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Messages - Nielk1

Maps and Modding / Re: Storm Column
January 02, 2008, 01:48:44 AM
You could put the turret so it's y is in teh center but its x, eye, and weapon HP in at a distance from that (like an invisable halo with the gun on the tip). Then you can use a standard arc blast style weapon and it will basicly just always originate in the same radius from the center.
Maps and Modding / Re: 3D studio max r3...
January 02, 2008, 01:46:10 AM
Quote from: Avatar on January 01, 2008, 06:47:34 PM
Turn on the key, move the slider, rotate/move the object, move the slider, repeat until done.

Aparently that is the issue in later versions of max. It isn't that simple :roll:

I will reset my whole PC again sometime this week, I just have to move arouund about 500 gigs, and, buy more burnable DVDs.

Sometimes its good to take it all back to start and install things in a differnt order.

Maps and Modding / Re: 3D studio max r3...
January 01, 2008, 08:12:02 PM
I did.

First I did a repair.

Then I did a reinstall.

Then I took it back out and removed it from teh entire PC, removing every registry and HDD reffernce.


Maps and Modding / Re: 3D studio max r3...
January 01, 2008, 08:05:47 PM
The point for me is mute now because by Max wont start at all anymore.

I installed Portal (The Orange Box) and had to update my Video Drivers, and now, despite Repearing and a complete reinstall, I get a "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142)" error. I tracked that number to mean that a DLL is missing or corrupted, but I have no way to find out what, where, or how.
Maps and Modding / Re: 3D studio max r3...
December 31, 2007, 08:15:52 AM
I can never get animations to exposrt, even with every key on every frame on every type of animation.

Intristing note, if you import a bz2 model, you have to remove all the FRM objects and re link it all togeather or else it wont export. This is a problem when some of those parts have no mesh counterpart (walkers). I think it is because the XSI exporter wont handle dummy frames.

Can someone just write a step by step for the higher versions of max, since it is so finicky.
The B5 ships never worked very well. I think they ended up being hack jobs!

Back then though, cutting edge BZ modding.
I find that when going over 3000 polies, BZ2 crashes, but does not give the "to many polies error". I think it gives that around 5000.
Battlezone 2 / Re: Ive got TONS of modded crap....
December 24, 2007, 08:25:57 PM
Just the inacuracies of bz2me.

Still, new modders should use it, it is a powerful tool.
Battlezone 2 / Re: Ive got TONS of modded crap....
December 23, 2007, 04:06:40 PM
Or making 1.0 or 0.0 come out as 0.99999999999999999 and 0.0000000000000000001
Battlezone 2 / Re: Ive got TONS of modded crap....
December 21, 2007, 11:02:57 PM
He is new to modeling, so he will be using bz2me!

Battlezone 2 / Re: Ive got TONS of modded crap....
December 21, 2007, 08:14:38 PM
You download the XSI pack, open the xsi, and simple choose the hp and then click rename. You can also use bz2me to move hps my choosing the HP and then going to the other tab and clicking moe or rotate instead of pan.
Battlezone 2 / Re: Ive got TONS of modded crap....
December 21, 2007, 07:53:23 PM
You can grab the XSI pack, find the unit you want to change, open it in bz2me, and move and rename the hps.

Be sure never to edit the pak files.

You best bet for modding bz2 is to make your own folder and tell the cfg to read you folder then addon then data.

I myself have a folder called Nielk1 I throw test assets in.
There is one in the FEDATA.pak

I think that is from before mrtwosheds started. Also, I PMed ya about something 2Shed (sounds like a rapper name).
I have experience with scion pilots poppin out of the forge.
I will do some tests with a cube with ABCDEF on it. I will export as xsi and an animated x file and then find what the differnce is to make an export process. You are probably right. I should be able to just rotate the model. Actuly, I will just rotate the pivots.

FINALY! I might be able to do animated models.