Battlezone Universe

Battlezone Universe => Battlezone 2 => Battlezone 2 Mods => Topic started by: Blackdog on November 07, 2009, 06:58:32 PM

Title: A Work In Progress
Post by: Blackdog on November 07, 2009, 06:58:32 PM
Now before you go on to read my notes here, keep in mind I am definately not a veteran modder. In fact, who knows if anyone has made what im working on right now, but I like the concept so I am working on it.

My thought was that Battlezone seemed to lack a dimension. There are tanks, there are hovercraft.. but no air battles. My idea is to create a map/mod where Scion and ISDF both own a Mothership (Instead of recycler, but it works the same way.) That has many independent turrets and perhaps a large cannon players can have fun with. The ship would not be able to move (Due to restrictions) but the concept struck me as pretty interesting.

New Unit classifications:

1. Fighter - Set as a normal hovership, simply at a higher altitude and also very fast. Given light weapons that require constant aiming (Such as Minigun, Laser (Assault), Gauss (Assault))

2. Gunship - Heavy bomber sized aircraft designed to carry a massive array of weaponry at a high altitude, then deploy (At the same altitude) and become a stationary turret. Would also be a candidate for attacks on the enemy mothership.

3. Carrier - A large, but slow vessel containing agile drone fighters (See 1.) Uses the APC ODF, and thus would return to the mothership to refill once all drones are depleted. It would carry no weaponry itself.

4. Forward Production Facilities - Think of these as mini-recyclers for your thugs/pilots. Transferable. Would be able to build scavengers, some normal units, and fighters.

5. Mothership - The biggest unit on the map by far, a stationary behemoth that produces all ships/vehicles and provides a large storage capacity for scrap. Also the home of many independantly operating turrets, perhaps including a super weapon.

Im also a proficient mapmaker, so for something like this I would build a rather large map with many pools for commander to share with pilots. The carriers would add a frenzied element to battle (Based on what ive seen so far with my working models) and I think a large scale cooperative effort against an enemy mothership would be satisfying. In any case, time is short and I will try to keep up with this post.


Title: Re: A Work In Progress
Post by: TheJamsh on November 07, 2009, 07:04:17 PM
No air battles in BZ2? You are aware of the unofficial expansion packs existence right :P? half the work here is nearly done already :)
Title: Re: A Work In Progress
Post by: Blackdog on November 07, 2009, 08:02:55 PM
Yes I am quite aware someone probably already thought of this and worked on it, what I meant is air battles in -stock- bz2. This is more of a practice effort on my end, but I think something interesting will come of it.
Title: Re: A Work In Progress
Post by: Nielk1 on November 07, 2009, 10:31:29 PM
I would love to see it. Are you making this as a Recylcer Variant?

We can't let Jamsh have all the planes.
Title: Re: A Work In Progress
Post by: TheJamsh on November 08, 2009, 04:33:44 AM
Sorry i don't mean to impose :P. But if you do need a starting hand with it, feel free to use the EP assets to make a start. When its released of course.
Title: Re: A Work In Progress
Post by: Blackdog on November 08, 2009, 05:19:19 PM
To answer Nielks' question, it will be and it won't. Im going to be using a few mapmaker tricks to make things work, so it will have to be a premade map or modified existing. I will try to get some pictures up tonight, as I already have some assets working ingame.

Alright, here is a few images in the works so far.

The Scion Mothership, Orion. (Note, the unit below the Mothership is a Matriarch.)


Mothership, with the new units "Weaver Hives" or scion carriers.


Mothership, with carriers battling the ISDFs' new fighter, the Wraith.


The ISDF Wraith.


Isdf Gunship, front and behind pictures.



I know these pictures are small, but I didnt want to make a mega post. This site will house larger pictures. (
Title: Re: A Work In Progress
Post by: Clavin12 on November 08, 2009, 06:51:50 PM
That looks good. Maybe you could stick it on as a varient with the EP. Of course I'm not the one to offer this but it's an idea.
Title: Re: A Work In Progress
Post by: S.cavA.rmyG.en on November 09, 2009, 12:37:31 AM
cool :mrgreen: I tryed to do something like this but it did not work out so well :?.don't ask!
can't wate to see more!
like to paly it when its done. 8-)
Title: Re: A Work In Progress
Post by: TheJamsh on November 09, 2009, 05:31:59 AM
in the console: mirror.enable 0

It looks like your using water set to a high level, and reflections are on.