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DM and STRAT option request list

Started by Nielk1, April 02, 2004, 09:41:29 AM

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I was told that if I could get together a list, OvermindDL1 would try to impliment the options into the DM and STRAT DLLs.  The Following are some of my ideas, be sure to post your own.

Allow Side Switch [Y/N] No is Default
Allow Back-stab [Y/N] No is Default
Player Pause [Y/N] No is Default
Set team color [AUTO/-long list-] Auto is Default
Choosing start position [AUTO/1/2/3/4/...] Auto is Default
Cant dammage units on own side [Y/N] No is Default

Undeployable Recycler [Y/N] No is Default

DM Only:


-Allow Side Switch [Y/N] No is Default
    tank becomes AI and piolet is teleported to side of choices start marker[/list:u]

    -Allow Back-stab [Y/N] No is Default
      Keep tank and position on map, but switch side[/list:u]

      Player Pause [Y/N] No is Default
        Player's ship acts like it is in a drop ship (Cant move or fire) and also cannon be hurt, all other game processes still take place[/list:u]

Click on the image...


what exactly do you mean by back stab?


back-stab: You "steal" your ship and go to the other side. Thus, you got your original team to upgrade your tank with the best weapons, then took it and went to the other team.

More effective with ISDF/Scion games, I think.

However, do you get to run off with all the units you have control of too?


Quotewhat exactly do you mean by back stab?
That would be the ability to defect to the opposing team, basically team switching while in-game


What do you mean by undeployable recycler?


i gotta play some other games rather then vet sessions

BACKSTAB?! that sounds like the n00bisest thing to do

in a vet session ull get kicked right away... u even get kicked *most times* for rejoining just for a ship


Maybe a choice of how many units you can take with you when you backstab, then you get to choose in a back-stab interface.  Default number of units aside from self would be 0.

I know it would be 'n00bish', but you know now someone would apreciate the option.  Don't forget that by default it would be turned off, and besides, a better name for this is a dynamic alience.  Isn't that allitle less noobish.

What i mean by undaployable recycler is just that, and undeployable recycler.  It wiuld probably work by having the recycler building build a recycler unit.  When it is compleated, the dll would deleat the building.

Click on the image...


Thanks to Ken, the recyclers can now be deployed.  You can do this by specifying an upgrade name for the deployed recycler.  After doing this, you can tell your construction rig to upgrade your deployed recycler into the undeployed recycler.  I'm not sure if this will cause problems in game due to the game thinking the recycler was destroyed or not.


im not sure if it'll smart idea - redeployable rec because scions could push their recy on hills and u could carry ur rec with a tug to somewhere else sounds ridicouls...

i think there should a be building that will enable to the isdf build anywhere they want - like scions...

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

How about that would be hideously overpowered?

I think the 'undeploy' option should take a miniute or mabey 2. The thing is being deatached from the ground ffs! Not to mention it is a very large thing.


I think upgrading a recycler will cause the mission to fail because battlezone II will think the recycler is dead, which it is for a second.  The game has to delete the building, then the building is replaced by the vehicle.  I think that is why no race has an upgradable recycler.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

perhaps if there was a time-delay .

(event) A rec dies, for whatever reason: This triggers a DELAYED responce
(event) 1 seconds later the rec state is checked again

This way, when a rec is destroyed, it is then checked, found to be dead, and the game ends.

however, if the rec is still their, but this time a vechile again, then the 'check state' says its still their.

absolutly no idea if that would work.....or if something similar can be implimented.

Tempest Storm

It could be done, and it may eventually be done anyway.

I spoke to Ken way back to see if getting effects for Upgrading and Demolishing could be implented into Construction Rigs. IE, when a building is Demolished, reverse build effect is played, and when upgraded the effect plays over the building but shows any new parts that are on the upgraded mesh. (So this way it doesn't look stupid to have the new parts of the Forge look as if they came out of thin air, and upgraded buildings that use animation to show new parts through animation will be like they always were, except a quick effect is shown over the mesh)

The problem with having this implemented, is that when a building is being Upgraded or Demolished, in order for the effect to work the object being upgraded becomes a dummy object so to say, making it not actually there, such code in the DLLs would be needed, unless Ken figured a workaround for it.

Although who knows, last I heard, Ken put down some base code for it, but that was a few builds ago. Quite possibly it might get into the finished product, so maybe such a DLL would be created and would make this option easier.


If a building is 'upgraded' into the undeployed version, the win conditions are done by the dll, not BZ2, please do not get the two mixed up.  Only a dll would need to be made that takes into account it can be un-deployed.


Exactly, and stock MP will not have this feature as it'll take adding an upgradeName entry to the Recy ODF to make it work.  As much as I'd love to see Scions able to undeploy the Matriarch (fitting right into their "hit and run" philosophy) I don't really see the advantage for MP.

In other words, leave it for Mods, please, not ISDF/Scions.


You've always been able to upgrade a building into anything else, building or vehicle, but if it was upgraded into a vehicle you'd lose control of it.  I asked Ken to fix this to make my BZ1 Recys undeployable, as any other option would have required a lot of work on his part.  He did, trooper that he is.  :)

Just pointing out for modders that this works for any building now, not just Recys.  This opens up a lot of possibilities...
