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Started by RABBITPOLICE, October 18, 2009, 05:50:02 PM

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The game that my mod is based off of is a mix of RTS and FPS and I would say alot of the gameplay relates to how BZ2 is played except that the game my mod is based off of is a MMO with a persistent world. You build bases with defenses, rovers to attack and defend, you mine stuff out of the ground to build more stuff and make money, etc. You play as a FPS when you are attacking other people's bases but when you are being attacked in your own base, you can go into your "Nerve Center" as they call it which is basically the same idea as a recycler and control your units from a satellite view. You can still go out and shoot at people if you want but when you are in your own base, it's easier to be looking down from above. I've never played much in satellite view in BZ2 mostly because I like being in the action but I do like having the option. I'm not much of a RTS player but sometimes it can help in situations if you can see from above.