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Human Society and what not...

Started by iron maiden, August 30, 2009, 09:56:19 PM

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I'm sorry, but it was the war of southern secession. The south did legally secede only the north declared war and recaptured it. I would have the south try it again just to be free from the federal government. I would rather live in a confederation because it spreads power more evenly.
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Sorry but the victors choose what it is called and how history records it. No one will ever truly know the full truth of any event.

Click on the image...


Still i'd be willing to try it again.
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Wouldn't work. The financial losses it would inflict on powerful vested interests, would ensure that it would not be allowed to succeed. The days when such a liberty could be taken are gone. Freedom won was sold to the ethos of Capitalism. Nobody can afford to buy it back now, and fighting for it would bring predictable results. You will have to wait until this "Empire" falls, as they all do in the end.


What a glorious and terrible day it will be.
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iron maiden

So we only get one chance can we take it
And we only get one life can't exchange it
Can we hold on to what we have don't replace it
The age of innocence is fading..... Like an old dream

Red Devil

I recently watched the HBO mini-series John Adams on DVD.  Very much worth watching.
What box???



I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.



Quote from: AHadley on September 03, 2009, 03:57:50 AM
America's 46 states and 4 commonwealths are all larger than certain countries (Monaco anyone?)

Monaco? You should have said Singapore (place I live). Its the tiniest itty bitty little country in the world!
=P I mean, on the world map we look like a dot. XD
Avatars make my profile look fat...


Vatican City.

And don't you ever forget that non-voting, non-commonwealth, non-state, but federal district, Washington, D.C.


The Vatican is the smallest country in the world, Monaco is second. How can an American State not be bigger than the Vatican? Singapore doesn't even make it into the top 17 http://geography.about.com/cs/countries/a/smallcountries.htm


Quote from: sabrebattletank on September 08, 2009, 10:08:53 PM
Vatican City.

And don't you ever forget that non-voting, non-commonwealth, non-state, but federal district, Washington, D.C.

You should move to NC. We have barbecue and like the worst obesity rate in the U.S.
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I'm actually at school in New York. We have everything.