Battlezone Universe

Battlezone Universe => Archive Vault => Public 1.3 Beta Archive => Topic started by: Jwk the Hemp Monkey on May 12, 2004, 02:50:39 PM

Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: Jwk the Hemp Monkey on May 12, 2004, 02:50:39 PM
This will inculde a list of all the MAJOR, Medium and minor suggestion/bugs/etc soon...

I am just a little busy right now. It will steadly get finished as i come back to it.
For now....

EDIT: The ones highlighted in Green have been fixed.

MAJOR (required for game to function)

(MAJORbug) ISDF base build in AIP can fail

(MAJOR bug) Archers fire while flying

(MAJOR Out of game bug)General Not-workingness

(MAJOR Bug) Targeted AI jerk around! Needs fixing!

(MAJOR Bug) Race mode doesnt work at all

Confusion on behalf of the editor.

(MAJOR Tweak/Sugges.)Reason why vehicles feel more sluggish.

(MAJOR bug) Rocket Tank AI
Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: Tigger on May 12, 2004, 03:16:14 PM
lol!  :D
Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: OvermindDL1 on May 12, 2004, 03:16:28 PM
The 'Targeted Ai Jerk Around' has already been fixed.
Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: Jwk the Hemp Monkey on May 12, 2004, 04:26:04 PM
Oh good. I shall leave it up here so that if anyone else notices it (in the public version) they know its there.

If there is anything else on this list (still in the making) that is need of editing, do tell.

Thank you.
Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: Aegeis on May 12, 2004, 05:11:53 PM
since the targetting ai thing is fixed put up there that it has been fixed.
Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: Fried on June 21, 2004, 10:38:40 AM
Actually the Ai still has a little bit of Parkinsens disease  though it's much better than it was .
Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: Jwk the Hemp Monkey on June 21, 2004, 11:45:48 AM
Fried, it was to do with how objects became more 'jerky' when you targeted them, not nessearily the AI them selves...or did you already know this...*confused*
Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: Spawn on June 27, 2004, 03:04:44 AM
im not sure about this, but in 1.2 (it happenes in 1.3 also) somethimes when i would die and eject from a ship, the sniper rifel wouldnt function at all (pulse worked) untill i landed, this could fix the archer bug, for the archer bug happens when you take archer before it deploys for the first time.  im not really sure though, so feel free to ignore this.
Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: Juvat on July 07, 2004, 03:47:03 PM
More F keys for MPI

When playing MPI on LAN I only get 7 "F#" keys for groups ya get more in 1.2

Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: Tempest Storm on July 07, 2004, 04:29:22 PM
The count depends on the amount of the player limit in the game. If you or two players are going to be in the game then you have to make the player limit 2 or 1, this will free up more keys for you.
Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: Juvat on July 07, 2004, 06:24:18 PM
Boy don't I feel stupid, I've been cursing that for ages  eheheheh

Thankx TS your a wealth of knowlege

Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: Tempest Storm on July 07, 2004, 07:29:03 PM
I didn't even know that myself, and then I picked it up off of Nathan when a similar comment was made during private beta. :)
Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: eddeighton on July 07, 2004, 10:25:57 PM
Sorry but I have to ask.

Any chance you could put my request for a int getGroup(Handle h); dll function here.  I honestly think it is an essential addtion (and simple one) to the dlls.

Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: OvermindDL1 on July 08, 2004, 02:41:46 AM
What would be the purpose of getting the group number that an object is in.  I do not see how that would be useful, causing the reasoning that it will not be put in (it probobly would not be put in irregardless).  If you want even the slightest chance of something being added (which this is regarding to modding, so it literally has no chance) then you need to give ample reasoning and examples as to why.
Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: eddeighton on July 08, 2004, 03:49:56 AM
OK I see your point.

Like I said in the programmers forum its all about unit switching i.e. the ability for the player to switch control too any pilotable unit on his side.  

To do this in the dll involves some steps.

Firstly you need the handle to the unit the player wants to take control over - in my system I have detected a unit with the "Hunt" command active but obviously you could use any system to enable the player to select a unit he wants to switch control to especially if in your dll you are tracking the active units.

So you got the players handle and the handle of the unit to switch too.

If the player is currently a pilot then all you need to do is use SetAsUser to set the target unit as controlled by the player.

However if the player is currently inside a unit then obviously you have to do something with the unit the player is switching from. i.e.

Vector zeroVel;
zeroVel.x=0.0; zeroVel.y=0.0; zeroVel.z=0.0;

//get the target vehicle - however you do it
Handle newVehicle = GetTargetVehicle();

//----- Use the GetGroup() function here to record groupnumber
//recordGroupNumber is just some function that hashes handles to
//group numbers that you could write so you can retrieve the number
RecordGroupNumber( GetGroup(newVehicle) ,newVehicle);

//get the current vehicle the player is driving
Handle oldVehicle = GetPlayerHandle();

//hault them in their tracks
SetVelocity(newVehicle ,zeroVel);

//now set the player to be driving the new vehicle
SetAsUser(newVehicle ,m_playerTeam);

//create a new pilot to pilot the players old vehicle and
//spawn him at the old vehicles position
Handle newPilot=BuildObject("ispilo",m_playerTeam,oldVehicle);
//make sure the pilot pilots the new vehicle

//now here I want to call setGroup on the old unit
// but there is no way for me to know what the correct group number
// for the old unit should be because the player may have moved the
// unit around before he switched to it
// if I could have recorded the group number as shown earlier though
// then I could retrieve it here and correctly set the old unit back into
// its group
int groupNumber = getRecordedGroupNumber(groupNumber);

So you see, the only way I can know what groupNumber should be is if I am able to track the group numbers of vehicles so when the player leaves a vehicle it is returned to the group it was originally in.

This means that if you rapidly switch between units everything would be fine.  Sure there could be problems in the player switches infrequently and groups get radically changed but thats acceptable, the important thing is not to screw the groups up when the player switches from one squad to another.  

Generally I think the problem stems from the fact that in the BZ engine the player is not actually a member of a squad his or her self so the players unit just floats around outside of the actual squads.

There are also other uses for this function i.e. being able to issue custom commands to groups and being able to record the games state so it can be reloaded - (if you are spawning everything from the dll)

Unit switching rocks and this function is all thats needed to make it work plus its a logical function thats missing from the dll given that we have getFreeGroup and setGroup,,,

Any support for the motion would be great I am sure I'm not the only programmer who would use it.  I wouldn't ask if I didn;t think it would be an easy addition, I know that Nathan and Ken are very busy.

My mod is not gonna fall apart without it or anything, its only a little thing and the only problem occurs if the player manually modifies group settings after launch.  

I just think that unit switching takes BZ2 to the next level and I know several people have asked for such a capability but as it stands there is absolutely no possible way of detecting the current group of a unit.  

Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: OvermindDL1 on July 08, 2004, 07:19:25 PM
Why on earth would it be useable again?  First of all if you want to readd it to the slot it was before, what if the slot is now full of trucks instead of tanks now, a little problem.  Also I see a slight flaw in some of your examples.  First of all, the player is not actually an object.  The player is a specific viewpoint which is attached to a unit, basically just another form of the ship's internal AI.  Saving the entire dll state to use elsewhere is also very simple, it already contains commands to do that.  And there is a GetFreeGroup type function, it will return the int of the first empty group.  Issueing custom commands, already very simple to do, I already do it in a number of dll's I have made for people.  I still see no reason why we would need such a function.  Everything you have stated is quite doable except for putting units back where they used to be, which I still see as a problem in and of itself, as groups tend to switch around.  And unit switching is possible and does not at all need such a function to determine group numbers, and yet you are making it out to sound like it requires it which it does not at all do.
Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: Juvat on July 09, 2004, 10:09:02 PM

Can we have an option on how the game ends at the moment its when the Recyler dies sometimes the Factory. how about when every last peice of the enemy is gone.

I kinda always feel cheated after battling away in MPI then you accendetally kill the Recyler ( always try to leave it to last ). I get extreme pleasure from going around and murdering everything on the enemies base ( hoot I need to see a shrink )

Title: Proposed Change List
Post by: OvermindDL1 on July 12, 2004, 05:58:18 AM
That is done by the map's dll, not BZ2.  If you want to change it, recompile the DLL to do whatever you please.
Title: Re: Proposed Change List
Post by: Mothers Helper on November 20, 2005, 01:05:17 AM
Hey -

Kinda late with this comment, but APC's earlier post about moving a Scion Spire before constructing it, so that the lung points towards the center of a set of other spires, for protection,  is an interesting idea - in other words, it had never occured to be befoire (lol).  I'll have to give it a try.

Mother's Helper
Title: Re: Proposed Change List
Post by: spAce on November 23, 2005, 07:29:26 AM
Does that "switch servers" work in 1.3 ?
If not, could it be removed or fixed ?
Title: Re: Proposed Change List
Post by: APCs r evil on November 23, 2005, 10:20:10 AM
I'm not sure how much I can say but uhh; yes and no.
Title: Re: Proposed Change List
Post by: Spawn on November 23, 2005, 12:06:46 PM
it has worked, but then you cant join team two for some reason...
Title: Re: Proposed Change List
Post by: Angstromicus on January 02, 2006, 08:57:36 PM
It's been a while since I've read this topic.

I have a suggestion. Improved graphics.

Isn't BZII based on DirectX 6.0? DirectX 9.0 is out now. Could BZII be updated to a higher level of graphics without a huge hassle?

Also, as far as graphics, perhaps more options for effects.

Finally, fix the "see though" bug. Almost everything, terrain, and most objects, and be seen though just bearly if you look closely.
Title: Re: Proposed Change List
Post by: Commando on January 02, 2006, 09:01:28 PM
Unfortunately updating the graphics to Direct X 9 would require a complete rewrite of the graphics code.  From what I have been told, bz2's graphic code is a mess and extensive compatibility testing would need to be done.

Too much work would be needed to make this an option at this time.  The replacement sound code took months of testing and bug fixing to get to a stable point.  I'm sure the graphics code would require a lot more work than the audio code did.