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Messages - maart55

Maps and Modding / Re: AIP files
March 17, 2009, 06:50:35 AM
I looked a bit at the bzn files, after it I searched every folder in the bz2 folder and my theory is that in version 1.3 the game accesses the appropriate AIP files with the dll files. In the editor you can also set the type of the game by choosing instant.dll or mpi.dll (not the real names) at "path".
So my theory is as follows:
By choosing a dll file at the editor you state which type of a game it is and maybe even those dll files are accessing AIP files.
By choosing settings like easey, hard, srv etc the game accesses the appropriate dll files (all these settings have their own dll and i couldnt find autoregs with the same names). These dll files access the AIP files.

So I think that if you want to use an own made AIP file, you must make a dll file which is accessing your AIP file(s). Then you can make a new option from which u can choose when you start the game, or at path in the editor you fill in your own dll file.

Im not sure if the second step would work, but i think that if you modify the instant.dll file (orcourse you save that one on an new name) it should work. The only thing im not sure of is if the instant.dll file also accesses AIP files. If it doesnt your dll file must act as a new option (like very very and even more insane:p).

First I thought that I would need to make new dll files and AIP files for my map to work, but as far as I know now its enought (just for the map to work) to make the map and create the paths and choose the right dll at path. If you play the map then you can choose whatever difficulty settings you want and then the game (and not the map as i thought first) accesses the dll and thus the right AIP files. Cause everyone has the smame default set of dll and AIP files and if you make new ones your more modding than map making:p

ty for the answers:)

Maps and Modding / AIP files
March 15, 2009, 12:21:56 PM
Hi ppl,

Im making an instant map. I have the terrain and textures and paths etc. But now im wondering where I can see which of the AIP files that are in your data-missions-instant folder are used in a particular game.
My guess was that it would probably be written down somewhere in the bzn file of your map.
I looked at the bzn file with Frhed and saw sth like aiProcess [1] = true.

But I'm really not sure if its indeed the bzn file where you can change which of the AIP files must be accessed.

So my question is: Where can i see which AIP files are accessed? When I know this Im able to change which AIP file must be accessed and my next question is then: How can I make this difficulty-setting dependent? (Dont want only 3 mortar bikes every 10 mins at insane:p).

My next step would be to make my own AIP or combine some of the standard ones, and should i put those then in the data-missions-instant folder where the other AIP files are? Or do i have to put it in the same map as the map? And if I would put this map onto internet I quess other ppl also need the made AIP file cause otherwise you would get some errors on unaccessable AIP files?

I hope someone knows an (the) answer(s),
