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Anyone have a decent aircraft ODF I can use with an AI configuration?

Started by BNG Da BZ Fool, October 13, 2009, 01:11:30 PM

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BNG Da BZ Fool

I have quite a few aircraft models that I'd like to make controllable by a commander. It doesn't need to be fancy just usable enough to integrate into an air base building facility like the factory building. The curent ODF's I have is the one for the cvtalon and ivsgull. The Talon can be controlled, but it's a modified hover class unit, and I don't have any conventional aircraft ODF's to use as a sample to make an AI based aircraft. Thanks, BNG.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


This is the ISDF fighter from my rec variant for the add-on pack. flies well with AI and human players, except when its engaging ground targets... in which instance it usually rolls upside down and bounces on the ground. This is the slowest version, there are others, but ill keep those a secret for now :P. have a play and see what you get.

M2S also posted a nice 'hangglider' set of physics a while back, dont know where they are now.

baseName = "ivflier_tj"
allowFactoryCustomizations = false
AcceptPowerupMask = 55
geometryName = "ivflier_tj00.xsi"
cockpitName = "ivflier_cockpit.xsi"
classLabel = "aircraft"
geometryScale = 1.1
scrapValue = 10
scrapCost = 80
customCost = 85
buildTime = 10.0
maxHealth = 1000
maxAmmo = 6000
addHealth = 1
addAmmo = 2
aiAddHealth = 1
aiAddAmmo = 6
unitName = "Light Fighter"
aiName = "AirCraftFriend"
aiName2 = "AirCraftEnemy"
heatSignature = 4.0
imageSignature = 0.5
radarSignature = 2.0
isAssault = 0
CanSnipe = 1
needPilot = 1
//pilotConfig = "ispilo"
armorClass = N
isFlying = 1
collisionRadius = 28.0
boxCollide = 1
SmartIsAirUnitCheck = false
enableServiceTruckPull = 0
LightsOnlyWhenPiloted = true
noShadow = true
tuggable = 0
//aiOnly = true
serviceTruckAutoHeal = 0

DeployOnBuild = 0

Mass = 12000

provideCount = 6
provideName1 = "ivflier_tj"
provideName2 = "flier"
provideName3 = "DefendUnit"
provideName4 = "AntiAir"
provideName5 = "VIRTUAL_CLASS_TANK"
provideName6 = "assault"

requireCount = 2
requireName1 = "ibtcen"
requireText1 = "Build Tech Center"
requireName2 = "ibbomb"
requireText2 = "Build Bomber Bay"

effectHard1 = "hp_emit_1"
effectHard2 = "hp_emit_2"
effectHard3 = "hp_emit_3"
effectHard4 = "hp_emit_4"
effectMinVelocity1 = 50.0
effectMinVelocity2 = 50.0
effectMinVelocity3 = 50.0
effectMinVelocity4 = 50.0
effectMaxVelocity1 = 120
effectMaxVelocity2 = 120
effectMaxVelocity3 = 120
effectMaxVelocity4 = 120
effectMinAltitude1 = 20
effectMinAltitude2 = 20
effectMinAltitude3 = 20
effectMinAltitude4 = 20
effectMaxAltitude1 = 800
effectMaxAltitude2 = 800
effectMaxAltitude3 = 800
effectMaxAltitude4 = 800
effectName1 = "ivflier_tj.wing"
effectName2 = "ivflier_tj.wing"
effectName3 = "ivflier_tj.wing"
effectName4 = "ivflier_tj.wing"

weaponMask = 01111

weaponHard1 = "hp_gun_1"
weaponName1 = "gschain_a"
weaponAssault1 = 1
weaponHard2 = "hp_gun_2"
weaponName2 = "gschain_a"
weaponAssault2 = 1
weaponHard3 = "hp_rocket_1"
weaponName3 = "gfafmslc_tj"
weaponAssault3 = 0
weaponHard4 = "hp_rocket_2"
weaponName4 = "gfafmslc_tj"
weaponAssault4 = 0

//canRescue = 0
AircraftAttackMustDeploy = true
PathingType = 4 // -1 = auto, 0 = Hover, 1 = Walker, 2 = Person, 3 = Tracked, 4 = Flyer
UseAssaultSpecials = true
rangeScan = 600.0f
periodScan = 1.0f
velocJam = 5.0f
engageRange = 1800
weaponsConverge = false
canRecycle = false
canHunt = 1
CollideTerrainSound = "atstab01.wav"
AttackTaskUsesGroups = false
NonWingmanProcessAttackMines = false
//blastDist = 110
ClosestEnemyGoodEyes = true
//attackRange = 1000 // didnt exist

AttackTaskAttackTimeout0 = 50.0
AttackTaskAttackTimeout1 = 70.0
AttackTaskAttackTimeout2 = 90.0
AttackTaskAttackTimeout3 = 120.0

AttackTaskStrafeAfterFlee1 = true
AttackTaskStrafeAfterFlee2 = true
AttackTaskStrafeAfterFlee3 = true

AttackTaskStrafeToFleeTimeout0 = 30
AttackTaskStrafeToFleeTimeout1 = 30
AttackTaskStrafeToFleeTimeout2 = 30
AttackTaskStrafeToFleeTimeout3 = 40

StrafeTimeBase0 = 0.5
StrafeTimeBase1 = 1.0
StrafeTimeBase2 = 2.4
StrafeTimeBase3 = 3.8

subAttackClass = "ADN"

selectWaitMsg = "ivflierv8.wav"
selectAttackMsg = "ivflierv1.wav"
selectGoMsg = "ivflierv15.wav"
selectFollowMsg = "ivflierv13.wav"
selectOtherMsg = "ivflierv8.wav"
selectHoldMsg = "ivflierv14.wav"

holdMsg = "ivflierv14.wav"
goMsg = "ivflierv2.wav"
goObjectMsg = "ivflierv12.wav"
attackMsg = "ivflierv3.wav"
followMeMsg = "ivflierv5.wav"
followMsg = "ivflierv9.wav"
repairMsg = "ivflierv6.wav"
reloadMsg = "ivflierv7.wav"
rescueMsg = "ivflierv10.wav"
recycleMsg = "ivflierv11.wav"
deployedMsg = "ivflierv1.wav"

user1Msg = "ivflierv8.wav"
killedMsg = "ivflierv4.wav"
diedMsg = ""

steerFactor = 1.4
strafeFactor = 1.0
BraccelFactor = 0.05
velFactor = 0.7
omegaFactor = 0.2

modeText28 = "Stay Airborne"
modeText29 = "Stay Grounded"
modeText30 = "Clear Order"
modeText13 = "Defend Area"
modeText1 = "Fly To"
modeText31 = "Eject"
modeText25 = "Co-Ordinates"
modeText23 = "Re-Assign Squad"
//modeText11 = "Recon Mission"
modeText2 = "Track Me"
modeText12 = "Fight"
modeText9 = "Go To Coordinates"

//AlwaysDeployed = true
AltitudeLookahead = 3.5
velocSet(L) = 30.0 // minimum velocity //20
velocSet(M) = 50.0 // cruising velocity //30
velocSet(H) = 80.0 // maximum velocity //60
accelThrust = 32 // thrust acceleration //32
accelBrake = 24 // 13.0 // brake acceleration
accelDrag = 170 // 130// 63.0 // drag acceleration -- affects sliding sideways
// mouse as rudder
omegaSteer(L) = 3.35 //5.35 // 2.5 // steer turn rate at minimum
omegaSteer(M) = 2.50 //4.70 // 2.0 // steer turn rate at cruising
omegaSteer(H) = 1.95 //1.95 //3.95 // 1.5 // steer turn rate at maximum
// strafe affecting rudder
omegaStrafe(L) = 2.30 // airbrake turn rate at minimum
omegaStrafe(M) = 1.90 // airbrake turn rate at cruising
omegaStrafe(H) = 1.30 // airbrake turn rate at maximum

//this affects steering but not sliding
alphaSteer = 1.00 //1.00//1.70// 1.70 steering angular acceleration
// more = more turning from strafing
alphaStrafe = 0.18 //0.25 // 0.3 // airbrake angular acceleration

alphaDamp = 12.5 // 14 // damping angular acceleration
//a low values under 5 get insanely tippy
pitchPitch = 3.7 //  maximum pitch angle

rollSteer = 0.6 // 0.5 // maximum roll angle from steering
rollStrafe = 3.87 //0.5 // maximum roll angle from airbraking

//added stuff
OverWaterFlying = true
OverWaterLanded = false
MaxTakeoffSpeed = 15.0 //34
aiAltitude = 70 // 55 doesnt have any effect...
LiftSpring = 50.0 // all craft/pilots, during takeoff/landing
AILiftSpring = 50.0 // AI craft ONLY, when flying to get to aiAltitude.
minAltitude = 50.0 //10 //30
maxAltitude = 400.0
alphaLevel = 3.8 //3.3 // 10.0 // how fast you can change pitch/ overall manuver

soundThrust = "ivfliere0.wav"
soundTurbo = "ivflierm0.wav"
soundBrake = ""
timeDeploy = 1.3 // 1.5 // time to deploy
timeUndeploy = 1.3 // 1.5 // time to undeploy
soundDeploy = "trdeploy.wav"
soundUndeploy = "trundepl.wav"

renderBase = "draw_trail"
textureName = "trail2.tga"
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
startColor = "127 127 127 150"
finishColor = "255 255 255 0"
startRadius = 0.09
finishRadius = 0.3
segmentTime = 3.5
maxDist = 1600

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

BNG Da BZ Fool

Thanks TJ, if any of the aircraft that I make can be used by other modders anyone can PM me on where to send my models for use in their mods. I truly enjoy making 3d models even though I've somewhat lost interest in actually playing the game anymore. I still monkey around with new models in the map editor for testing, but I can't really recall the last time I actually played a full game...strike that...I guess it was online against General Manson in a death match thingy quite some months ago. Anyways, if anyone else has some usable AI based aircraft odfs I could use would greatly be appreciated. My focus now is to learn a bit more about both Truespace and Blender to get animations underway, and learn how to properly get a custom skin of my model bodies.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


Quote from: TheJamsh on October 14, 2009, 01:28:09 AM
This is the ISDF fighter from my rec variant for the add-on pack. flies well with AI and human players, except when its engaging ground targets... in which instance it usually rolls upside down and bounces on the ground. This is the slowest version, there are others, but ill keep those a secret for now :P. have a play and see what you get.

M2S also posted a nice 'hangglider' set of physics a while back, dont know where they are now.

baseName = "ivflier_tj"
allowFactoryCustomizations = false
AcceptPowerupMask = 55
geometryName = "ivflier_tj00.xsi"
cockpitName = "ivflier_cockpit.xsi"
classLabel = "aircraft"
geometryScale = 1.1
scrapValue = 10
scrapCost = 80
customCost = 85
buildTime = 10.0
maxHealth = 1000
maxAmmo = 6000
addHealth = 1
addAmmo = 2
aiAddHealth = 1
aiAddAmmo = 6
unitName = "Light Fighter"
aiName = "AirCraftFriend"
aiName2 = "AirCraftEnemy"
heatSignature = 4.0
imageSignature = 0.5
radarSignature = 2.0
isAssault = 0
CanSnipe = 1
needPilot = 1
//pilotConfig = "ispilo"
armorClass = N
isFlying = 1
collisionRadius = 28.0
boxCollide = 1
SmartIsAirUnitCheck = false
enableServiceTruckPull = 0
LightsOnlyWhenPiloted = true
noShadow = true
tuggable = 0
//aiOnly = true
serviceTruckAutoHeal = 0

DeployOnBuild = 0

Mass = 12000

provideCount = 6
provideName1 = "ivflier_tj"
provideName2 = "flier"
provideName3 = "DefendUnit"
provideName4 = "AntiAir"
provideName5 = "VIRTUAL_CLASS_TANK"
provideName6 = "assault"

requireCount = 2
requireName1 = "ibtcen"
requireText1 = "Build Tech Center"
requireName2 = "ibbomb"
requireText2 = "Build Bomber Bay"

effectHard1 = "hp_emit_1"
effectHard2 = "hp_emit_2"
effectHard3 = "hp_emit_3"
effectHard4 = "hp_emit_4"
effectMinVelocity1 = 50.0
effectMinVelocity2 = 50.0
effectMinVelocity3 = 50.0
effectMinVelocity4 = 50.0
effectMaxVelocity1 = 120
effectMaxVelocity2 = 120
effectMaxVelocity3 = 120
effectMaxVelocity4 = 120
effectMinAltitude1 = 20
effectMinAltitude2 = 20
effectMinAltitude3 = 20
effectMinAltitude4 = 20
effectMaxAltitude1 = 800
effectMaxAltitude2 = 800
effectMaxAltitude3 = 800
effectMaxAltitude4 = 800
effectName1 = "ivflier_tj.wing"
effectName2 = "ivflier_tj.wing"
effectName3 = "ivflier_tj.wing"
effectName4 = "ivflier_tj.wing"

weaponMask = 01111

weaponHard1 = "hp_gun_1"
weaponName1 = "gschain_a"
weaponAssault1 = 1
weaponHard2 = "hp_gun_2"
weaponName2 = "gschain_a"
weaponAssault2 = 1
weaponHard3 = "hp_rocket_1"
weaponName3 = "gfafmslc_tj"
weaponAssault3 = 0
weaponHard4 = "hp_rocket_2"
weaponName4 = "gfafmslc_tj"
weaponAssault4 = 0

//canRescue = 0
AircraftAttackMustDeploy = true
PathingType = 4 // -1 = auto, 0 = Hover, 1 = Walker, 2 = Person, 3 = Tracked, 4 = Flyer
UseAssaultSpecials = true
rangeScan = 600.0f
periodScan = 1.0f
velocJam = 5.0f
engageRange = 1800
weaponsConverge = false
canRecycle = false
canHunt = 1
CollideTerrainSound = "atstab01.wav"
AttackTaskUsesGroups = false
NonWingmanProcessAttackMines = false
//blastDist = 110
ClosestEnemyGoodEyes = true
//attackRange = 1000 // didnt exist

AttackTaskAttackTimeout0 = 50.0
AttackTaskAttackTimeout1 = 70.0
AttackTaskAttackTimeout2 = 90.0
AttackTaskAttackTimeout3 = 120.0

AttackTaskStrafeAfterFlee1 = true
AttackTaskStrafeAfterFlee2 = true
AttackTaskStrafeAfterFlee3 = true

AttackTaskStrafeToFleeTimeout0 = 30
AttackTaskStrafeToFleeTimeout1 = 30
AttackTaskStrafeToFleeTimeout2 = 30
AttackTaskStrafeToFleeTimeout3 = 40

StrafeTimeBase0 = 0.5
StrafeTimeBase1 = 1.0
StrafeTimeBase2 = 2.4
StrafeTimeBase3 = 3.8

subAttackClass = "ADN"

selectWaitMsg = "ivflierv8.wav"
selectAttackMsg = "ivflierv1.wav"
selectGoMsg = "ivflierv15.wav"
selectFollowMsg = "ivflierv13.wav"
selectOtherMsg = "ivflierv8.wav"
selectHoldMsg = "ivflierv14.wav"

holdMsg = "ivflierv14.wav"
goMsg = "ivflierv2.wav"
goObjectMsg = "ivflierv12.wav"
attackMsg = "ivflierv3.wav"
followMeMsg = "ivflierv5.wav"
followMsg = "ivflierv9.wav"
repairMsg = "ivflierv6.wav"
reloadMsg = "ivflierv7.wav"
rescueMsg = "ivflierv10.wav"
recycleMsg = "ivflierv11.wav"
deployedMsg = "ivflierv1.wav"

user1Msg = "ivflierv8.wav"
killedMsg = "ivflierv4.wav"
diedMsg = ""

steerFactor = 1.4
strafeFactor = 1.0
BraccelFactor = 0.05
velFactor = 0.7
omegaFactor = 0.2

modeText28 = "Stay Airborne"
modeText29 = "Stay Grounded"
modeText30 = "Clear Order"
modeText13 = "Defend Area"
modeText1 = "Fly To"
modeText31 = "Eject"
modeText25 = "Co-Ordinates"
modeText23 = "Re-Assign Squad"
//modeText11 = "Recon Mission"
modeText2 = "Track Me"
modeText12 = "Fight"
modeText9 = "Go To Coordinates"

//AlwaysDeployed = true
AltitudeLookahead = 3.5
velocSet(L) = 30.0 // minimum velocity //20
velocSet(M) = 50.0 // cruising velocity //30
velocSet(H) = 80.0 // maximum velocity //60
accelThrust = 32 // thrust acceleration //32
accelBrake = 24 // 13.0 // brake acceleration
accelDrag = 170 // 130// 63.0 // drag acceleration -- affects sliding sideways
// mouse as rudder
omegaSteer(L) = 3.35 //5.35 // 2.5 // steer turn rate at minimum
omegaSteer(M) = 2.50 //4.70 // 2.0 // steer turn rate at cruising
omegaSteer(H) = 1.95 //1.95 //3.95 // 1.5 // steer turn rate at maximum
// strafe affecting rudder
omegaStrafe(L) = 2.30 // airbrake turn rate at minimum
omegaStrafe(M) = 1.90 // airbrake turn rate at cruising
omegaStrafe(H) = 1.30 // airbrake turn rate at maximum

//this affects steering but not sliding
alphaSteer = 1.00 //1.00//1.70// 1.70 steering angular acceleration
// more = more turning from strafing
alphaStrafe = 0.18 //0.25 // 0.3 // airbrake angular acceleration

alphaDamp = 12.5 // 14 // damping angular acceleration
//a low values under 5 get insanely tippy
pitchPitch = 3.7 //  maximum pitch angle

rollSteer = 0.6 // 0.5 // maximum roll angle from steering
rollStrafe = 3.87 //0.5 // maximum roll angle from airbraking

//added stuff
OverWaterFlying = true
OverWaterLanded = false
MaxTakeoffSpeed = 15.0 //34
aiAltitude = 70 // 55 doesnt have any effect...
LiftSpring = 50.0 // all craft/pilots, during takeoff/landing
AILiftSpring = 50.0 // AI craft ONLY, when flying to get to aiAltitude.
minAltitude = 50.0 //10 //30
maxAltitude = 400.0
alphaLevel = 3.8 //3.3 // 10.0 // how fast you can change pitch/ overall manuver

soundThrust = "ivfliere0.wav"
soundTurbo = "ivflierm0.wav"
soundBrake = ""
timeDeploy = 1.3 // 1.5 // time to deploy
timeUndeploy = 1.3 // 1.5 // time to undeploy
soundDeploy = "trdeploy.wav"
soundUndeploy = "trundepl.wav"

renderBase = "draw_trail"
textureName = "trail2.tga"
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
startColor = "127 127 127 150"
finishColor = "255 255 255 0"
startRadius = 0.09
finishRadius = 0.3
segmentTime = 3.5
maxDist = 1600

Couldn't he just raise a few numbers to make it faster?
C l a v i n 1 2


QuoteCouldn't he just raise a few numbers to make it faster?
He could, but fast is a problem for the ai and for humans. You generally need some time to shoot stuff before you reach the edge of the map...
Aircraft are slow in bz2. Its a part of its whole style.

Zero Angel

Fast aircraft would only work in an EPIC style map (where you can see for at least 1000m)
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Even then, its still tricky to shoot an assault tank while moving at 100m/s, unless you have some seriously heavy weapons. It would take ages to kill one with a minigun in short 1 sec bursts every 10 sec or so. Biplane performance works, f16 does not, its a balance thing.


They work well when fighting each other, but definately NOT ground targets.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


What if you made a fast air vehicle except it had one big weapon like a bomb or a missile?
C l a v i n 1 2


BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Maybe it could be un-pilotable and have a recharge period like a bomber.
C l a v i n 1 2


Then it would be a bomber that was almost impossible to shoot down using any of the other vehicles.

That was why the aircraft I posted only flies at about the same speed as a bomber, it can outrun tanks and scouts, but they get a good chance to shoot at it as it does it.


I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.

BNG Da BZ Fool

With the exception of bomber class I would think that regular aircraft would mostly be used to harrass the enemy or protect ground units to some extent. In a way their somewhat limited like water craft also seem to be. Still, they could also be quite excellent commander recon aircraft. I tried this once with both the Scion Archer and the IDF APC; geeze, talk about struggling just to see stuff on the battlefiald let alone command units to a given area. I think aircaraft are also well suited to death match games. Still, I have a working ODF now from which to tweak the settings for stability. Most of the designs from 1.2 are horribly difficulty to fly by a human; I can just imagine the craziness watching the AI try to do any better.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


AI CANT fly aircraft in 1.2, it was a broken classlabel until it was fixed in one of the later private betas.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.