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Messages - Nielk1

I got it to happen by using a T shaped collision.

Aculy it was more of a spinning T so I guess a Short Fat Cylinder over a skinny tall one. Whenever you went under the overhaning colission, you would rise up yo be ontop of it.
Maps and Modding / Re: Scrapclass freezups
March 01, 2008, 05:26:21 PM
The mines would be set to 0 health and thus last until their lifespan ran out.

They would be an other neutral side so anything killed by them would be killed by a natural or neutral phenomenon (radiation).
Maps and Modding / Re: Scrapclass freezups
March 01, 2008, 12:23:35 AM
It has worked so far, but maybe that AI process somehow interfears with the scrap class (I doubt it, but powerups don't leave scrap).
I know a permanent mega-upload method if anyone is interested.
Battlezone 2 / Re: Shane's BZ2 Map Site
February 29, 2008, 12:00:28 AM
I knew I missed some sub site, woopsie.
Maps and Modding / Re: Battlezone Complex
February 28, 2008, 07:40:42 PM
You have to understand I can make web pages but I do not understand how the actual network connections to them work.

The Site5 server I am on is *Ammo*ed up, they are working on it, but it is out of my hands.

Going to the site by IP wont get get you past the first page as a lot of the things reference the address. :|
Maps and Modding / Re: Battlezone Complex
February 28, 2008, 03:30:03 PM
This weekend I will add a special IE6 CSS and modify the png script to only mess with forground imaages (if I can). I will also modify the script to run on a fixed location for the dummy image because right now when you go the blog page you are treated to some floating red Xes.
Maps and Modding / Re: Battlezone Complex
February 28, 2008, 02:23:04 PM
That's odd, I'm looking right at it.
Battlezone 2 / Re: Help with BZ2MD forum problem?
February 28, 2008, 01:58:34 PM
Deleat all your cookie now... Or at least the BZ2MD ones.
As mrtwosheds beat me to, you can export terrain from bz2 into XSI files, and then re import it and place them around the map to keep your deformations.

I wonder how big they can be? I have been wodering for a while if I could use 3DS MAX to make a map using a large grid plane and restricting the movement of the poinst up and down.
Battlezone 2 / Re: Help with BZ2MD forum problem?
February 28, 2008, 12:47:45 PM
Refresh your cookies (just a guess)
Maps and Modding / Re: Battlezone Complex
February 28, 2008, 12:39:04 PM
If anyone is having a grey background, it should not be doing that.

Grey backgrounds are a result of IE6's inability to read PNGs correctly. I made the header cut off when you try to load in IE6 or lower to prevent it from being badly contorted, but alot of the site stiff suffers in IE6.

To me, the background is off black, and the text is off white, making a rather striking contrast.
That, and all text is in tables with translucent black backgrounds making the contrast even deeper.

Everyone who is seeing it like this is right: http://bzcomplex.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10002/bzc.jpg

If that is not what you are seeing, I will work on setting up an alternate CSS to trigger in browsers with issues to force the blackish areas to solid black.

Axeminister, is the above image better on your eyes?
Maps and Modding / Re: Battlezone Complex
February 28, 2008, 01:49:07 AM
I have not had any issues with read/unread.

I use phpBB because I understand it. I plan to end up using it as a pet project as I learn more programming in various languages. Recoding can be fun. Also, this version of PHPBB is shiny, new, and I can actually keep track of all the mods for it and learn about it at a rate that leaves me best suited to it. Also, I overall like it better than SMF.

On a side note, before the RC version of phpBB3 the security settings spanned 20 or so pages. This is been consolidated now, but trust me when I say it is a lot more secure.

Looking at the code, I think the final marking for read/unread is done when you view a forum (So maybe if you go straight from a topic to the main index it won't register visually).

The new phpBB3 is module based, allowing for even easier customization.

I know we all love SMF here (except me) but:
Feature Compare (phpBB3 site)
Does anyone have a comparison skewed to show only SMF features in the first place so I can see what phpBB3 doesn't have?

Person note:
I hate the feel of SMF, I hate the general styles of SMF, I hate many of the ways functions are executed in SMF, I do not know the back end of SMF in enough confidence to edit it for completely custom use.
I have looked and found almost all modern forum layouts originate from the base phpBB layout, so there is another leg up for them.
I like it, I have fun with it, I understand it, and I have had NONE of the often listed issues with it.
If you register for my site and don't like something, tell me, and I will find a way to rectify it either permanently or to give you an option.
Maps and Modding / Battlezone Complex
February 27, 2008, 09:42:47 PM
I never did make a thread.

Near the end of last year, I got this strange feeling something bad was going to happen to the Battlezone Sites, but I did not know what. I began construction of 'Battlezone Complex' hoping I could produce something reasonable that would outlast whatever was coming.

The site includes a Forum, Gallery, Wiki, Bug Tracker, and Blog.
It is still a WIP, but is 90% ready. I am installing some last mods and adjusting the CSS one section at a time. Soon the forum will be complete and I will move on to another section.

OT: Heh, looks like OM is posting his footer in his post...