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Messages - Scout

"woooosh", Av appears in a puff of smoke.

"I sense a tremor in the Force..."  

Public 1.3 Beta Archive / Scion Rights!
March 21, 2004, 06:02:54 PM
loosing 1 of 4 bik4s to a spire? i would image all the bikes die. after the first shot the spire wont miss.. its 2 hits to kill each bike..

as to why the head bob is out... both request and as a FIX.. READ THE CHANGE LOG MORONS

Why i said clueless noobs is some not so vetskilled players Your average talk alot furom hanging 1.3 tester felt certain head bob was stolen from them.. never knowing(due to being FAR beyond there time) that it was offically out...

sad to call youself vets seeing as your want head bob back not to put your lowly selfs on a even playing field with a begginer or what not.. since adapting to the impurities and exploits of battlezone is what u think makes your great... Laff :D

the only threat the the community in bz2 is themselfs :o
Heh expect Avatar to be droping around shortly, but their something along the lines as... that AI CLASS and its PHYSICS are HARDCODED together or what have you... there wont be treaded tugs.. or hovering apcs(not in the correct fashion any how)
and there will not be hovering recyclers or scavs.. Unless Ken jumps in head first and zaps that code into sum well alinged .. whatever :D
this UNdeploy... when i heard it was put into the game was just having the building disapear and spawn a vehical recycler.. or the constructor did it.. either way i havent looked but after reading knew it just would cut it in terms of prostetic apeal...

Does the building currently "deconstruct" style undeploy? into a vehical

i dont see how hard it would be to make the build/deploy grahpic go perfectly reverse...

arcs havent changed nubbin..
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / Satchel Charge in MP
March 21, 2004, 05:22:38 PM
"Snatchel charge ey? I dont know...we dont want 'tribes...the remake'"

yes we do..

imagines bz2 theme in tribes2.. starts to drool.. imagine recyclers having sheild doors and accessways inside its bowles? where you could satchel a scrap silo or a healing generator :O

hell i bet sum1 could make a UT level inside a isdf recycler :P
Avatar, You cant UNally OR Forge a new alliance once IN game.. =(

in bz1.. you could

nathans point of arguement was back stabbers =(

haha when have i been or have back stabbed in bz1......

hell in bz2 your ally could see you fit with no recycler and run into your base and own it.. in bz1.. 3 key strokes and your defences would be on his ass.. not that defences actually did anything whatso ever in bz1 >:o

all the better for Dynamic alliances in bz2 instead of Static alliances..
I would like BZ1 style alliances :D
(not pre defined...People come and go.. players want to break off a join a friend etc)

undeployable production fac's(just a reverse anim of it deploying....)

multiple recyclers/factories/armoys/ auxillery misc production buildings :P

oh, and lets not forget... Tieing the visual model back onto the hit boxes..
OMGOMG H@X 8 installs of TA :D

WE GOTA play sum time :P

um salor isnt it *.3do?
you mean left of right shift right? :D

cuase... to the left of the left shift... theres a whole lot-o-nothing...
when something is targeted for the first time youll see it ZAP to its true location.. like you invoked a mwf flip on jsut that unit.. pretty handy to land a shot.. and in 1.3 its a trouble thats been multipled greatly since the "netsmooth" variables and the like showed up sumwhere in the 1.3 beta
well since the ai sucks so bad in bz2, even with inhancements in 1.3 ull be seeing humans pwning Ai armys in the battlefield so.. it really boils down to human vs human fighting.. either it be empty-chainer dogfights or the late game blast tanks etc.. its going to happen.. if u arent winning the dog fights.. all the better you kill the pools and scavs... keep a mental note of there scarp bar.. how many pools theyhave= there scrap storage.. keep em down to one and when the time coems take out there last pool thats a hard blow.

if your not doing to good in the fighting deparment, its the best bet that your gona loose to that guys field-commanding as well... the scrap management etc.

me and Dutchboy used to do "arm chair commander" games..

Now those where intresting.
id imagen the work around could be the same as the european esc button KB bug..

No thats looking like its only gona be available in bz1 =/

yes there are many ways...
The most ironic is to let the bomb drop and hit it witha laser shot b4 it hits your buildings.. very little damage/time is needed to kill the bomb

Another way is the.. normal thing to do when isdf vs isdf and thats to use rocket tanks.. there sub routines are made to engadge enemy aircraft.. bombers archers apcs... and shoot them right out of the air.. Slavo does great damage vs both ground and air but horent does that bomber in quick cuase the horents lock on to bombers so damn fast and they got a great range too..

scion archers in 1.3 using popper have sort of a chance..  only problem is the bomber follows the ground like its glued onto a stick and this stick is draging across the ground so the bombers flight path is turbulent. Why is this a problem for the archer you ask? well imagen your an AI archer.. and your just holding down the the fire button like a good ol AI archer and leading perfectly like a good ol Archer and  the bombers going over this 5 meter bump in the ground about the time your shooting one of the poppers.. well the lead will be very high.. cuase the popper thinks  the bomber is gona head on that incline forever and aims real high...

thats not so supprising.. heres where it gets funny

if the hill is bigger than say 20 meters or what have you and the bomber is on the way down the hill the archers are gona fire those poppers right into the ground. no lie =/

cuase agian the poppers a very simple weapon its gona take the trajectory of the bomber at the very moment and use that to lead the popper projectile... thus its gona aimw ay underground when the bombers coming down a hillside reall fast just infront of your base.. so 20 popper archers on a bummpy map shooting @ 1 bombers gona look like an iraqi bombing run @ night :D

.... ok next quesiton....

well my freiend thats what most of the "vet" community prays for and relies on... ultra stupied AI... a gt can be distracted by a scav that didnt come all the way around a corner... and hoot.. let a bazooka soldier sit there and take that GT down..

this is how good your modern vetran is.. "couldnt do it without the hootty bz2 ai"


well satillite view has this problem ALOT of people over look..

thers borders around the actuall fuctional area of that view.. for instance.. the chat box on the right makes the WHOLE right side above and below the chat box  un-usable by the cursor.. same goes for the left side( the width of the unit menu) from top to bottom.. so what your really left with for fuctional "clicking space" in the satillite veiw is this little strip down the middle... i think this falls under the.. lack of bz2 game-mechanics optimisations area :)


heh, i wich you could do a bit of formation forming in bz2.. Like in ground control.. hell that and a good netcode andbz2 would be more populare than Counter strike :P

But no you cannot do any sort of formation.. and sending your units in a parade formation into an enemy base is just plain counter intuitive :X

i send mine into the enemy base in a line formation (usually with rocket tanks in that good ol bunker view in mpi's) with all the great downfalls of the bunker view :D


well my game list is usually a "full screen". weekend nights i find i sometimes have to scroll to see all the games....

guessing every game on the list is an average of 3-4 players id say theres 20-40 players  on average.. however there have been nights with Zero games up... but plently of people waiting for some person to put up a game...
giving GTS magCannon in bz1 was hot trick-of-the-week back in the day.. miniguns if you where  streched for cash.. but the mags made the gts totally  redundant ie they never fired..
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / *Cheat/Bug in 1.3*
March 08, 2004, 11:21:10 PM
lawl.. nok showing the old dog a new trick.. what it DLL or ODF spoofing?

or some sort of isdf weapon access on scion terminals .. or something simple and inconspicuous like deploying undeploying rapidly so to get thru walls with the turrets?

or is it something like bouncing mdm off a m-curtain for extreme range? tho its a complete waste of time :D