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Messages - Ultraken

You can't actually run BZ from Visual C++ without a project, so what you'll want to do is run BZ and then attach to its process with the debugger.  That should--in theory at least--give you a call stack so we can figure out where it's crashing if not why.
Yes: here
After a brief hiatus, it's time for another experimental build.  There aren't as many changes in this one.

  • fixed most of the application minimize/restore problems
  • eliminated the green tint on the target and sniper scopes
  • removed CPU speed check that used privileged instructions
The speed check might have been what was causing start-up problems for some people, but I don't know that for sure.  That's the big thing to check.  :)

Battlezone D3D9

Usual reminders:
1. This build requires the Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redstributable Package
2. If using a retail install, rename the "splash" folder to "splash_" to disable Windows 7's compatibility layer
3. If running on Windows Vista or 7, make the install folder writable
4. If having trouble, try the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer
Of course I didn't keep the map file from that build...  :oops:

I did wise up and make one for the 2009-12-08 build, though.  Could you try again with that one?
Battlezone 1 Patch Board / Re: Battlezone Modeling
December 09, 2009, 08:27:57 PM
Totally serious.  :)
Battlezone 1 Patch Board / Re: Battlezone Modeling
December 09, 2009, 07:41:08 PM
Quote from: TheWall on December 09, 2009, 06:45:11 PM
sure would like to have a 3DS file........................ ;-) )

Me too...

(I only have the source code, not the original assets.)
Quote from: Red Devil on December 09, 2009, 09:45:29 AMI was able to go through all the NSDF SP missions yesterday [edit: using XP Pro]. and it looked excellent.   :-)
Hurrah!  That's a good sign that things are coming together.

QuoteThe Furies seemed to sometimes just appear without seeing them descend.
That's probably the mission script spawning them.  :)

QuoteSP Stab is pretty powerful.  Three dual shots takes out Furies.
It does seem punchier than the BZ2 equivalent, which was essentially just an armor-piercing version of the AT Stab.  (Wil Stahl designed BZ2 weapons to have the same base damage per second but vary in fire rate, maximum range, armor/shield penetration, and ammo usage.)
OK.  Thanks for trying anyway.  :)
Whoah.  Nasty.  :oops:

I'm still learning the ropes with D3D9, so there's a good chance that I'm doing something wrong.  It doesn't help that BZ's event handling is so complex.
Oh, that's right.

I bet that fixed quite a few problems.  I plan to leave floating-point exceptions enabled on non-release builds since it's perfect for catching these.
Battlezone 1 Patch Board / Re: Battlezone Modeling
December 08, 2009, 03:44:57 PM
Quote from: ssuser on December 08, 2009, 02:25:32 PM
I've always thought it would be neat to have a little set of desktop models of the battlezone vehicles.
Ooh, that'd be nice.  There's always papercraft...
Quote from: Commando on December 08, 2009, 12:43:02 PM
Hatever came with bz1
You might want to try replacing it with the updated ("XP anti-lag") version.
Interesting!  That definitely gives me something to work with.  What version of the Activenet DLL are you using?
Battlezone 1 Patch Board / Battlezone Modeling
December 08, 2009, 10:12:02 AM
It deserves a topic of its own, so I'll try to split it for us.

Update: Success!   8-)
Z-buffering was getting turned off, so forcing it on fixed that.  Bad geometry could easily caused some problems as well.