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Whats the latest on the hover bug ?

Started by CaptPicard, December 01, 2004, 05:20:16 AM

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Sorry dude...

But I gotta agree with Bull Dog.


Like the narrator says in FE first mission:

"And they've got the data to Back it up."

He says that so funny.



Do you think Ken and Nathan worked on 1.3 to make BZ2 more popular?  Do you think either cares if that happens or not?

Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles?  in this place?  

Do you think that's air you're breathing?



Wingflier - do you think BullDog was being sarcastic or not before you stated that you agree with him? I get the impression from your post that you didn't realise it was sarcasm...


No I knew he was being sarcastic...I just like to start hoot.

Quote from: AvDo you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles? in this place?

Do you think that's air you're breathing?


I love the Matrix.

You rock




Quote from: Bull Dog
Explanation:  I personally can't stomach 1.2 anymore.  I'm not saying 1.2 is bad, I just like 1.3 better.  In my post I was being half sarcastic and half straight.  1.3 isn't "official" yet.  Yes, it maybe true that 1.3 will never has as many players as 1.2 but, I will probably be playing 1.3 for the rest bz2 days.

I like 1.3 a lot just because it has much less bugs than 1.2 and also lots of cool features added. But I also really miss the ability of flying my scout or tank eternally like I could in 1.2. Although I hardly join MP games anymore I really enjoy somtimes going up in an IA game to watch my base and the huge AI fightings around it from above. I enjoy the feeling of total freedom in my 1.2 scout. BZ2 1.2 is the most 3D game I ever played! The 1.3 scouts and tanks just feel crappy and castrated. Also I cant bear that some extremely arrogant people who cant enjoy these things themselves try to deprive me from my enjoyment. Its like homosexuals would try to forbid intercourse with the opposite sex. People who hardly ever play MP and who dont have a clue what BZ2 MP is like in practice want to tell hardcore MP players how to play the game. But enough has been said about it.

I also think at the moment we should not think about bz2 dieing.  There still seem to be plenty of games up.  And there is a dribble of newbes that happen along occasionally.

When you go online at European evening hours theres much less activity than it used to be. Actually there is hardly any. The few European players left in the zone now play at later night times (=evening in the USA) because thats the only time when you have a chance to get a game up. Thats why it might seem to American players that numbers of active players havent changed really.

All you modders efforts would pay off much better if you would take a newer engine like Cryengine or Doom3 or HL2 and develop a strategy mod for it.


the activity in europe noons went down but because the players aint playing anymore at noons, its probably because a certien bunch of people whom I wont name, playing with them seemed pointless and the most fun games were on nights without them, and more fun with the USAers, it started with few people, and in the end almost all europien vets play later on, or when the bacs are playing, which is about 8 p.m GMT

personaly, I'd still play if there was with who in europe noons, right now all I get is a game which I take the 2 weakest players and being called a stacker

QuoteBut I also really miss the ability of flying my scout or tank eternally like I could in 1.2. Although I hardly join MP games anymore I really enjoy somtimes going up in an IA game to watch my base and the huge AI fightings around it from above. I enjoy the feeling of total freedom in my 1.2 scout. BZ2 1.2 is the most 3D game I ever played! The 1.3 scouts and tanks just feel crappy and castrated. Also I cant bear that some extremely arrogant people who cant enjoy these things themselves try to deprive me from my enjoyment. Its like homosexuals would try to forbid intercourse with the opposite sex. People who hardly ever play MP and who dont have a clue what BZ2 MP is like in practice want to tell hardcore MP players how to play the game. But enough has been said about it.
sooo true, all we wanted was an option, but we're better off changing the subject

about activity, sure, there is much less players then 3-4 years, but I dont think the number changed much in the last 2-3 years or so


Quotesooo true, all we wanted was an option, but we're better off changing the subject

lol Phoenix.  You crack me up.



I would have supported an option,  since I think options are a good thing.  Even if the default vehicles couldn't hover, new variants could be created by modders so they would be able to hover.  The problem would be the difficulty in creating the new physics that allow hovering.  I don't think the developers are up to the amount of work especially since they aren't getting paid for doing it.


I'm glad they got rid of that hover exploit from 1.2, its a little cheap when your having a good game and someone joins, kills your whole base with a scout! Not to mention all the other cheaters that piss people off like in FE 1.2 some jerk joins does some hack and takes over the enemy ai team in an mpi match. Its this kind of stuff that makes you want to only have passworded games so no public jerks can join.


GSH hinted long ago that he'd do whatever you wanted to do to the patch if you paid him an appropriate amount for the work, if that option is still open, send him a few ten thousand or so, then you could probobly get your option.  That single option would require an immense amount of work, probobly the most difficult of all suggestions thus far (except for AI changing...)


AI changing??? Who suggested that?

*Looks Around Innocently*

Somebody needs to slap him.


Fonbu and OM, well, as you know we did make a hovering scouts recycler varient, a thing which led to vechiles exploding if using engines in air, what was it? 15 dmg per second?
that preaty much created an 'explosin' it seems in the 1.3 beta team
something that caused DF and some more(?) to leave (this is just what I understood, might be wrong here, feel free to fix me)

the main problem was although we did got ourselves hovering scouts it was trying to be a copy of 1.2 and why try to copy something, which isnt as fun and use the copy rather then the orignal? the rest of the options didnt realy helped us much either and we, MP straters couldnt realy play what we play, MP - since it seemed more laggy and had more problems then our 1.2 - due to 1.3 PB being preaty much unplayable and tring to be a copy of 1.2 with even more problems we sticked to 1.2

hopefuly we could a get a decent 1.3


It is decent, trust me, and no that damage was a test, it is not in there, hasn't been for a while.


I heard it got removed as well, but just hearing about "plan b" and w/e was said on the chat there since we made our 'vet recycler varient' wasnt realy encourging to continue work on it


bad things have been said, and they are behind us.
lets just stop while were ahead, 1.3 is still beta, in the end, who knows what will happen. :)