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ELLO im new and I need some help

Started by RABBITPOLICE, September 02, 2009, 08:04:28 AM

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Hello everyone im new here and the first time I played Bz2 is when I was 6 years old.

Well anyways I need some help I want to make a new Faction for Bz2 but I dont know were to start
I know how to modifie odfs but I dont know how to get them from data pak I also need a free modeling
program and another thing I need is permisson to use the infantry from g66 mod
I hope you guys can help me.
Thank you

The Rabbitpolice anti gangster task force was founded in 2003 but because this force is fiction there are still gangsters in oakland but a differnt force of cops are trying to get em out instead of calling the isdf (now a word from are sponsers)BEAT IT JUST BEAT IT JUST BEAT IT

Red Spot

First of all ... hi :)

I'd start by reading the stickies, at least have a look at them. Than use the search function, and eventually ask in the correct part of the forum.

To unpack the pak files go to BZScrap (see the links on the top of this forum) and download the pak explorer.
To add more races you basicly just have to create the odf's and change the races name, just dig through the pak files and it will become clear what I mean (I hope :D).
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


Hello and welcome!

For modeling you're going to want Blender, with OvermindDL1's BZ2 exporter. However be prepared to spend at least a few hours learning the interface because it is not standard and can be very confusing at first.

Blender can be downloaded here: http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/
Good Blender video tutorials are here: http://blenderunderground.com/video-tutorials/
Model making basics (in Max, but the same idea applies to any modeling program) here: http://www.bz2md.com/fishdotxsi/model.htm
OM's Blender exporter thread is here:http://www.overminddl1.com/forum/index.php/topic,694.new.html#new

Most importantly, use Google and the forums! Chances are someone's already asked any given question.

Hope this helps.
Happy modding!


Thanks for your help guys
but I will be able to put this faction in instant action right?
The Rabbitpolice anti gangster task force was founded in 2003 but because this force is fiction there are still gangsters in oakland but a differnt force of cops are trying to get em out instead of calling the isdf (now a word from are sponsers)BEAT IT JUST BEAT IT JUST BEAT IT


If you make em the right way, they can work in any game mode.
Be warned, making a new race is a big task, start small, figure out the best way to do what you want to do. I spent a few years just making a weapons mod for the existing races, then decided to change tack and make a new race, once I had figured out how to do it and it became possible (1.3)
I'm still at it now!
My Dalek Masters say that you should not bother because they are going to EXTERMINATE! you before you finish it... :-D


does anyone know were the model for the constructor is?
The Rabbitpolice anti gangster task force was founded in 2003 but because this force is fiction there are still gangsters in oakland but a differnt force of cops are trying to get em out instead of calling the isdf (now a word from are sponsers)BEAT IT JUST BEAT IT JUST BEAT IT


This is where you need to start being careful right away. There is an xsi.zip on http://www.bzscrap.com/, but many of the models have been altered since then. So you need to use the newer ones if you are modding in pb3-TA5 (or above!) Which I hope you are.
They can be found on bzscrap in the public 1.3 area, modder data techalpha5.7z

The older and unchanged models are in the xsi.zip under utilities.

BNG Da BZ Fool

Blender, seems to be the best free 3d modeler to do animation with. Another good free alternative without animation is one called Wings3d, or Truespace 7.6; both are fairly easy to learn, but I'd go with Blender as someone finally figured out how to get animations working with a little Notepad editng. Blender, may seem a little strange at first, but the home website has links to tons of how to information related to using it.

As far as creating a new faction pick an existing one that behaves the way your new faction would resemble, and study the model files, ODF files, and other related data; the data.pak file can be opened in Pak Explorer found at Bzscrap.com. The site also has some other useful utilities get em all. 
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.



Commando's changelog for the patches have been extremely useful at times aswell.  :-)
Hidden Defenders Mod



I don't have anything to say on this topic other than hi so

C l a v i n 1 2


Hi there,

Welcome to the Battlezone Universe Forums. Another place you are free to look for some information is in the Battlezone Magazine.

Tutorials have been put in to the magazine and may help you on your modding.

The link to the Magazines are at this wiki:


If you have any questions, my suggestion is to search the forum first as there is a good chance it's been answered, but if not feel free to post here or PM me. I'll be glad to help as will most people here on the forum.

Good luck!
Jonathan S.