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Messages - Droid

Just quickly thinking about this, an aircraft unit in bz2.  The first way I see doing this is setting it's hover height from the ground, but that will mean it just behaves like a normal hover vehicle that is really high up...  Granted I havnt looked much into this, just a quick guess..

**Out of curiosity, has anyone ever tried to make something that is dual pilot? also is it possible to increase radar size without crashing the game?
Thanks  :-)

Yeah I will be using both installs of bz, 1.2 and 1.3.  They are both good fun!

Anyway I shall look forward to hassling you all later on with more modding questions when I have them.  Which may be soon as work just gave me 2 weeks notice and its nearly impossible to find a job here at the moment  :x
Thank you for explaining that better, both of you.  :-)

Feel free to close/lock, delete or whatever with this thread.  I don't want to stir up a hornets nest, I'd like to be able to come back here and ask for help at later dates!  :-D
Thanks for really reading what i said.

Why is everyone so quick to get abusive.  :-(

I'm asking whats involved in it, I didn't ask for it to be put back.  By no means would I request that they change it for me, or any other person.  I understand that there has been an immense amount of work goes into making these patches.

Have not had any contact with any BZ2 community in a couple years, and this is the first reply I get from the forums I least suspected it from - a modding forum.  I'm asking for assistance/help with in something I would like to do on my own if its possible not flak.

Sorry to be such a typical  '1.2 exploit vet'.. I don't think am a vet at all, just want to play this game, find out whats possible to do and what isnt  :oops:
Maps and Modding / Hey There - Newbie Question
May 27, 2009, 11:03:54 PM
Hey, as the title suggests, a slightly newbie question to follow. (yes skip the spiel if you wish and please, don't flame me. Can't we all get along?)

I have been playing BZ2 for many years now, was a member of a very well known clan at for most of this time too, until i dropped off the MP scene and only played casually at lans with friends.  This is when i got into G66, and very recently gone as far as modding the game (ODF files for now) with a friend to make it more of a challenge, or to just have more fun. 
I have been using these forums for lots of troubleshooting along the way, but only recently signed up because now I am at a crossroads, or a Catch22 as it may.  I learned to fly at a very young age ( :-P), and I find it to be a valuable addition to strategies to use.  Obviously then, upgrading past 1.2 just hasn't happened until recently when I installed 1.3TA5.  Wow, I am genuinely impressed with how far it's come over the years, and will be using it quite often, so well done!  :-D

Unfortunately after playing around with it for a couple nights, I have come to realise that I miss being able fly. (Sometimes flying around just kills the time while waiting for something)  Now what i would like to know if there is some compromise that can be made, besides having multiple installs as I already have 2.  Is there anyway to make flying possible in 1.3 at all? or is it not worth trying? (Remember I wont be playing online at all, its just for myself and a friend) I'm not asking anyone to do this for me, I would like to be able to change this myself, if it's possible of course..  :?

Please if you all you want to do is abuse me for my views, don't bother replying.  I'm not here to start s*** (Censorship? lol) I'm on the fence when it comes to this subject as both arguments are valid IMO.  Yes its an exploit, but at the same time to use it effectively in your strategies is a skill.  :-)
