA of a primitive race on Earth, that was itself descended from the brightest minds of the Cthonians who trapped themselves on Earth in the distant past when their own temporal technology malfunctioned, technology that was then taken by their own degenerated ancestors (modern Hadeans) one day far into the future...




Well they didn't go THAT far away. Just enough. Also, the point was they were pacifists, or at least preferred to be, so the just 'left' in a way that made the Hadeans think they wiped them out. I do see tons of flaws though, and I do like the chance to revive some of my older modeling ideas with my new skills (vertex animation).

Click on the image...



Good think Avatar came by, he's dropped off some genuinely rather clever ideas... I'll have to get on to Mr X again sometime soon.

Mr X

I'm on Messenger right now Ahadley,

I do have one major problem with avatar's suggestion though, if these guys came from the future, wouldn't they know that they would lose and not bother?

I don't think we should dabble in the future, because if we have it set in stone now then we seriously restrict what we can do in future mods.

I'd quite frankly like to put my foot down here actually, because the story has gone back to the drawing board to be completely rewritten so many times that I'm not amused in the slightest by it any more. I'm certain I'm not the only one.
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I'm having trouble connecting, but I should be on later tonight. Time for a serious brainstorm, I think.

Mr X

I'll probably not be on later, but I'll try,

if not I'll try to come up with some ideas,

I should be on tomorrow from 7:30 UK time.
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starting January 2010!