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Messages - Scout

Public 1.3 Beta Archive / awsome suggestion
March 25, 2005, 05:36:18 PM
i dont know about an animation but a sort of latency between ejecting and having your craft disabled just like that of bz1 wouldnt be such a bad idea, abid its not really a great one, and ignore feeble imho hes talking out of his ass.
Well i know Fe did release without xsi's and that other do it too, not suprising i guess people dont want others chop shopping or something.

you could have just said yes commando, but imsuprised you dont have an answer for the missing msh's causing assest problems.

i highly doubt the msh making code is making people "create different meshs" rather im betting 1.3 is compairing msh's with no msh's and drawing a assest's difference.
i was playing g66 with a little addon mod adding a bunch of little goodies, any how it would seem everyone joining the game needs to have their bindata in the same state, either both people with the folder full of msh files or both people with the bindata totally empty, Would anyone know the reasoning behind this :O

also my odfs specify xsi models, but if i only include a msh would it still work and not give me the aformentioned problem? tyia for any info.
Geez monkey, its probably not considered constructive critisism if you know there is no chance of it being changed back.

tbh its sounds alot more lazy to be keying in and out of a sp map at will rather than noting everything that needs change and then doing it all.

maybe its too much for you :O
10-20 blast assault tanks in line formation walk them up to their base in a line, do it with kenny on vindalo and dunes etc... Now that the ass tanks can aim in 1.3 they are quiet deadly, only drawback being the huge amount of ammo they need. But the trucks mess up the formation bad when they goto service them :O

With 8 ass tanks with trucks i was able to keep the base in drakon down to a few buildings, as units were produced or came by they came in range and were destroyed, was like a quarantine radius :P

Besides the lightshow you get from plain blast assault tanks in great numbers is cool run out onto the field and fly thru the beams :O

Its to bad the Treaded Tanks cant deploy like with little stablizers like cranes have
so they dont get pushed all over the place.

ps the only non normal weapon i can stand to use is the forcefield, since it was around before g66, the rest make its more than easy, on insane =)
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / New race build look
March 09, 2005, 01:21:06 PM
hardcode :O

bet FE did change the effects on one of the build methods.. edf..

but im pretty sure the methods available are hardcoded.
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / Yet another Features thread.
November 05, 2004, 01:55:59 AM
um you should leave the "more features threads" Up to nathan mates to make, cause thats the only way it would ever dare to see the light of day.

"Weapons that do less damage for distance traveled. See #3 above."

yea ive been wondering that for a while now, i was thinking it could be like some sort of salvo that had like multiple shots in it but each one having a shorter range than the first one.

using some mag cannon code or something... who knows..

prolly only work for laser type weapons rather than projectiles, but one thing id like different is a slight( very slight) arch to projectile weap's

or just have them explode at the end of thier set "life" anything but stuff just vanishing out of thin air =/
""Wave Motion Gun" came up. You can't talk about videogame weapons without referencing Anime at some point... "

uh well, if u related it to another game like... Homeworld2 where you see a small blue energy orb manifest at the end of a ion cannon turret..
or Hoemworld1:catacylsm where the motherships addon seigecannon charges up for a shot, or halo where you charge up a plasma pistol, or the hunters with there custom ai fuelrod gun that also seems to charge up.
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / Give the noobs a ride...
July 05, 2004, 07:17:25 PM
" know DLL has the capability to make a pilot become "attached" to a unit like an APC (As in one of BSer's missions)"

isnt that city assault, also wasnt that made by sfp sonic? not bs'er?
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / Give the noobs a ride...
July 01, 2004, 05:30:10 PM
lol @ aegeis, its a double neg ya?

"but you cannot tell me that wouldnt be cool... "

so it makes perfect sence, and if u want to see some sort of hitching a ride. See Halo the pc game, with the Heavy Tank(scorpian) 4 soldiers could take up position on the track pods. jeeps held 1 driver, 1 side passenger that could shoot out with his gun and throw nades, plus a rear gunner that used a mounted minigun or 3 barrel rocket launcher.

There was also a medium Tank in halo that got cut going from mac to xbox, thus it also didnt make it from xbox to pc. that and a hand held minigun and guided rockets that didnt make it from mac to Xbox, and thus not to pc either. fagz@ microsoft! gg bling.
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / Bad News From The Front
July 01, 2004, 05:23:18 PM
"Seems like a pretty cool idea could be made out of that. Rail gun sniper lol."

lol already been done.

=V=Amakeli aka blarblo.. shizzle i cant spell his name, any how he made a wicked weapon pack back in the day. called "hit N' run mod"
That had a really nice railbeam(combat mode) (mass driver) assault mode..

and just a niblet of what that means, rail beam guass weapons are 2 rails with a metal projectile that create a repulsive magnetic feild in the projectile, repulsing from the rails.

Mass driver means electro magnetic coils pull(or push) a projectile without any contact, sort of like pushing certain mag lev trains across their zero friction track. not that had any bearring what so ever in respect to =V='s weapons all i know is they have a 500meter range and kill the pilot of a ship with a direct hit to the cockpit. and its awsome.

i gave my armored ball turret guntower, duel rail beams and duel assault chainguns just for fun. then loaded them up in a g66 game and watched empty ships flail about :D it was alittle like the Energy turrets from UnrealTourny2004 onslaught. where when u get hit u get pushed back, when using a hovercraft you could use the enemy energy turrets firing at you to ride across the sky like a magic carpet :D

HEy Avatar you still play PlanetSide? i got a Cal League  member from NS gunning for my magrider, nothing touches us. its like a one or two Kills per Minute. our strategies and tatics belittle the other 2 sides heavier more armored main battletanks with ease. we all hang on MArkov, even tho emerald gives us 50 ping less, shrug.. my name is ScoutBZ, my gunner chriseen and another loc, TehTwistedOne
the way i saw it was, bz2 measures the hieght of your ship from the ground from the center of your ship.. just your pretty basic average phyicswhen your trying to get onto a hill.. say jumping from hill top to hill top in DM titan it would seem the hover height thing catches on the side hill your trying to jump to, and you start rolling down...

ever tried battlezone1  leap of faith dm? or raverace dm?

in these levels are some very vivid demonstrations of what your talking about appel.

What seems to look like you can "gap" you cant..  the fronthalf of your ship is on the hill and going forward like it could carry itself up but the hieght from ground measurement thing is reading the terrain down below you and thinks your still falling. 1.2 had more momentium i guess and or some other differences between 1.2 and 1.3..
I remember before bz2 was out, they had info on all the weapons and units and such on the pandi site, they described blink as " instantly teleports you in the direction the user is looking @ a random distance, max distance being 100 meters"

But its not like that now...

And btw on the "charging of blink" yea that sounds like a pretty good idea acually, and they should make a visual of it too, like in unreal2004 with that super tank that fires that black hole beam..

For those that don’t know what that looks like, imagine where your aiming @ on the ground a sphere of energy forms then a beam of light from your ship fly’s too it, then BOOM.. But instead of boom you teleport..

Some other cool weapons on the site where.. Radar faker special, which the correct name I cant remember.. The description was, when a unit such as a walker uses this weapon it’ll appear to be 5 walkers on radar.. I’m guessing they planed to have definitive radar signatures for each unit, that would have been cool to see :P

Also scions where getting a kind of a cloak, that make their ship looks like its background. Slightly visible @ close range or something :P

tobad bz2 didnt have more time to develope.. like an extra year or so :(
be a man take the scion swarms on head to head.
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / Scion Rights!
March 22, 2004, 11:00:28 AM
"i personally think having seasickness inducing charastitics in the mauler is a sign of charactor"

thank god you have no direct influence on the way games come out.. Whew!