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Messages - Nielk1

I just want them to make it cut positive Z-axis velocity (instead of both) so I can still fly down.

That odf switch was a sugestion, not a real command.
First question, yes.

I think ivtank.odf has a rouge W in it, even in 1.3
How sad...

In 1.3 I send in AI scouts from at least 2 enterances at a time to stir the enemy up. I also am sure to destroy every scav I find right away.

Doing so makes the game challenging but also ensures that it won't end with only a rec in one base.
Maps and Modding / Re: The Devils Eye
February 08, 2008, 02:32:37 AM
I vouched for someone...

Then again, he had neer admin powers on my old site.
Maps and Modding / Re: The Devils Eye
February 08, 2008, 01:54:21 AM
I am thinking of putting a refferal mod on my site so I can keep track of who, if anyone, invites who.
It seems that upward and downward thrust is cut when you reach a certain height above the terrain. It also appears that this limit is for the final vector of total force rather than the individual forward and backward thrust.

I think that if possable, we should be able to get the thrust down back. As it is now, in a 0 gravity map, if you go a tiny bit too high, it is VERY hard to get your ship to come back down. Though a week gravity does seem to account for this.

The way I suspect it is coded is to take the velocity vector and cut off the z axis.
They did try to get some of the old physics code back in at some point, but from what I have found on the subject it caused INSANE side effects. Ya know, things randomly blowing up, teleporting around the map, the fabric of reality decomposing.
Maps and Modding / Re: The Devils Eye
February 07, 2008, 07:58:00 PM
I have downloaded the map. You can never, ever, take it back now. :roll:

I called that "spring boarding" because I did not know about the multiworld effects.
Sonic, you just seem a bit angry.

Yes, Flying is an EXPLOIT, but it is a skill.

Being a Conartist is to exploit others but it is a skill.

Now, that bit about script-kiddies is an invalid comparison.

Just throwing that out there.

So, what are some other exploits (don't say how to do it in the public forum of course).

What is this ghosting?

I like 1.3 because it forces a STRAT to be played as a strategy game, not a "fly around and kill everything as a super unit" game. 1.3's new options for DM draw me to it aswell.

When I play 1.2, I like "no flying in base" games (except for some mods that make flying an integral part with specialized defence and attack units/buildings).
I guess I will open my site. I still have some more mods to apply and custom changes to make.
I barely pay anything so far, but I don't have mutch space used. The SVN just SOUNDS like it will be big, so I am a bit unsure of how to handle the whole thing.
True. I am always messing with the back end.

Wait, that sounded wrong... :roll:
I want to set up an SVN, if I only knew how.

When I finish up my new site I will add a donate option to fund the SVN and then work on getting it up.
I like playing strats and building massive forces to attack from unusal vectors. If I make an APC, its moved to a staging point, and Archer, the same. I make attack groups, position them, and attack the enemy from all sides.

I call that strategy, and I find it fun when the other player notices and trys to thwart the attack. Battlezone is a game about team play and strategy. If in DM your just twitching and clicking, your doing something wrong. Plan, set traps, work togeather, these are what I view as the way to play.

I hate flyers BTW... I start a game, they come in, and destroy my base before I can lay my 3rd scav. (I normaly make 2 scavs, make a turret, make a scav, and then make more turrets for the pools. This works best with humans finding pools.)

Now back to the point of this, anyone wanna PM me this any weapon on any ship deal? I know how to Fly, MPedit, join AI, etc. Another question, what are these chat line crashes? Is there a way to prevent them without moving to 1.3? Then again, I already moved to 1.3