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Public 1.3 Beta 2 Archive / Modlog for modders
March 01, 2006, 07:35:18 PM
Need a host for the modlog.
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / Lamer List
August 01, 2004, 03:13:06 PM
Here is a list dedicated to lame hosts in 1.3 since the list isn't that long.  If you run into any lame hosts, feel free to add them to the list.  I'll post any ip address and the lame things they do.

This host uses the no scav attack and no base attacks unless he says so rule.  He will then turn around and attack your scavs and base.  He starts his game 15 minutes eary so he can get all the pools before you have a fighting chance.  If you do anything he doesn't like, he will kick you.  This is a warning to those that consider joining his/her games.  Just as an added warning, this person has modified his/her recycler lists for st and ffa so the insane variants are buildable in those game modes.  I'm sure this is reason enough to avoid any games hosted by this person.
FIXME: tracked physics going bzerc line 650 (  1.#R from  1.#R  1.#R  1.#R)

I know this has been posted by myself and others in the past.  Who has personally run into this error?  I'm just curious about who ran into it to see how big of a deal it is.  

I know from experience, that when this bug occurs, you must either restart a mission or restart bz2 completely.  If the bug is allowed to run its course, it will lock up bz2.  With some help from Red Devil, I have been able to reproduce it so hopefully it will get looked at.

My guess from past experience is that this is caused by a divide by zero error.  The same thing happened when the pathing code would run into a divide by zero error.  The player was instantly sent into a relay bunker type view until the player shut down bz2.
I thought I would create this thread for those that would love new features being moddable.  Hemp had the good one of separating Heat seeking rockets from Vision Locking Rockets so the Phantom VIR wouldn't prevent the heat rockets from locking on to ships.  Post your suggestions.  If there are enough good suggestions, I may sticky this thread that way it gets attention.  Hopefully the easiest fixes will be added.  Fee free to add anything you can think of, there is no guarantee that your requests will be added, and there is no guarantee that anything will be added.  It is worth a try bringing up all of the suggestions related to modding.  Please keep the suggestions modding based.  I think there is a broader wishlist thread already, so I decided to create one aimed at modding and modders.

QuoteI would personally love to see a hold or deploy command for soldier class.  That way, you can have soldiers loaded with pulse cannons, you can tell them to deploy so they would use their sniper rifles.  They would basically become slowly rotating sniper turrets while holding.
QuoteAnother wish. The ability to specify what the ai targets on the ship. For examples snipers. The ability to tell them to aim at the hp_eye point instead of the hp_com point would be great. This would probably be best placed under the ai type. This may be too hard to implement, but it would make ai snipers a little more effective.
QuoteI would also love to see a switch weapon command for every unit available. For example the rocket tank. If a human player uses VIR on an ai Rocket Tank, the owner could select that RT and tell it to switch weapons. That way it would attack the human piloted unit with Salvo instead of Shadower, because the shadowers won't lock, but the salvo will fire because it is a cluster of dumb rockets.
QuoteThe ability to move the hp_vehicle hardpoint for the recycler and factory would be great when certain units are built.  For example, moving the hp_vehicle hardpoint when the bomber or apcs are built.  That way those ships don't clip through the Factory mesh because they ascend before moving.  Due to their current build location, they raise up and clip through the arch on the factory.  Half of the body makes it through the space while the other half of the ships clip through the structure.  If this is made possible, I'll gladly move the points for all of the factory odfs so the factories will take advantage of this feature.