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forum for new mod idea's

Started by iron maiden, September 18, 2009, 07:48:42 PM

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OR you could do a mod where you get to fight as every civilisation ever so for example you could play as the britons against the hadeans against the chinese against the new zealanders.

and you fight inside the sun.


Quoteand you fight inside the sun.

Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com



Quote from: Clavin12 on September 30, 2009, 06:43:43 PM
How bout the Egyptians? They payed special attention to the heavens.

Uler already exist.

Click on the image...


Quote from: sabrebattletank on September 30, 2009, 06:49:18 PM
and you fight inside the sun.

WTH? How about we work on fighting in a gas giant for now?

Click on the image...


Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


iron maiden

So we only get one chance can we take it
And we only get one life can't exchange it
Can we hold on to what we have don't replace it
The age of innocence is fading..... Like an old dream


How about fighting inside a black hole?



Any more ridiculous suggestions?
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


We could do an ASCII mod and have everything in-game changed from pretty graphics to ASCII art.


Quote from: sabrebattletank on September 30, 2009, 09:54:56 PM
We could do an ASCII mod and have everything in-game changed from pretty graphics to ASCII art.

Tron is better...



Dammit now that's on my list too because Sean dropped off the Earth shortly after taking over for Spiritplumber.

Click on the image...



Quote from: sabrebattletank on October 01, 2009, 01:03:17 AM
We could do a Teeth mod, where.... you get the idea.

How about no?

Note to everyone: I'm getting very close to locking this thread.  Please keep this in mind when you post.
I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.


A mod where an alien base is found deep within the antarctic ice. It seems deserted but really there is just a race in hibernation there. The explorers who found it wake them up (accidentally of course) and are killed and the game becomes a war with this race on earth in places like south America southern Africa and the pacific islands and of course Antarctica. The player would be an officer in the earths army.
C l a v i n 1 2


That is a Aliens vs Predator movie.
But I truly like the awaken idea, to be honest.
I like the idea that bio-metal can become sentient, we've been warring with it for years. But under the right circumstances it can become aware (like the furies did, but can communicate) and have all the knowledge of past war machines made by the different races. The mod could be about bringing together bio-metal from the different sectors in space that it was used throughout the years in hopes that it would combine and cause the material to become sentient and create the "light of bio-luminescense" the Cthonians enjoyed that would enlighten whoever basked in the light with the original knowledge hidden in the bio-metal. 
That kind of awakening would be with the storyline(I think)
There is no knowledge that is not power.