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Messages - SUB-0

Battlezone 2 / Re: Looking for the battelzone server.exe
February 22, 2009, 05:13:27 PM

   Well the dedicated server i made last night had no map just white blank but in the folder i made in it i added a few maps and i even tryed launching the maps with mm5 also i noticed the amount of player was set to 4 and not 8 which is somthing i will change if i can either get some help or better yet get the files to make dedicated server ....be easyer :)

by the way Nielk1 did you see my game up last night?..... And do you think somone in here can help me?

you seem to know alot battlezone 2 from all the posts i read maybe you'll know where i can go from here?
Well either way you guys are always helping us players out so thanx anyways :) even if you dont have all the answers
i heard *********** was the first guy to make the dedicated server maybe he'd be willing to help me out if he still arround

i balnked out the name because i seems to be top secret lol :P
Battlezone 2 / Re: Looking for the battelzone server.exe
February 22, 2009, 01:22:03 PM

Man i got dedicated server up last night it showed up in multy :) but coulden't join it on my other pc and other players tryed to ...I could see when they joined but all attempts failed ...I had to rebuild from scratch and i'm almost there ...I think it is posible to do this Steveo!  ...BTW nice mod i really loved it SRV mod is awsome and weps are far out good work

ps: are you good with codes?
hope bzu can help me
Battlezone 2 / Looking for the battelzone server.exe
February 21, 2009, 10:37:43 PM

Hi again i'm looking for the battlezone server exe so i can rebuild a dm public server  ...It would be good for the comunity and might boost player intrest. I remeber when we had the dedicated dm server alot of players met there and played an practiced in it. But it's not up anymore ,so i'm trying to put one together ...I gathered some files but still missing the server.exe ...It might be alot easyer if someone knew where i could get the whole dedicated server download...i heard a clan or 2 have it but they wont give it to anyone or use it .kinda of a waste dont you think? To let the files just die away:(
I might be able to revive the server i'm almost there and if it's sutch a nuclear secret i wont give it away...i have many maps and mods never yet released ...and i never gave them away outa respect for the authors and their hard work...if you know where i can get it i'll use it for good :)

regards  SUB-0

   Well thanks for the reply guys :) i'll look in overminds page see if he gots the plugins for blender

  i place link here if i find it..... ps:   i'll be back to ask more questions :P
Hi i heard that i can find plugins for blender in bzu. But cant seem to put my finger on it .Can somone direct me to a dowload link plz :lol: i'm working on some models and have quite a few models on the go...wanted to test out blender to see if its easyer to use might save me some time

NICE FORUM I come often to read and learn more about editing bz2 .Its very educational and always helpfull thanx in advance even if you cant help me

  regards SUB-0