Battlezone Universe

Battlezone Universe => Battlezone 2 => Maps and Modding => Topic started by: Shadow Knight on January 01, 2008, 04:10:23 AM

Title: Storm Column
Post by: Shadow Knight on January 01, 2008, 04:10:23 AM
Alright, so i'm working on a mod, and we're going to have a new race.

The aliens are going to have a gun tower called the Storm Column, that essentially has a storm cloud over it that zaps enemies that come close, ala the animated gif


My idea is to make a mine weapon that is placed in front of the building that constantly fires invisible shots like the fountain while rendering clouds above the building. Once an enemy comes close, the shots will detonate and fire down their bolt at the enemy.

Getting rid of the mine would be a simple task of having the building have a small destructive field of 1 damage when it dies, which would be enough to kill the mine due to it being on one health.

The problems with this:

1) As the mine is on 1 health, if an enemy fires a mortar, goodbye mine.
2) An enemy or allied vehicle could park itself over the mine, blocking the shots from reaching their altitude.

Possible solutions and their flaws

1) Set the mine to have a ludicrous amount of health, and have the explosion deal that much damage
Flaw: The explosion could accidentally catch a vehicle, building or even the player piloting the gun tower, resulting in quite a loss

2) Use the spraybuilding class for the shots and have a setAltitude to prevent it being blocked.
Flaw: While a good idea for getting the shots up there, spraybuildings are unable to have an effect render, so we'd miss the cloud effect we're after.

3) Ditch the mine idea and have the column launch the shots directly.
Flaw: This would actually have been my preferance, except it wouldn't create a cloud over the column while it was inactive

4) Have the cloud effect spawn from the shots detonating, having a cloud that could last forever (or near enough)
Flaw: If it's going to be constantly firing, that would be a lot of clouds, and a lot of effects rendered. Good fight, framerates.

So, anyone have any ideas on how i could pull this off?
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Lizard on January 01, 2008, 04:51:34 AM
if all you need to do is render a cloud over the building then use an emitter hardpoint to generate a cloud and have the weapon work independantly of it, it sounds like you are trying to make things way too complicated.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Avatar on January 01, 2008, 06:50:52 AM

I'd make a GT that fires a popper.  Make the original ordnance invisible with no sound (or better yet, a bit of thunder) and the actual shot an arc cannon.  Seems like Lizard has a 'zapper' in Fleshstorm that's pretty much what I'm talking about.

Add an emitter to the GT that makes a cloud, or a couple of them for a more random cloud look, and you're in business.

Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: General BlackDragon on January 01, 2008, 07:25:20 AM
that tower looks like something from C&C3 :P

and yea, make a gun tower with an hp cannon or hp whatever up there high in the air, make it shoot down a popper that fires a bolt of lightning.

easy pickings.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Red Devil on January 01, 2008, 08:19:06 AM
Might bog things down with all those effects, might not.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Avatar on January 01, 2008, 10:17:44 AM
Just don't go nuts with the clouds, and as a particle effect it'll respect the settings of the player. 

Otherwise you could use a semi-transparent object to help simulate clouds, but don't put more than one as looking through one transparent object at another transparent object really drags down performance.

Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Red Devil on January 01, 2008, 10:45:26 AM
Remember the Natural Disasters one guy made back in '04?  Tornadoes, etc?  Never heard from him after he posted those pics.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: anomaly on January 01, 2008, 12:23:45 PM
While I think the above mentioned ideas are better, I just thought I would point out that if you want to use a fountain mine, make it a tap of the main building (I think that would work) and give the initial ordinance a negative shot radius so it will go through any vehicles over it.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Shadow Knight on January 01, 2008, 04:38:08 PM
Quote from: Lizard on January 01, 2008, 04:51:34 AM
if all you need to do is render a cloud over the building then use an emitter hardpoint to generate a cloud and have the weapon work independantly of it, it sounds like you are trying to make things way too complicated.
Oh, i forgot completely about emitters on buildings! thanks for that, Lizard. I'll set up an emitter, and have it fire a popper, as suggested.

Thanks for everyone's help

Quote from: General BlackDragon on January 01, 2008, 07:25:20 AM
that tower looks like something from C&C3 :P
That's because it is  :-D
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Zero Angel on January 01, 2008, 09:05:24 PM
Use the negative shotradius trick to make the shots pass through vehicles. You can also give the poppers an explosive kick if they hit a vehicle so that it gets booted off of the emitter.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Nielk1 on January 02, 2008, 01:48:44 AM
You could put the turret so it's y is in teh center but its x, eye, and weapon HP in at a distance from that (like an invisable halo with the gun on the tip). Then you can use a standard arc blast style weapon and it will basicly just always originate in the same radius from the center.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: mrtwosheds on January 02, 2008, 07:18:40 AM
yes, I don't see that using poppers would add anything, just build the weapon hp somewhere up in the cloud, and put a nice flash on it.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Avatar on January 02, 2008, 07:30:01 AM
Using Poppers would make it look more like the cloud is firing lightning bolts, rather than just hiding a ship that's firing.  It would also allow for multiple lightning strikes from random locations, which would look pretty cool... 

I like the negative shot radius idea, although a tall tower probably won't have a ship sitting on top of it often...

Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: TheJamsh on January 02, 2008, 03:07:56 PM
i dont know if its been said.. but better still...

have the thingy make the cloud nice and lovely, then build the weapon HP so that it is INSIDE the cloud when emitting..

put a big flash on it as said, and make it shoot lighting like the arc cannon

you even have the ordnance made for you lol!
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: TheJamsh on January 02, 2008, 03:09:52 PM
or, have it fire wavering heat missiles... the shots can miss sometimes then too =]
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Nielk1 on January 02, 2008, 03:26:36 PM
First, edit your post instead of making new ones :roll:

Second, I just said that :|
(Well, the first part)
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Zero Angel on January 03, 2008, 03:57:13 AM
Quote from: TheJamsh on January 02, 2008, 03:09:52 PM
or, have it fire wavering heat missiles... the shots can miss sometimes then too =]
Thats a good idea. I think I seen something like that on some of TV's special DM's for FE. They would make excellent bolts if done properly.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: TheJamsh on January 03, 2008, 06:16:51 AM
aye and remember, lightning doestn strike the same place twice :D

and im terribly sorry neilk1 lol... i use quick reply you see...
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Nielk1 on January 03, 2008, 09:28:33 AM
I'm just irritable... :roll:
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: OvermindDL1 on January 03, 2008, 02:10:27 PM
It is possible to get a directed lightning strike in RL, just use a directed electron beam and give out a high voltage current in its general direction, lot of power though.

Either way, couldn't you have the thing animated, have the HP's it fires from on the animated part to have them rotating around inside where the cloud would be, have an emitter to generate the cloud, ergo it would always fire from inside the cloud from a pseudo-random spot?  Or can you not animate HP's?
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: mrtwosheds on January 03, 2008, 02:52:30 PM
Cant say iv'e tried animating a weapon hp.
I have just fixed a scavenger whose eyestalk and eyepoint got animated in a bout of thoughtless over enthusiasm.
I got in it and found myself upsidedown and realised that an animated eyestalk on a human drivable unit is a bad idea.
I think it probably can be done, but that it is probably not a good idea.
Interestingly, I notice that when a pilot hops out of an upsidedown eyed unit, the pilot is also upsidedown.  :-D
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Avatar on January 03, 2008, 04:17:24 PM
As a general rule you should never animate an HP.  Always animate whatever the HP is connected to if corrections are needed (for walking, turning, that sort of thing).

As to randomness for crying out loud, what's wrong with the popper?  You'd get a nice, random set of lightning strikes from various positions inside the cloud...

Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: OvermindDL1 on January 03, 2008, 09:58:42 PM
Well I meant animating an invisible rod kind of things, with the hp attached to that to rotate around it.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Avatar on January 04, 2008, 06:50:21 AM
You mean make the turret a child of a rotating object such as a Power Supply...   Like using a GunTower for a Lung...  I suppose it might work...  I've gotten weirder setups to work. 

Still, the popper is a nice, low cost, proven way of doing just what's wanted.  Like I said, Lizard already has exactly that in Fleshstorm's Phaer Ran arsenal.  It'd take a whole minute to change the color and thank him for the inspiration...   :)

Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: mrtwosheds on January 04, 2008, 09:45:07 AM
Yes it can be done! I made a scion missile silo a while back, It was flat to the ground with sliding doors that open and up pops the missile launcher, firing as it rises from the hp_  attached to the animated model. there were some problems like the target marker stayed underground at the original position and being unable to target it etc. worked ok otherwise in un-networked mpi . I have no idea how it would behave online, I would guess at it getting visually out of sync if the animated motion persisted.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: TheJamsh on January 04, 2008, 05:15:10 PM
oo i like!
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: mrtwosheds on January 04, 2008, 06:15:40 PM
So did I, but it was a flawed Idea, you couldn't tell anything to attack it, it was underground.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Nielk1 on January 04, 2008, 07:27:43 PM
If the hp_com is at surface level then that is what the AI will shoot at.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Steeveeo on January 04, 2008, 08:23:10 PM
And for the targetting thing, just make an invisible mesh high enough up to raise the center above ground.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: mrtwosheds on January 05, 2008, 08:16:17 AM
Yes, but I went on to other things, It would be a really nice idea with dll support so that it only popped up and became active when something was around.
You could camouflage the top and doors to look like ground.
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: anomaly on January 05, 2008, 06:27:41 PM
I know this is a bit OT but, while we are talking about poppers, is there a way to determine how fast a popper goes off?
Title: Re: Storm Column
Post by: Zero Angel on January 05, 2008, 09:21:46 PM
Poppers will always fire just before they start losing altitude. If you fire a popper downwards, it will go off immediately. The only way you can really control how long until it detonates is by adjusting the angle and speed at which it fires.