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Upgraded empty still costs 60

Started by appel, February 29, 2004, 09:59:42 PM

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Just wondering if this will change? Kinda pointless building a lesser ship for more than you get for an full scout. A upgraded empty worth 30 or 40 might be used probably.

BZ FeebleEffort

It was pointed it out 2 years ago...I forgot why it never got fixed


I support reducing the cost for upgraded scouts because it does seem pointless charging that much.  For one, you can't have that ship pick you up when you need a new ride.  You also only have one weapon, instead of having guns and specials, you only have guns.  There may be more drawbacks that I am unaware of.


Maybe it's my imagination, or a side effect of some other 1.3 change, but the ISDF scout's missiles seem more effective, as do Shadowers and Spires hitting scouts.

It would be good if unupgraded full scouts cost a bit less, maybe 40.