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Natty Bumppo's G66 2.0, BETA For PB5.1

Started by Red Devil, April 24, 2008, 01:02:38 PM

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Red Devil

I'll probably reduce the strength of the TM.  I've already reduced the damage somewhat.  It's basically the test one I posted a few years ago, so it's not really where it needs to be for in-game use yet.  It can be fun, tho.  :lol:
What box???

Red Devil

Uploaded a Full Beta 36:

- Fixed an AV that happened when a human-piloted ship was sniped.
- Fixed wobble of AI snipers and increased shot delay as a result.
- Updated the vehicle lists.
- Fixed typo for Omega Burst in Kiln/Forge weapons list. (Thanks Day)
What box???

Red Devil

Found a bug, so I'll upload a DLL zip later.
What box???


What caused me to lag out yesterday RD? I actually ended up quitting, our lag went up to about 20 seconds for a couple of minutes, i quit and tried to re-join but timed out trying to come back in.

Don't even know what happened at the time...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Got this AV when joining a game hosted by Daylight. They were playing the Mega Mountain II map. I literally just joined and was sat in the shell for 2 seconds before i got this crash:

---- Battlezone II Log File ----
App version: Patch 1.3PublicBeta5.1 Sep  1 2009 21:37:52
Windows version: Windows Version: 6.0.6000 '' PlatformID=2

Last few battlezone.log lines (may or may not be relevant):
DIAG|              icroot:193  |10:02:39|4459   |Root window now 640x480
DIAG|         WSInterface:339  |10:02:58|23942  |Determined local IP address:

DIAG|               iface:1427 |10:03:16|41806  |UnsetModal: throwing away [MultiWarningMods]
DIAG|         WSInterface:339  |10:03:17|42536  |Determined local IP address:


Exception code: C0000005 (ACCESS VIOLATION) WRITING to 00000048h
Message :  Exception
Error occurred at 10/10/2009 10:03:20.
E:\Program Files\PB5_Addon_Pack\bzone.exe, run by James.
E:\Program Files\PB5_Addon_Pack\bzone.exe, run by James.
CPU: 2 processor(s), ?
Process Memory :   1612 MB free out of   2048 MB total
Physical memory:   1924 MB free out of   3070 MB total
Page(swap) file:   5036 MB free out of   6280 MB total
This exe is using 96 MB, peak use 98 MB

Fault address:  010788B6 01:001478B6 E:\Program Files\PB5_Addon_Pack\bzone.exe

SS:ESP:0023:004A66C4  EBP:004A66D4
DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000

Call stack:
Address   Return    Function            SourceFile
010788B6  00000000  0107B477  MapCluster::Default+0x00000023
0107B477  00000000  0103FD37  TerrainClass::Load+0x0000042F
0103FD37  00000000  00FE5D26  LoadGame+0x00000195
00FE5D26  00000000  0102528B  RequestSTJoinLoad+0x0000007A
0102528B  00000000  01025666  NetManager::STJoinHandlers::UnpackAndLoadSTJoinBuffer+0x00000299
01025666  00000000  0100CFC5  NetManager::STJoinHandlers::HandleServer_Gamestate+0x00000042
0100CFC5  00000000  0100D5E5  NetManager::InPacketManager::DispatchOnePacket+0x0000018E
0100D5E5  00000000  0101C840  NetManager::InPacketManager::MainThreadProcess+0x000000E2
0101C840  00000000  00F89101  NetManager::Process+0x000000A8
00F89101  00000000  0110488F  ShellHandler::Process+0x0000001E
0110488F  00000000  01104D24  RunCodes::Process+0x000001BF
01104D24  00000000  00F79EAC  Main::MessagePump+0x00000064
00F79EAC  00000000  00F79BAB  HandledMain+0x0000041C
00F79BAB  00000000  00F772CF  HandledMain+0x0000011B
00F772CF  00000000  010B035F  WinMain+0x00000059
010B035F  00000000  77413823  fabs+0x00000191
77413823  00000000  77D7A9BD  BaseThreadInitThunk+0x00000012
77D7A9BD  00000000  00000000  LdrInitializeThunk+0x0000004D

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Apparently they were experiencing lagouts due to snipers sniping pilots.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

Red Devil

It AV'd last night due to that bug I found and (hopefully) fixed.  Probably should have posted the zip last night, but was way tired.

I get that MapCluster AV in stock and it's been reported.
What box???

Red Devil

Uploaded an Incremental 37 zip:

Unzip over 36

- Possible fix for AV/lagout due to pilot death respawning.
- Reduced health of bomber's bomb and increased its damage (experimental one had snuck in).
- Updated cfg's to display correct version.
What box???

Red Devil

Found that the DLL was not switching to the Coup de Grace AIP set, so I fixed that, plus increased the shot speed of those big assault towers.
What box???


Hey RD me and a few other players where wondering of you are going to put the TCP cannon in the ISDF armory? I know that it would be well used and liked.



Red Devil

What box???


The cannon not the gun. When you get the Ghoul is has TCP cannons on it. When will those be put in. The TCP gun it awesome was just wondering about the cannon.



Red Devil

Oh, not sure if I will add that.  Maybe.
What box???


you're just about done aren't you? I mean it runs fine now. What are your plans? I hope you take a break and play it with us for a while before you move to FE again.
There is no knowledge that is not power.

Red Devil

Pretty much.  Just finished adding more Archers, Lancers, and other units to the AIPs.

Have to finish refactoring more functions in the DLL, and I was thinking of adding more stage points to the maps (ugh).

Just pop into irc and give a holler when you're putting a game up and i'll come join if i'm around.
What box???