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Overdrive Terminal / computer help
November 21, 2009, 08:40:04 AM
ello im pretty sure almost all of you work with computers so im gona ask you a question

you see I have an e monster 500 with a 500mhz pentium 3 processor its the only computer I can use
the question is if i bought a pentium 3 with 1ghz for 20$ and put it in will it work right?

or should I just but an old computer tower with 800mhz for 20$

oh and I have opened up computers before I switched the color card and changed the cdrom
and ive also popped in and popped out hard drives

I hope you guys can help me thanks
Maps and Modding / Sand box mod help
November 14, 2009, 06:43:02 PM
Ello guys im about to release the sand box mod but theres a problem im using the dm multiplayer format
and team 1 and 2 are alies I need to know how the teams on dm work in multiplayer
like team 1 = good
team 2 = bad

also were would I put the download link

Maps and Modding / AN EDITOR MOD
November 07, 2009, 04:46:06 PM
Because you guys did not like my idea about making an editor mod
I had to make one myself but in a differnt format as soon as I can use the internet
ill post it and just to give you a hint on what I did ill just say im good with odfs
Battlezone 2 / Look I can be an idiot
October 29, 2009, 03:20:01 PM
sorry guys all you need to do to get the textures to work is put them in the addon folder now I have a new problem i made a ship but the turret keeps comming out  really huge and the body tiny

turret mesh name = turret_y

body name= main-body or main_body

my dad disconnected my internet till next semister so I wont anwser till i come back to a library thanks
idk how :mrgreen:
Overdrive Terminal / FPS and RTS
October 18, 2009, 05:50:02 PM
This is what it says on wikipedia about why people did not like bz2

But cant you guys fix this sort of problem by putting instant satellite view button (It will appeal to the more rts players)
(read below to understand what I mean)

Just an idea

Pandemic Studios continued and expanded the concept of a RTS and FPS hybrid where the player drove the vehicle in the game, but using a mixture of the reticle and the space bar, select units and buildings to build and order units around the battle field. The F keys at the top of the keyboard were used to create groups of units for easy selection of the units presently on the battlefield when they were not in the range of the player to select via the spacebar.

The common consensus is that Battlezone II was not very popular as it tried to blend two groups together and both styles of players having trouble adapting to the other style they were unused to. Programmer Ken Miller said, "BZ2 was meant to do that at first [appeal to both genres], but headed in the opposite direction. The problem is that mixedgenre games only attract players that like BOTH genres (the intersection) as opposed to EITHER genre (the union). It mainly comes down to learning curve. Action/shooter gamers can pick up just about any action/shooter game on the market and play it in short order, as almost all of them use the same control scheme and feature similar gameplay conventions. Similarly, strategy gamers can pick up just about any strategy game on the market and play it, although strategy games tend to differ from each other more than action games. Confronting an action/shooter gamer with strategy or a strategy player with action tends to force them outside their genre "comfort zone" and requires a steeper learning curve. My pithiest, if somewhat unfair, summation is this: 'FPS players don't want to think; RTS players don't want to die.'"[2]
look I try blender the texture wont show I even looked at some tutorials
lithrunwrap tears my model apart and my computer cant open or save .pic
and I dont like truespace any suggestions
Battlezone 2 / Modern WAREFARE!
October 11, 2009, 06:51:38 PM
Ello every one im thinking about making a modern warfare mod for bz2
the only problem is im still having trouble with putting texture (im gona try lithrunwrap)
But the question is if I did make it would you play it

Guys can you pls help me find a good program to make models for bz2
thats free. I like blender but I cant put any textures, I cant make new modeling in threed
so screw that, so what else is there.

Battlezone 2 / I made somthin
October 02, 2009, 05:27:28 PM
Ello everyone um I once made this mech out of the constructor and a tank head with threed. It works perfectly
but I havent done anything with it.
you guys want it for a variant or somthing?
Maps and Modding / somthing is wrong with my blender fish
September 25, 2009, 11:23:00 AM
I decided to make an under the sea mod for bz2
so I made a fish but somthing is wrong with it
its comes out in bz2 really small and in 2 pcs (its spose to be 2 pcs togther) and non textured
do you guys know why this happend

I hope you guys can help me

Battlezone 2 / Blender
September 22, 2009, 05:56:32 PM
 :-D Hi guys sorry I keep asking questions but is it worth it to use blender for
Just to let you know this is for linksys routers

just watch this vid then read below http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWPUdW1kIJA

He said in cmd to type ipconfig/all

if default gateway ip does not work use ip address from here whatismyipaddress.com/

put both and forward thease ports 17770-17772

you dont need to do the second step unless you have a firewall

Battlezone 2 / EDITOR MODe
September 21, 2009, 12:17:08 PM
How do I use editor in multiplayer I dont want it for cheating just to mess with it when me and my bro play
Ok you know how people make shows for video games like red vs blue and runescape gods exposed
how about we make 1 for Bz2.

P.s how do you make a faction in instant action menu.
Battlezone 2 / Faction or variant
September 13, 2009, 04:34:51 PM
Ello everyone
as you guys know ive been bugging you guys for the past week on stuff (sorry bout that)
anyway I have built for my faction or variant a




I wanted to know if I will be able to put this in instant action if not what about variants

(This faction is ISDF rebels so Idk either way is fine)
Battlezone 2 / RECs and tracks
September 11, 2009, 05:00:35 PM
Ello me again so far my factions going great I have a factory but I need to know about recyclers
and tracked vehicles
Battlezone 2 / Constructor mech
September 05, 2009, 05:35:31 AM
Ello me again I used the xsi models from bzscap to make a mech using tank head and constructor
body but for some reason when I load it in editor it wont show up and it freeze's up
computer and I have to cut off battle zone. can you guys help figure out the problem pls.
Thank you (sorry if I sound rude I dont know how to talk on forums.)
im useing 1.5 beta thingy ma bop

Heres the odf

baseName = "ivGUNDAM"
classLabel = "iv_walker"
cockpitName = "ivwalk_cockpit.xsi"
geometryName = "ivGUNDAM_skel.xsi"

animCount = 10
animName1 = "idle"
animFile1 = "ivGUNDAM_IDLE.xsi"

animName2 = "idle2"
animFile2 = "ivGUNDAM_IDLE.xsi"

animName3 = "idle3"
animFile3 = "ivGUNDAM_IDLE.xsi"

animName4 = "sitdown"
animFile4 = "ivGUNDAM_IDLE.xsi"

animName5 = "walk"
animFile5 = "ivGUNDAM_WALK.xsi"

animName6 = "turn"
animFile6 = "ivGUNDAM_turn.xsi"

animName7 = "death"
animFile7 = "ivGUNDAM_DEATH.xsi"

animName8 = "death2"
animFile8 = "ivGUNDAM_DEATH2.xsi"

animName9 = "death3"
animFile9 = "ivGUNDAM_DEATH3.xsi"

animName10 = "run"
animFile10 = "ivGUNDAM_WALK.xsi"

scrapValue = 30
scrapCost = 100
customCost = 105
buildTime = 20.0
customTime = 20.0
maxHealth = 8000
maxAmmo = 6000
addAmmo = 20
unitName = "GUNDAM"
aiName = "GechProcess"
heatSignature = 0.1
imageSignature = 5.0
radarSignature = 5.0
collisionRadius = 4.0
isAssault = 1

armorClass = H

requireCount = 2
requireName1 = "ibfact"
requireText1 = "Build Factory"
requireName2 = "ibtcen"
requireText2 = "Build Tech Cen"

/////// weapons ///////////////////

weaponMask = 00111
weaponHard1 = "HP_CANNON_1"
weaponName1 = "gblast_c"
weaponAssault1 = 0
weaponHard2 = "HP_CANNON_2"
weaponName2 = "gblast_c"
weaponAssault2 = 0
weaponHard3 = "HP_GUN_1"
weaponName3 = "glaser_c"
weaponAssault3 = 0
weaponHard4 = "HP_GUN_2"
weaponName4 = "glaser_c"
weaponAssault4 = 0


lightHard1 = "hp_light_1"
lightName1 = "spotblue2"
lightHard2 = "hp_light_2"
lightName2 = "spotblue2"

rangeScan = 200.0
periodScan = 5.0
velocJam = 0.0
engageRange = 150

selectWaitMsg = "ivwalk04.wav"
selectAttackMsg = "ivwalk01.wav"
selectFollowMsg = "ivwalk03.wav"
selectGoMsg = "ivwalk02.wav"
selectOtherMsg = "ivwalk04.wav"

goMsg = "ivwalk05.wav"
attackMsg = "ivwalk06.wav"
followMeMsg = "ivwalk08.wav"
followMsg = "ivwalk03.wav"
repairMsg = "ivwalk09.wav"
reloadMsg = "ivwalk09.wav"
rescueMsg = "ivwalk10.wav"
recycleMsg = "ivwalk11.wav"
otherMsg = "ivwalk04.wav"
holdMsg = "ivwalk12.wav"
user1Msg = "" 
killedMsg = "ivwalk07.wav"
diedMsg = ""

// Angles are in degress
headYawRate   = 100.0
minHeadYaw = -80.0
maxHeadYaw =  80.0
minHeadPitch = -30.0
maxHeadPitch = 30.0

alphaDamp = 5.0
omegaTurn = 40.0
omegaTurnAttenuation = 0.5f

alphaSteer = 0.1
velocJump = 0;
alphaTrack = 20.0
pitchPitch = 0.0
pitchThrust = 0.0
accelThrust = 8.0
velocForward = 15.0
velocReverse = 8.0

headpiece = "turret"
rightfootpiece = "rfoot";
leftfootpiece = "lfoot";

jumpSound  = "avwalke2.wav"
landSound  = "avwalke3.wav"
stepSound  = "iwalk02.wav"

engineSound   = "iatank01.wav"

this is location
Battlezone 2 / ELLO im new and I need some help
September 02, 2009, 08:04:28 AM
Hello everyone im new here and the first time I played Bz2 is when I was 6 years old.

Well anyways I need some help I want to make a new Faction for Bz2 but I dont know were to start
I know how to modifie odfs but I dont know how to get them from data pak I also need a free modeling
program and another thing I need is permisson to use the infantry from g66 mod
I hope you guys can help me.
Thank you