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Messages - Nielk1

I would love to know how to do these. I think you guys know my reputation and will trust me. If you want to tell me how to do any of these, I will go put it in my information archive for eventual release on my wiki (which will only be put up when the community will allow it).
Quote from: Commando on February 04, 2008, 06:28:59 PM
I don't know about that.  I remember Lizard's fleshstorm mod had some issues for a short period due to one odf being named pvcoms2.odf.  Team 2 got this variant which was free which was a very unfair advantage in ffa.

If so he was trying to build pvcoms.odf

In my case, because the number is in what I want to call in the first place, there is no issue!
I would be calling ivconsn1.odf, and thus the problem odfs would be ivconsn11, ivconsm12, etc.
I CAN use numbers, but I have to thin about it.

You cannot have a number varient if you have a verient without the number. SO, if I use "n1" then "n" cannot be used. Also, the tmp odfs mine will make will be "n11" , "n12" , "n13" etc
Lets see:

Obviously some of these are from single player missions (the numbered ones).

Now, Steeveeo's Rec is

I don't think "_st" is a good choice, but that is what he used.

I use "n1" for my tap heavy rec varient and "scrappy" for my scrap driller rec which I hope to finish. I might have on offshoot of my "n1" be "_bomb" and only include the bomber factory and anti-bomber . ODF names can be longer in 1.3 so you can use words.
Maps and Modding / Re: Yeah well I'm screwed
February 02, 2008, 11:29:10 PM
Verifying my last Battlezone disk as I type.
There is one I forgot. You can sneek onto the AI team in MPI, but at the cost of many resyncs.

What is this about commanders placing any weapon on any ship?

ODF editing was realy a BZ1 thing I think.
To chat in MP you must either type or use 3rd party software.

There is something called MP editing, that only works PRE 1.3, BUT, it is HIGHLY FROWNED APON and a tightly kept secret.
Cheating in multiplayer is a huge breach of gaming ethics, so, don't!

Now, I know how to MP edit, and when I do it (rarely) I mark the game all over as "EDITED". That is how I squeak by the whole "gaming thics" thing.

No, none of us will tell you.
Maps and Modding / Re: Yeah well I'm screwed
February 01, 2008, 06:27:36 PM
I kept toasting DVDs, I finaly found if I burn at 8x instead of 16x I don't get a bunch of errors during verification. The disks apear to work, but I don't trust them when they have errors like that.
Maps and Modding / Re: wingman weapon turrets
February 01, 2008, 06:09:08 PM
I wonder how mutch work it would take for Ken or GHS to get a piece of the mesh to pivot on its center instead of just the HPs if they have the right lables. It would need an ODF toggle since many 3ds without turrets (ISDF Sabre) still have the lables for them.

I would love to see the attached guns change angle slightly instead of just the laser, like guns in FreeLancer. This has actuly been holding me back in making FreeLancer style ships and weapons.
Maps and Modding / Re: Yeah well I'm screwed
February 01, 2008, 05:56:24 PM
I haven't backed up any of the ARC Clan's Mod's preliminary work either. If I lose my HDD that will sink pretty far.
Battlezone 2 / Re: Can't play BZ retarded av plz help
January 31, 2008, 08:08:43 PM
It could be video drivers. You didn't update did you? It seems the newest drivers have lately been the bane of my existance. I ended up getting a newer card! Different brand too.
Maps and Modding / Re: Yeah well I'm screwed
January 31, 2008, 08:05:46 PM
Quote from: Steeveeo on January 31, 2008, 04:16:37 PM
Doing that will make your mods basically impervious to any kind of data loss except, perhaps, a global EMP strike! :roll:

That's what laser media is for. DVDs.
Maps and Modding / Re: Yeah well I'm screwed
January 30, 2008, 10:41:04 AM
You could also buy a ton of thumb drives, remove all the chips, and wire them all into a custom RAID array. Finaly write your own dirvers and install it like a hard drive (since it is so small it should fit in the HD slot).

Anyone want to do that, I would love too but I don't know how.
You would get RAID style redundancy and your stuff would be relativly safe. If 1 thumbdrive failes, you pop it open, switch out the cell, recoppy from one of the redundants and your done.
Maps and Modding / Re: Yeah well I'm screwed
January 28, 2008, 12:20:02 PM
rtl (right to left) must have gotten turned on.
Maps and Modding / Re: Yeah well I'm screwed
January 27, 2008, 09:03:17 AM
Leonardo, is that you?