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Messages - Shadow Knight

Maps and Modding / Re: Sand box mod help
December 23, 2009, 07:15:05 PM
Quote from: S.cavA.rmyG.en on December 23, 2009, 04:23:43 PM
but still a con. that can build a 100 units is possible and I have tested that.
Nobody said it wasn't.
Neither of us want targeting (apart from his idea of targeting his own flare mine with his ordnance to make it fire downwards).
The 1.3 Community Project / Re: Some of the Beeb's stuff
December 22, 2009, 09:14:42 PM
Quote from: bb1 on December 22, 2009, 06:24:56 PM
You're classifying this with that big ugly 4 piece CCA ship thing  :?
Classes don't have any relation to appearance, only function (in general). You could turn a Sentry into a Mammoth and it would be a Mammoth.
I tend to think of it more like Scions are human infused with biometal, while Furies are biometal infused with human.
A week or two ago I got a meteor storm style effect rolling. Unfortunately I'm having the same problem as you are, where any faster makes them arc too much


classLabel = "dispenser"
wpnName = "OMFG WTF"
fireSound = "mmine01.wav"
wpnReticle = "gflare"
wpnPriority = 1
wpnCategory = "SPEC"

shotDelay = 2.0
objectClass = "omfgmine"

geometryName = "igflar00.xsi"
classLabel = "flare"
scrapCost = 0
scrapValue = 0
maxHealth = 15000
maxAmmo = 1000
unitName = "OMFG ONOZ"
heatSignature = 100.0

lifeSpan = 15.0

payloadName = "omfgbm"
fireSound = "smine01.wav"
triggerDelay = 2.0
shotDelay = 0.05
shotVariance = 5.2
damageRadius = 0.0
damageValue(N) = 100 // none
damageValue(L) = 50 // light
damageValue(H) = 5 // heavy
damageValue(S) = 50 // standard
damageValue(D) = 100 // deflection
damageValue(A) = 5 // absorbtion

classLabel = "spraybomb"
shotGeometry = NULL
shotSound = "baz03.wav"
xplGround = NULL
xplVehicle = NULL
xplBuilding = NULL
rendername = NULL

ammoCost = 200
lifeSpan = 15
shotSpeed = 18.0

damageValue(N) = 0
damageValue(L) = 0
damageValue(H) = 0
damageValue(S) = 0
damageValue(D) = 0
damageValue(A) = 0

payloadName = "omfgb2"

geometryName = NULL //"ioartl00.xsi"
classLabel = "spraymine"
scrapCost = 0
scrapValue = 0
maxHealth = 120
maxHeat = 0
maxAmmo = 1
unitName = "FFS"
explosionName = "xstabcar_c"

payloadName = "omfg"
fireSound = "smort02.wav"
triggerDelay = 2.0
setAltitude = 300.0
omegaSpin = 100.0
shotDelay = 0.01
anglePitch = 5.0

classLabel = "grenade"

shotGeometry = NULL
shotSound = "baz03.wav"

xplGround = "xomfg"
xplVehicle = "xomfg"
xplBuilding = "xomfg"

renderName = "omfg.render"

ammoCost = 1
lifeSpan = 1e30
shotSpeed = 20.0

damageValue(N) = 400 // none
damageValue(L) = 350 // light
damageValue(H) = 300 // heavy

damageValue(S) = 350 // standard
damageValue(D) = 300 // deflection
damageValue(A) = 400 // absorbtion

renderBase = "draw_multi"
renderCount = 3
renderName1 = "omfg.smoke"
renderName1 = "omfg.flame"
renderName2 = "omfg.trail"

renderBase = "draw_light"
startColor = "80 255 80 500"
finishColor = "80 255 80 500"
startRadius = 25.0
finishRadius = 25.0
animateTime = 1.5
attenuateConstant = 0.0
attenuateLinear = 1.0
attenuateQuadratic = 0.0

renderBase = "draw_twirl_trail"
textureName = "blast.tga"
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
startColor = "255 255 80 127"
finishColor = "0 255 0 0"
startRadius = 5.2
finishRadius = 0.1
animateTime = 1.1
rotationRate = 10.0
emitDelay = 0.001
emitVelocity = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
emitVariance = "1.0 1.0 1.0"
emitLife = 1.1

renderBase = "draw_twirl_trail"
textureName = "blast.tga"
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
startColor = "80 255 80 31"
finishColor = "0 255 0 0"
startRadius = 5.4
finishRadius = 1.0
animateTime = 0.1
rotationRate = 10.0
emitDelay = 0.005
emitVelocity = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
emitVariance = "1.0 1.0 1.0"
emitLife = 1.1

renderBase = "draw_trail"
textureName = "smoke2.tga"
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
textureRate = 0.01
startColor = "255 255 80 127"
finishColor = "0 255 0 0"
startRadius = 5.1
finishRadius = 0.0
segmentTime = 1.2
lifeSpan = 1.1
Maps and Modding / Re: Sand box mod help
December 22, 2009, 09:02:56 PM
Quote from: Nielk1 on December 22, 2009, 08:22:37 PM
Have you actuly TRIED this? I have NEVER gotten a 10th base slot EVER, and I tried. Thus, 109...
Quote from: S.cavA.rmyG.en on December 22, 2009, 08:52:06 PM
fine 109 is still a good #.
now I gus I can try making the 10th work right?
don't think it will be to hard its just some small code to change.
no I did not test it becouse I did not want a comtower as a base building.

When one of the more experienced modders on the board says he's tried and failed, that's generally not a sign that it's possible
Quote from: BNG Da BZ Fool on December 20, 2009, 03:56:24 PM
...and here I thought you meant the C&C Renegade Mammoth, a 4 tracked behemoth with rockets and heavy armor.
Sweet, i'm not the only person who plays Renegade and BZ2

Maybe if you scale the gun to about 50%, but keep it's base as is. That way you could put a second one up there and you have a scout.
Maps and Modding / Re: Sand box mod help
December 18, 2009, 06:22:42 PM
Probably by using sub menus, like GH's constructors.
Quote from: Clavin12 on December 17, 2009, 08:17:03 PM
This thread is not about missions at all. It's about the necessities of the story such as basic plot, and events.
Did i just read you saying this thread isn't about the missions, then say it's about the missions?
Quote from: Clavin12 on December 15, 2009, 06:09:44 PM
But since when do we need a pylon in bz2?
The same time that voice in my head started speaking to me.

We could have read that for ourselves. If there was a specific part that would have for example, backed up an agrument or something, that would have been more needed to be pasted.
The 1.3 Community Project / Re: Poll for Story Writing
December 13, 2009, 08:53:54 PM
Oh lawd, another poll. What's wrong with just some people writing stories and putting them forward?
The 1.3 Community Project / Re: Restarting
December 11, 2009, 10:27:08 PM
Quote from: iron maiden on December 11, 2009, 08:15:27 PM
You have a point, but it is kind of hard to build a race without a definate back story and not knowing whats going on.
Not really.
We want a third Cthonian faction, so let's make some units and texture them cthonian-like. Anything unique for missions can be developed later.