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Messages - Nielk1

I am getting the hand of the C++ DLL stuff rather quickly...

This will just be a modded STCTF. I just have to grab the PB3 source and then keep track of my changes so I can update it for pb4

EDIT: Said pb4 instead of pb3
Maps and Modding / Re: Those not so used classes
February 10, 2008, 10:18:35 PM
We are referring to using it as a linear accelerator.
Um, flying is a skill, and an EXPLOIT.
My rational:
Fraud can be a skill and it is an exploit.

I remind you, I hate flying...
Maps and Modding / Re: Those not so used classes
February 10, 2008, 08:32:32 PM
The shield tower creates a square shield. I made one oriented up, but I had to tap it on at an angle and off set it my the radius.

It made a nice bomb umbrella.

I will test the warp gate thing later...
Maps and Modding / Re: SRV 2.06 Hotfix (NOT FULL RELEASE)
February 10, 2008, 04:12:29 PM
In the topic NAME
Maps and Modding / Re: SRV 2.06 Hotfix (NOT FULL RELEASE)
February 10, 2008, 08:41:50 AM
You should say waht this is the fix for.
Maps and Modding / Re: Those not so used classes
February 10, 2008, 08:41:15 AM
I just keep wanting a sheepinator.
I've gotten rather good at flying, but I also disect the game's physics engine when I am board.
Maps and Modding / Re: KnQ: My plan for a new DM mode
February 10, 2008, 12:32:58 AM
I might have found my DLL compilation issue.

I did.
Now I might have made the rabbit mode work with 2 rabbits! It even randomly changes a rabbit if one kills another.

EDIT2: (try to ignore the gravity issue)

I got it so I think the 2 players that are rabbits are allied and if a bot is a rabit the player who is also one allies with side 15 (bot rabbit side). The code to clear alliances is called on ejection and in the beginning of the code for setting them. The code for setting them is launched whever a rabbit is assigned. I am, however, having an issue where the other rabbit does not change colors/allianced untill it is killed and another takes its place.

Is it a common issue that ships already on a side will keep their allegance settings but new craft on that side will have the new ones? How do I tell that specific ship (I can get the handle) that it should be friendly now like it's side is telling it to be? Or is it that my DLL is NOT chaing the side untill the rabit switches to another?
I try to get others in, but they are all glued to their frigen XBOXs...
Maps and Modding / Re: KnQ: My plan for a new DM mode
February 09, 2008, 11:36:39 PM
Prelimiary crown. Texture name was just lucky, I didn't make my texture or map it right yet.
Maps and Modding / KnQ: My plan for a new DM mode
February 09, 2008, 09:59:20 PM
King n' Queen

Some of us have played games where king of the hill is actually a game of 1 flag "ctf and hold it".
I plan to make 2 of these 'flags', the King and Queen, where both the owners of the crowns are allied, and all others are the enemy. This will be my learning project for making DLLs, so be prepared for questions.

Planned Features
Two crown shaped 'flags'
Crown owners are automatically allied (dissolved when crown is lost)
Rate of point increase depends on the proximity of the King and Queen

Possable Features
Special Weapons spawned in the 'thrown room' for King and Queen, or other perks.

Issues to Deal With
Flags are dropper off when they touch the flag of the carrier's team.
Teams allowed are 0 -15
A player can grab more than one flag, but only drop off the most recent. Dropping off is not an issue, but the king must not be able to get the queens flag aswell.

To ensure the crowns aren't dropped off, what teams can I use? 14 and 15 I think.
What teams can be used for object no player should have on their team (or on 0)?
Maps and Modding / Re: DM Minimod project
February 09, 2008, 09:43:34 PM
I will not and likely cannot elaborate.
Maps and Modding / Re: Those not so used classes
February 09, 2008, 09:40:21 PM
I think it is a nuetered nothing class that some DLLs look for for teleporting.

Also, speaking of strange things in the pack.
Under World/Core (or maybe dark)/Something else/
there is a bases of a unit that is called a Cometary Fragment and it shoots ice balls.
Maps and Modding / Re: Those not so used classes
February 09, 2008, 08:13:55 PM
camerapod is a nav camera
sensor is an auto targeter (like scout's paint)
tripmine makes an object when you get too close (mits mine's pre suck form)
teleportal (good question)