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HUD and targeting reticule size

Started by Giguana, March 09, 2004, 10:25:35 PM

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I know this has been adressed before but, how, if at all possible, do I change the size of the HUD? At the resolution that most of us play at, I can't read Navs.

Is there an option or something I missed?


I suppose you could design your own reticules, but I believe they have to be constrained to a certain dimension (height x width), thus it would be very difficult to make them larger. Most of them are grouped together as one image file you can find in data.pak. As for the other default things on the HUD, I believe most are hardcoded text/graphics.  This was stated implicitly by GSH inside and outside the close beta forum, i.e. game resolution can go up to 64k x 64k pixels, but [most or all] HUD graphics will not change their pixellated sizes.  Presently, most maximum resolutions are around 1600 x 1200 pixels with updated video and DirectX drivers.  I'm sure the HUD experts can elaborate further.


Giguana, If your talking about the wireframe radar and mini-map, these can both be adjusted in the Gameprefs.ini in the config folder in your addon folder.


Is there a way I can do the Ammo, health and F keys?

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

one thing i would love to see is a return of the old BZI graphics for targeting and such. On the back of the BZII box it shows sabers with 'flamers' and a proper targeting retical.
Is it possiable to have this as a non-asset-problem option?

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

All of them? even the 'mortar' one...that showed what the vertical arc was.

ooo, i cannot wait :D

Tempest Storm

Its been done, unfortunately not all of them can be put in, but all the weapon ones are ingame and working perfectly. Although weapon ladders (The "ladders" on the Mortar reticles) don't work anymore.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

The main thing i really wanted to see was the 'target disk' that would be over targets, much better i think than '4 spining tiny triangles' that you get in bzii.

Tempest Storm

Thats in BZ1 as well :P Although there was another graphic that showed when you selected a unit, and thats what your talking about, unfortunately as far as I know its hardcoded not to show.


Giguana, What res are you running at?

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Yeah, i know Tempest. BZI was my first *ever* game. It blew me away. I was expecting something like the game i had seen on the television, C&C.

And then my first ever gaming sight....the NSDF scout....

Yeah, ill always remember the target lock thing from BZI. I still really miss all the targeting graphics in BZII.



You mean like this :D . I haven't touched the ammo\health\weapons size......YET.


Yeah, I got my radar sisze set up like that now, i just wish I could have my ammo/health and F keys like that too.

Tempest Storm

You probably could, but it would take alot of tedius work.