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G66 MPI Reptillian Realm HELP!

Started by lufty, February 14, 2005, 01:13:18 AM

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Some advice on Reptillian Realm would be appreciated!

Here's what we've got so far:

4 scrap pools, guntowered, healers.
Lead an assault force of upgraded walkers, APCs, Tanks to their base

Problem: Man, they seem to have millions of units there, 3 pools, gun/rocket towers, assault towers...it's ALOT...like more then any other map. Can't seem to get the walkers in place to assault teh big towers without loosing them to the units there. Also the bomber and APCs seem useless.

Please help if you've beaten this map MPI with a Commander and a Pilot.

328th Squadron


I beat it before as a thug.  I mainly grabbed the super units located on the map and performed raides on the base until my commander got a bomber and assault units.


Also, you can work you way up the center or the right side, and stage your assault group along the top edge of the map, to the right of the enemy base.  Then come into the base along the top edge. This gives you a level ground to move on and build on. It's less of an uphill battle.


get massive defences, then slowly move them up.
if you can, get in an mdm tank and kill the assualt towers ect before sending in the bigger units.  just keep sending hoot in and something is bound to happen :D


Some general G66 tips...

In G66 it's often helpful to watch the AI and do what they do...

For instance, planting a dual Hellion Walker or Hellion AssTank on the Service Bay, or at a choke point backed up by three or four Service Trucks, often works much better than even three or four GT's.  You can also then call them in when you finally hit the enemy base.

Treaded Rocket Tanks with HEAT rockets work wonders if there's a wide open space to plant them in.  Virtually nothing makes it past them.

Scouts at each emplacement, be it GT's or Extractors or just staging points.  You have to be able to see them coming in G66, it's crucial.

In G66 games I'm almost always in a Missile Scout with dual HEAT rockets.  This gives me a good mix of firepower and speed, which I don't get in a Walker or TRT.  I often make sure I'm the one taking out the AI Constructors, which are the truest evil in the game.  :)

Build your forces, take down the Constructor, then the GT's, THEN move in and hit them while you make sure no new Constructors move in.



10-20 blast assault tanks in line formation walk them up to their base in a line, do it with kenny on vindalo and dunes etc... Now that the ass tanks can aim in 1.3 they are quiet deadly, only drawback being the huge amount of ammo they need. But the trucks mess up the formation bad when they goto service them :O

With 8 ass tanks with trucks i was able to keep the base in drakon down to a few buildings, as units were produced or came by they came in range and were destroyed, was like a quarantine radius :P

Besides the lightshow you get from plain blast assault tanks in great numbers is cool run out onto the field and fly thru the beams :O

Its to bad the Treaded Tanks cant deploy like with little stablizers like cranes have
so they dont get pushed all over the place.

ps the only non normal weapon i can stand to use is the forcefield, since it was around before g66, the rest make its more than easy, on insane =)



Quote from: ScoutIts too bad the Treaded Tanks can't deploy like with little stablizers like cranes have so they dont get pushed all over the place.

Starcraft "Siege Mode" activate!  :)

That WOULD be cool...



The tread tanks are made of styrofoam, which is why they float all over the place.


50 tanks with plasma seem to work well too  :P
But seriously, I think the easiest way is to come from the left side in a missle scout with heat rockets first to take out the assault towers and rocket towers running like hell when an enemy wave comes after you


and they WILL come after you...

