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Messages - Nielk1

Maps and Modding / Re: Those not so used classes
February 09, 2008, 07:55:03 PM

what is the difference?

Also, I only listed i76building because of the odd lines about it being a dummy.

I knew about all but the CNOZZLE and computer's CNOZZLE entries

Is there a way to use CNOZZLEs without DLL work. Maybe a structure that can only be killed by destroying its tapped items (the nozzles)
Maps and Modding / Re: DM Minimod project
February 09, 2008, 02:18:56 PM
Moving KOTH
Gravity KOTH (when someone is on the hill the map's gravity changes) PB4
FORT (not a capture the flag, but rather a protect your non functional base style game. maybe 2 core computers)

Any others?

We realy should go DLL, so maybe I can use my ideas from ODDDM.
Maps and Modding / Re: Those not so used classes
February 09, 2008, 02:17:00 PM
Oddly, the computer class also has settings for a nozzle and snapping points.

Also, the Cnozzle still puts its code under [ComputerClass]
Maps and Modding / Those not so used classes
February 09, 2008, 02:06:25 PM
classLabel = "computer"
harpoint1 = "hp_snap_3"
harpoint2 = "hp_snap_4"
NozzleOdf = "ibnozz01"
ShieldVel = 0.2 // Animation controller
ShieldAmp = 0.05 // Animation controller
Shield = "shield" // part of the mesh that will have UV animation

classLabel = "Cnozzle"
beamname = "obj65"

classLabel = "i76building"

So, what are these things?

Can I have a dummy building spawn a Computer Class and 2 Cnozzle Classes and have them linked, creating a core computer style situation but in a Strat?
Maps and Modding / Re: DM Minimod project
February 09, 2008, 12:50:24 PM
What version are we amiing at? 1.2 or 1.3pb3 or even pb4 when it comes?

If we aim at PB4, we will have alot more options, but also will have to wait for it to come out (good ammount of time to get the thing done though).

GHS wants to get PB4 out soon too, so maybe 6 months the most. (don't count me on that)


I've been wonding about making a moving king of the hill style game where a flag type object is used but it looks like a big crown. It can use KOTH style scoring too.
That was not helpful.
Maps and Modding / Re: DM Minimod project
February 09, 2008, 12:51:31 AM
Ah yes, the naming convention!

I sugest all ships are IV or FV.

We can use ivmm* and fvmm*.
Its probably the avatar, but it just seems like your an angry person... :roll:

Programming is a skill, yes.
So is flying (if you can do it well).
So it playing a nice long and good strat game.
So is walking, though we take that for granted realy.
Eating, eh, even babbies to that :-P
I think one of the few 1.2 toggles to work right is the targetting.
I'm pretty shure.
Maps and Modding / Re: DM Minimod project
February 08, 2008, 06:01:13 PM
if you wanna be cute and stress the 'mini' we can use "mmDM:"
Maps and Modding / Re: DM Minimod project
February 08, 2008, 05:49:52 PM
so, what prefix will these have?
I think FE used both "FE:DM:" and "CP:DM:" and "CP:"

Maps and Modding / Re: DM Minimod project
February 08, 2008, 05:43:33 PM
Depending on how it goes, we might be able to do one ship per section. I sugest we all do 5 ships and then submit them EXPECTING one to be chosen.
Maps and Modding / Re: DM Minimod project
February 08, 2008, 05:34:00 PM
I would love too.
I will make a ship.

If you get enough differnt types, u can make the DM map have a custom CFG that allows for toggling MPVlists.

So, All walkers, all hovercraft, all fast, all slow, all high flying, etc

I wanted to make something called ODD DM but I never realy got the DLL made. It was set up with a comm vehicle that the DLL would palce a miniRec under when it deployed to make it like a RTS Commander, a scav that turned scrap into local ammo for its weapons, and other strange things.

If you get DLL support, I KNOW, avatar would submit his Flying Mauler!